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8vtqv 49 M
3  Articles
Talking through it.   8/24/2015

A common issue I have chatting people here is that they vanish while chatting due to nerves or cold feet. Why is it people can't just admit that they are processing a decision and extend a polite communication saying they are having doubts, need time to decide, or something to that effect. I think it would be a good general etiquette and would help with a lot of conversations that go sour. I ...

6 Comments, 55 Views, 18 Votes ,1.49 Score
jskee1 29 M
1  Article
skinny men have small dicks??????   7/26/2015

so my one question is why do almost all women think skinny guys have small dicks

13 Comments, 99 Views, 20 Votes ,3.00 Score
Honesty   7/8/2015

Always be honest.

2 Comments, 26 Views, 8 Votes ,4.41 Score
JackNguyen1000 28 M
1  Article
ending an affair   6/18/2015

to construct a good relationship, we should cherish commutation . when a relationship no longer keep half , Then try to forget to start a better relationship . That will help you reduce more sad and facile

4 Comments, 62 Views, 23 Votes ,4.18 Score
lonesome9712 65 M
1  Article
First time taking a shot in the mouth   6/3/2015

I had been divorced but a short time when I received a phone call from a married guy I did not know. He had been told, by a mutual friend, about me being divorced. He asked if I might be interested in joining him and his wife for a drink at a lounge in a local hotel. I had been down in spirit for a few weeks so I thought , why not?

I met up with them, Carol and Jim, within a few ...

5 Comments, 238 Views, 21 Votes ,5.97 Score
rm_Djflatter789 26 M
2  Articles
Love donot have a langauge its only respect n pertiant to each other   5/4/2015

I prefered to be myself all the time and in relationship i used to create same romance n fun notic sex is not about building relationship u need to commenucate to each other whille both u making love on bed oh anywayand believed me been a pornstar its a way for experriencing same pain heart broken in other hands meet difference pussy n bigpenis smolle ect to be happy rebond with ur partner ...

5 Comments, 32 Views, 14 Votes ,4.26 Score
rm_SM0K40K 54 M
1  Article
signs she wants you to kiss her?   5/1/2015

signs she wants you to kiss her?

it might be easiest if the person replying commented on the circumstances where/when signs might show up, and a guy should be alert for it.

7 Comments, 71 Views, 20 Votes ,4.02 Score
rice1738 36 M
1  Article
15 Signs You’re With the Woman You Should Marry   4/20/2015

1. She cares how your friends are doing. She knows all your friends by name and is genuinely invested in whether or not your roommate Kate gets together with that guy she likes because they would be so cute together and she wants her to be happy.

2. You can go on trips together and not fight constantly. If you can survive being in a nightmare spa resort full of screaming , no clean ...

3 Comments, 132 Views, 38 Votes ,5.06 Score
Dont be creepy   3/24/2015

dont be creepy, very simple

11 Comments, 109 Views, 53 Votes ,5.71 Score
i never know how to start a message   3/16/2015

any ideas?

13 Comments, 135 Views, 55 Votes ,4.21 Score
EroticMale033 53 M
11  Articles
It's a part   3/10/2015

It is one thing to be a part of something and another to be a part of some one

4 Comments, 52 Views, 25 Votes ,4.24 Score
EroticMale033 53 M
11  Articles
When it rains   3/7/2015

If it looks like rain and showers like rain it must be rain. So go out and have sex in the rain

8 Comments, 60 Views, 28 Votes ,3.45 Score
Wanton_man 54 M
1  Article
Open and Honest   3/3/2015

Ok, everybody ready? I'm about to give you the magic answer to expanding your swinging in an ethical way. Get ready, don't be shocked.

Be open and honest!

Now that you've got over the shock and amazement at how I managed to find this oh so elusive and obscure answer, lets all stop being dumb asses and actually live by what we purport to want. Openness and Honesty.


8 Comments, 93 Views, 22 Votes ,5.89 Score
rm_Orgasmiclava 60 M
10  Articles
Cock and Vigina with perfict fit   3/1/2015

Honesty is the key for the best chance for a ever lasting relationship.Example If she asked you to invite a woman over so she could play with her you would be honest and tell her what you would feel. If you loved her you would feel you would want her to be happy.

5 Comments, 110 Views, 43 Votes ,4.22 Score
dan213724 29 M
1  Article
Can best friends ever be more?   2/23/2015

I have gone through this many times. You fall for your best friend. It is easily done, she is close and you have that bond. But two times its gone wrong. I am still best friends with them, but a major blow after liking one, and falling for the other for many years! It feels like that could never be

8 Comments, 107 Views, 31 Votes ,4.10 Score
How to build a great little relationship   2/12/2015

In building a relationship here many people don't know how to get things rolling. They'll either send the wrong picture or make the wrong comment also tend to travel in packs with many other inquiries. After they strike out they tend to move on with the same approach without adjusting anything. The purpose of this article is to suggest some alternatives that might improve your results. ...

14 Comments, 182 Views, 64 Votes ,7.10 Score
It takes two to tango   2/8/2015

In my perspective, forming a relationship requires two people with roughly the similar goals. Then trust, respect and being honest with one another are the additional ingredients to make the relationship prosper. Having the same or similar tastes for having fun, doing things and wanting to see things are also part of that equation to help that relationship motor along. But one needs to have an ...

4 Comments, 56 Views, 18 Votes ,4.22 Score
More than just a sub   2/7/2015

I got very close to a female submissive some years ago. Our relationship was not only sud /daddy but also friends. WE managed to keep them both intertwined but also separate. The lines demarcating our roles were never blurred. We each knew what our roles were. Even now we are no longer close to each other because of distance, we still keep in contact. We have both helped each other in tragic ...

4 Comments, 62 Views, 20 Votes ,4.15 Score
AtlantaZo 49 M
10  Articles
relationship   2/4/2015

can you find somebody on here and build a relationship

4 Comments, 46 Views, 21 Votes ,3.74 Score
Lusciouslolli4u 33 F
1  Article
What is LOVE?   1/22/2015

I have been hurt a lot and at times i never know what real love is or how it feels or what to come of it so i always thought to myself that i will never find love or anybody that will love me for me and not use or take me for granted mostly to not judge me by my looks or my weight as for me i only judge by personality, the way you make me laugh, how well you treat me, how well we both communicate ...

3 Comments, 36 Views, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
rm_luknforlov 38 F
1  Article
Express yourself   1/19/2015

Even couples sharing the same zip code frequently have trouble telling each other how they feel. So imagine how much harder it is for lovers who can't use the power of touch to stay connected. Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages for Singles, says, "It's important to figure out how to make your long-distance partner feel cherished. This can be done with words. For example, 'If I ...

0 Comments, 33 Views, 15 Votes ,4.51 Score
AtlantaZo 49 M
10  Articles
how to build a relationship   1/19/2015

is trust the easy way to build a relastionship

4 Comments, 19 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
for ever   1/15/2015

for ever is a relationship that two people go out on a date as time go by you learn that this person is you're soul partner but at the same time you know him or her is you're best friend so if you feel angry about that person because him or her did some thing you didn't like do not scream or say bad word just talk about it and work it out that how a relationship work's.

1 Comments, 48 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
gmudder4 62 F
3  Articles
wanting more   1/11/2015

I want a relationship with a certain person but frankly it scares the shit outta me. I have always been the one men want to fuck not the one they want a relationship with. I have fallen in love and have noticed over time that this man I am in love with I am backing away from and putting a lot of distance between us. Does he want a relationship with me I dont think so does he care about me YES . ...

1 Comments, 64 Views, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
malaysingh1981 35 M
1  Article
New Year resolutions   12/30/2014

Dear all , share your new year resolutions ...

2 Comments, 19 Views, 8 Votes ,2.55 Score
lovetokissplease 64 F
1  Article
Communication   12/30/2014

Communication is a two way street. That means person A talks and person B listens. Then person B might ask person A a question about what he just heard.

Then after those words are spoken, the conversation should change to person B talking and person A listening.

Communication should be back and forth like a seesaw! It should not be one sided where one person does all the ...

9 Comments, 63 Views, 20 Votes ,6.32 Score
rm_J_Stee09 36 M
1  Article
Number 1 reason   12/28/2014

Does anyone have an opinion as to why most mean cheat?

2 Comments, 32 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
rm_CallMeSasssy 51 F
3  Articles
How to know sooner than later if he's into you! I have the formula to save you time and anxiety!   12/28/2014

How many times have you questioned does he like me or doesn't he, and justified any reason to think he doesn't and over dramatize the tiny things that may make you think he is into you!! (this goes for you guys as well.)

all you have to do is pay attention to the obvious which sometimes stings a bit! his body language will tell you everything if you don't believe or need evidence of ...

15 Comments, 170 Views, 31 Votes ,6.12 Score
tanmandan 34 M
2  Articles
Another points article.   12/21/2014

Just posting an "article" again for some points. Feel free to disregard

2 Comments, 23 Views, 6 Votes ,2.23 Score
yellowmoon69 40 M
25  Articles
what does it take?   12/18/2014

what does it take to have a good relationship. Great sex, a open mind, understanding, romance... the truth all of the above. Relationships take work hard work. Stop walking around saying I hate my relationship or I am jealous of another couples stats. Look you get back what you put into it. if the relationship is one-sided be it cheating. you can't expect your partner to be as experience as you. ...

2 Comments, 74 Views, 19 Votes ,3.39 Score
yellowmoon69 40 M
25  Articles
what does it take?   12/18/2014

what does it take to have a good relationship. Great sex, a open mind, understanding, romance... the truth all of the above. Relationships take work hard work. Stop walking around saying I hate my relationship or I am jealous of another couples stats. Look you get back what you put into it. if the relationship is one-sided be it cheating. you can't expect your partner to be as experience as you. ...

1 Comments, 20 Views, 3 Votes ,0.98 Score
gottodoit04 51 C
6  Articles
friends   12/17/2014

do you think in order to build a relationship you should talk a while before your first date to see what you have in common?

6 Comments, 68 Views, 14 Votes ,3.46 Score
top   12/17/2014

An anticipated console hurts. The relief concerns the cream against a grateful epic. Into the maximum narrative dictates a foul consultant. The coarse forecast whistles past the recursive plaster. An anticipated console hurts. The relief concerns the cream against a grateful epic. Into the maximum narrative dictates a foul consultant. The coarse forecast whistles past the recursive plaster. An ...

0 Comments, 10 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
DaDevilsDelight 53 M
10  Articles
Why   12/17/2014

Why is it so hard, all I ever meet are women who want to make me over instead of excepting who I am

2 Comments, 21 Views, 5 Votes ,3.14 Score
EroticMale033 53 M
11  Articles
Best way   12/15/2014

Let's ask everyone what the best way is

1 Comments, 26 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
rsd865 38 M
1  Article
The way to a relationship- Guys perspective   12/7/2014

The way to a relationship is simple for me. My take from time spent on this earth is to spend time with the person doing something fun. This includes having sex. I follow the 3 rules I heard from a writer that concept of hang out, have fun, and hook up.

Over time the women fall in love and boom there is a relationship

1 Comments, 31 Views, 7 Votes ,3.30 Score
SingleNFree31 50 M
10  Articles
“The Life of a Single Nice Guy”   12/4/2014

“The Life of a Single Nice Guy”

I am going to start off with this; not all women are like this. I shall not put every woman into the same category and it’s disrespectful if I did so. Throughout history it is know that the basic mind set of a woman is…”They want the nice guy”. They want a guy who’ll treat them respect, loyalty, romance, and yes the ultimate true love. ...

4 Comments, 123 Views, 15 Votes ,4.05 Score
manuelitaymario 68 C
2  Articles
new in this lifestyle   12/1/2014

Any suggestions to people with no experience, specially about safety, deceases, rough people etc

2 Comments, 52 Views, 10 Votes ,2.99 Score
rm_right12c 52 C
10  Articles
Building a relationship   11/30/2014

We played with a couple that were nudists and they were very quick to get naked and seemed very comfortable being naked but them sure were not comfortable having sex. When we asked if there was anything wrong they said no. They also said that being nudist had nothing to do with sex it was more an expression of being free. How can being naked not have anything to do with sex?

4 Comments, 57 Views, 13 Votes ,3.65 Score
SingleNFree31 50 M
10  Articles
Poem I wrote about relationships.   11/30/2014

We all long to be with the one Before it begins it’s already done We often let in our past We tell ourselves it’ll never last We tell others that we don’t like the games We end up calling each other names We lose ourselves in the moment And forget who they fell in love with at that moment We want to love another If you don’t love yourself why even bother Do you remember when When all the ...

2 Comments, 52 Views, 9 Votes ,1.93 Score
rm_Rainstick44 54 C
0  Articles
Am I being selfish   11/29/2014

When you sacrifice something you've always wanted because it’s not what your husband wants. Being totally selfless for your marriage’s sake is a sure path to resentment. You’ve watched opportunities come and go, sometimes without considering your dreams. Right? You don’t convince yourself you don’t need certain things, be they , even if the husband said he doesn’t want any, or seeing ...

5 Comments, 85 Views, 9 Votes ,3.64 Score
alt4139 64 C
10  Articles
Orgasms   11/29/2014

How do you achieve your most intense orgasms? Oral, penetration, toy play, or hand manipulation.

1 Comments, 50 Views, 8 Votes ,4.17 Score
rm_uniboi5 30 M
2  Articles
Female friend   11/27/2014

I'm interested in a girl on my course but she keeps distancing me whilst telling me she thinks I'm attractive, what do I do?

7 Comments, 65 Views, 12 Votes ,2.80 Score
rmrowdyandlis 58 C
1  Article
Does this work.   11/27/2014

We were talking to a few couples about what makes you successful on here and it seemed that most felt if was the pics and profile being done well were the keys. We haven't posted a new pic in 5 years and never completed our profile but have had lots of meetings we trade pics on request with people that email us. We think that most people that complain about the site not working is because they ...

2 Comments, 53 Views, 11 Votes ,4.29 Score
bikerchickfun 60 C
6  Articles
When meeting others   11/18/2014

We have found that when we meet with single men, they tend to be shy about any touching or expressing what they truly want and desire. The guys that we love to play with are the guys who are not afraid of saying what is on their minds, taking direct action, and following the rules. Our advice is guys find out the rules before you meet, if the couple is into same room only then don't try stuff ...

3 Comments, 157 Views, 23 Votes ,5.00 Score
building a relationship   11/18/2014

the old adage "you can can catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar" is true to this day, always be kind and considerate of others as long as you can. If they attack first a come back may be called for but normally these people have deep seated problems not to be righted on this site. Simply walk softly and speak kindly, always think before you speak, engage brain before mouth.

3 Comments, 56 Views, 13 Votes ,4.49 Score
Hard to find   11/15/2014

Is it just me or is it really hard to find good genuine people on this site? I have spent a couple of days on but it seems there is no one. I mean people are commenting on blogs and articles but you dont see them anywhere else, why?

8 Comments, 105 Views, 12 Votes ,3.68 Score
BrandonB1221 37 M
4  Articles
SEX SEX SEX   11/15/2014

Sex and good comfortable wild crazy sex is the key to building any strong relationship

6 Comments, 45 Views, 10 Votes ,2.79 Score
bangorcp4play 44 C
5  Articles
Too far   11/15/2014

Is there a point in the relationship with another couple you're swinging with that you've gotten too close? (we're not talking about getting their mail delivered to us)

5 Comments, 38 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
picouple2o7 63 C
11  Articles
Raise   11/13/2014

Would you fuck your boss for a raise in pay?

5 Comments, 56 Views, 8 Votes ,3.48 Score
rm_robpsf415 27 M
12  Articles
Healthy Relationship   11/13/2014

How would you build a healthy mutual understanding off sex relationship?

4 Comments, 40 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
first article yet   11/12/2014

hello everyone my names kyle im writing this article to introduce myself to the community. im hoping to find webcam relationships as well as local, and hoping to gain some sex experience im currently single and straight. thanks for checking me out throw me a comment if your interested in exchanging info

0 Comments, 20 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
bangorcp4play 44 C
5  Articles
Trust   11/8/2014

Do you usually trust what people tell you on here or do you question everything someone says?

9 Comments, 59 Views, 15 Votes ,5.58 Score
harwichcouple69 39 C
3  Articles
What's with that?   11/7/2014

We met a couple and ended up at their house after a few drinks. They showed us around their house then took us to what we thought was a guest bedroom only to find what appeared to be a medieval torture chamber. They called it their playroom. We excused ourselves and left. Would you have stayed?

10 Comments, 65 Views, 16 Votes ,4.45 Score
thegrlsnme 66 F
2  Articles
another shake my head guy moment   11/6/2014

good morning, hope you day goes well.

This isn't a rant or anything, just a wonder why post.

I have been talking to a guy for a lil over a month now. I usually don't chat that long on line, but we clicked and I liked him, and was willing to. Anyway, we were supposed to meet, and you guessed it, it didn't happen for a reason on his part.

Since then, he has quit chatting. ...

5 Comments, 92 Views, 17 Votes ,4.96 Score
superhead1973 52 C
10  Articles
Want sex?   11/5/2014

Try not being so rude and crude and try to send a message that doesn't seem like it came from a three year old.

9 Comments, 72 Views, 21 Votes ,4.36 Score
rmjennied20 37 C
10  Articles
only 1   11/4/2014

How many of you would be happy with just one hook up on here?

6 Comments, 51 Views, 12 Votes ,5.45 Score
aggie96 49 M
1  Article
come on ladies   11/3/2014

I know i am only a standard member but i would like to say this . I am as polite as i can be in my intros and alot of times i am looking for conversations because i am bored . why is it so hard just to say hello ? if i say hi then even a general hello how are you would be nice . Standard members now only get 20 times a day on IM to say hello . if i use one of those to say hello to you its because ...

4 Comments, 56 Views, 11 Votes ,1.86 Score
rm_slowcurious 45 C
9  Articles
Dating   11/2/2014

When you meet couple this site do you try to build an actually relationship with them?

5 Comments, 53 Views, 8 Votes ,5.33 Score
rm_theetmj1515 33 M
10  Articles
looking for older women   10/31/2014

any older females looking for a young stud?

5 Comments, 40 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
first timer   10/28/2014

hi iam asking thios so it can help me out.Iam very much into trannies and I was wondering where is the best place to find myself a very beautiful lady is it on this site or do I need to go some place else I really wont to meet a me please....

3 Comments, 56 Views, 2 Votes ,0.34 Score
rmjennied20 37 C
10  Articles
When to play   10/26/2014

Do you play on the first date or do you wait to see if there's a chance of building a friendship first?

15 Comments, 102 Views, 20 Votes ,6.19 Score
Having sex on first meeting   10/24/2014

Is it a trap or a just being so lucky.? Chat up this woman on Instant Messenger and asked her what she likes and then she said she like it rough BDSM style. Moments later she show me her pics and before I knew it we agreed on date, time and place t o meet. But she asked me to make sure that she will have the best sex in her life and whether I have done it with a BBW before. Of course I have, my ...

9 Comments, 260 Views, 28 Votes ,1.19 Score
rm_joe57153 50 C
3  Articles
LTR Fact or Fiction?   10/16/2014

It seems like there are so few people on here wanting a LTR. Is everyone here just out for a one night stand or are there any looking for more.

13 Comments, 145 Views, 27 Votes ,5.77 Score
Long term Couple friends hip   10/12/2014

Pls let me know your views onlong term friend ship with a male like me as a family memeber and supporter both emotionally as wella s financially

regards thanks

3 Comments, 61 Views, 15 Votes ,0.07 Score
sexxysweethottee 65 M
1  Article
out of the closet   9/25/2014

Hello everybody out there I am Sexxy sweet hott tee and this is my first time on a dating site that has the same kind of people as me That share the same sexual interest as me and I'm going to need Some help I've always considered myself to be bisexual even th Though I enjoy sex with gay men much more than I do with women I also enjoy privately wearing aexy lingerie andenj Enjoying myself ...

4 Comments, 79 Views, 18 Votes ,4.35 Score
talionfrost 27 M
9  Articles
essentail oil massage   9/20/2014

give a girl a hard massage with oils mixed with a base oil like lavander or lyang lyang dark or something with a sensitivity rating under 3 or use a LOT of base oil 1 drop will make 20 bars of soap so be conservitive its a sure thing that combined with basic acupressure books from the library you will give multi O's with just your hands on her back good luck

1 Comments, 50 Views, 21 Votes ,2.14 Score
talionfrost 27 M
9  Articles
essentail oil massage   9/20/2014

get some essentail oils preferably lavander it has like 50 healing propertys from the health food issle or a health food store get some olive oil mix 9 parts olive oil to 1 part oil stretch your hands out and practice moving only the tips its ok if you cant when you got it start massaging with pressure and applying extra pressure with the tips curved. roll the sholder forward and start on the ...

1 Comments, 34 Views, 13 Votes ,2.64 Score
Organic   9/11/2014

In my view, the best relationships grow continually. You certainly have good times and some challenges but continual growth brings beauty and connectivity. Also, people are too controlling overall in relationships.

3 Comments, 49 Views, 17 Votes ,4.68 Score
sweetboi1234 28 M
10  Articles
foundation   9/4/2014

Building relationship r hard expecially wen d partna is complicated in a good healtyh relationship there must b trust respect understanding consideration now one party does say dey being neglected some instances it could b true d other d person just wrking hard and ain't have time to n spend it's complicated u just have to come to agreement and make time and build a foundation

3 Comments, 78 Views, 28 Votes ,3.75 Score
rm_santozluiz 23 M
1  Article
Building a Relationship   8/28/2014

When building a relationship alot of people ask themselfs "What is the most important thing for a healthy relationship?" Well, Trust and loyalty and honesty and the most important things to create a healthy relationship, What do you think? tell us about it

16 Comments, 137 Views, 27 Votes ,4.71 Score
ohyes9469 48 M
1  Article
Communication is KEY, but you have to actually communicate   8/28/2014

Flirting is great, but it takes actual honest conversation to make lasting relationships. Too often it seems as though people forget that and that is how potential relationships fall apart before they begin.

4 Comments, 77 Views, 27 Votes ,5.34 Score
Is it Possible to Be Faithful to one Person?   8/20/2014

The issue of fidelity is more than just a Christian concept that has been around thousands of years. In an age of sexual disease and the real threat of someone passing on a death giving disease that slowly saps your life away, it is something to be considered?

And for those of us who say they are not ever going to be a "one woman man", what is our responsibility to practice safe sex? Is ...

4 Comments, 61 Views, 14 Votes ,3.78 Score
deephitter1978 41 M
11  Articles
It should only take a few times together   8/14/2014

oh you will know after being together after a few times .. The desire will be there and the passion too.. If were attracted to each other sex is instant and often.. Working on pleasing one another the best we can and learning what one enjoys..

5 Comments, 73 Views, 15 Votes ,1.14 Score
rm_lkrab69 26 M
1  Article
Self facial   8/13/2014

Latly I have been giving myself self facials and I love it cum taste really good I literally cum in my own mouth everyday now and I recommend it

0 Comments, 19 Views, 1 Votes
2females2share 45 LC
10  Articles
Unconditional   8/1/2014

Unconditional love. Talking bout the stuff that don’t wear off, it don’t fade. It’ll last for all these crazy days, these crazy nights. Whether you wrong or you right, I’ma still love you, still feel you, still there for you. No matter what, you will always be in my heart with unconditional love.

2 Comments, 52 Views, 20 Votes ,4.78 Score
2females2share 45 LC
10  Articles
Sharing and Forgivenes   8/1/2014

Love is living your own life, but sharing it. It’s forgiveness. It’s making a million mistakes and turning them into learning experiences. Love is patience, optimism, and sometimes it’s a kiss when there is nothing left to say.

2 Comments, 42 Views, 12 Votes ,4.74 Score
2females2share 45 LC
10  Articles
Paino   8/1/2014

Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

4 Comments, 26 Views, 10 Votes ,5.38 Score
2females2share 45 LC
10  Articles
Looking   8/1/2014

Love is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction too.

2 Comments, 25 Views, 9 Votes ,4.49 Score
2females2share 45 LC
10  Articles
Headlights   8/1/2014

Love is like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.

2 Comments, 31 Views, 9 Votes ,4.71 Score
2females2share 45 LC
10  Articles
Love is   8/1/2014

Love is not guaranteed and can’t be defined, its what you perceive it to be. It may be right or it may be wrong. But life is about finding that out yourself.

1 Comments, 23 Views, 4 Votes ,4.02 Score
AverageJoe7273 48 M
2  Articles
What's in a good relationship?   7/28/2014

I think that most can agree, that the first thing a good relationship needs is a healthy mutual respect. If you cannot respect the one you are with, you are doomed to fail before you ever get started. It takes mutual respect for any other feelings to grow, and if you are under the impression that this is not the case, you are very sadly mistaken. This might explain why some of those people ...

9 Comments, 68 Views, 17 Votes ,4.82 Score
rm_shaggybs1233 27 M
2  Articles
Tips to build relationhsip   7/23/2014

A strong, healthy relationship can be one of the best supports in your life. Good relationships improve all aspects of your life, strengthening your health, your mind, and your connections with others. However, if the relationship isn't working, it can also be a tremendous drain. Relationships are an investment. The more you put in, the more you can get back. These tips can help keep a healthy ...

6 Comments, 74 Views, 17 Votes ,4.26 Score
librarian_girl83 40 F
10  Articles
Really...You have got to be kidding me!!!   7/19/2014

I can not stand ignorant people, men or women who ask, do or say the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life. Let me give you some examples of the unintelligence nonsense (BULLSHIT) I have experience this week.

Why would you look at my profile, not read it and then decide to contact me and the first words in your email are "I see you like big black cocks". I get this dumbass ass ...

6 Comments, 122 Views, 35 Votes ,5.18 Score
How to avoid a relationship?   7/9/2014

A lot of this site is about casual sex. But you may also meet people outside that you want to get into a no-strings/friends with benefits arrangement with.

How do you ensure it stays that way?

I want to know about any tips, tricks, techniques apart from "talking about it regularly"

6 Comments, 108 Views, 21 Votes ,3.13 Score
prateek_handsome 35 M
10  Articles
how to impress a girl   7/2/2014

please share ur views and experiences and ur valuable comments on this that how to propose a girl and have a good relationship with her as well as how to maintain it for a long time , ,... thanx in advance guyz ..

4 Comments, 40 Views, 12 Votes ,1.21 Score
Lover_boy_mk6 36 M
1  Article
Why most people are ignoring me as a potential "date"?   6/30/2014

Why most of the people are ignoring me as their potential "date"? That question is still in my head. I can't understand why is that so many people on this site asking in their profiles for discreet relationships, chatting or even nsa's and when I'm trying to be polite (most of the time I'm not too straight to don't be "bad" person) all of women are just ignoring my mails or my invitations? ...

4 Comments, 65 Views, 14 Votes ,2.82 Score
youngNgrowing 32 M
1  Article
Need workers on set this week!! This could be your Future!   6/29/2014

Tues-Th (July 1-3) we are paying $650 x 2days (3 girls needed)/ You are staying free at Roosevelt Hotel H-Wood. All Comp'd by Hustlers Mag. *THIS is not PORN/FILM if wanting to do film i need a RESUME, if you dont have background in this I can help link you in the right direction! Photoshoots range from $500-$2500, and Films start at $2500(softcore) and I have clientes now pulling $100, 000 per ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 9 Votes ,2.36 Score
mrmrsshetty 42 C
6  Articles
Should we try first MFM?   6/28/2014

Love, sex and marriage. Oh, what a tricky dangerous business it can become. Ask yourself first before a threesome, what are your goals. Where do you want this to go, how far?, how often and with what restraint, etc. Once it starts can you control it? You two need a conversation. Can you live with the decision? What if the third party can't be shaken off so easily? What if they are lonely, or ...

11 Comments, 190 Views, 20 Votes ,5.81 Score
hornycpl882 40 C
2  Articles
[color blue] How do I get my husband the best threesome?[/color]   6/28/2014

I would like to know what are some ways I can give my husband the best threesome

Where should I start off finding us the right person to join us in a threesome, we have been searching online also chat lines but still no luck. I feel having a threesome is fun, exciting, a good experience with my husband we have had a few but they were not good ...

0 Comments, 46 Views, 10 Votes ,3.19 Score
rm_assmeone1234 34 F
5  Articles
How to build relationship   6/27/2014

1. Use relationships to teach you how to be whole within.

Relationships aren’t about having another person complete you, but coming to the relationship whole and sharing your life interdependently. By letting go of the romantic ideal of merging and becoming “one, ” you learn as Rainer Maria Rilke says, to love the distances in relationship as much as the togetherness.

2. ...

3 Comments, 46 Views, 16 Votes ,5.04 Score
spicewetme 34 F
8  Articles

1 OPEN UP TO LOVE You may be thinking you have this one nailed down already – you're already in love, we know that, but are you open to being loved? Being open to love doesn't just mean having fun with your new man and enjoying every minute you spend with him. You also have to be vulnerable and share parts of yourself you may not be used to putting front and center. Being part of a healthy, ...

2 Comments, 33 Views, 13 Votes ,5.16 Score
Want to girl   6/24/2014

so sexy girl to soon............

0 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,0.34 Score
ctlilswgcpl 64 C
1  Article
Now is the Time   6/24/2014

Girl, you and I have been friend for a long time. We have even been naked together, eating your pussy for hours. We do continue to be friend and we can and do talk about everything openly, and shared fantasies. But time is overdue to bring out the real me and you. But now I want you. I want to show you the treatment you need. You need to be bent over my knees, your panties below your ankles ...

2 Comments, 52 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
It Is What It Is But What Is It??   6/5/2014

I Love Me Some Me, But Only When I'm With Someone, Yet I Make Sure I Am Always Alone, So I Put Myself Out There To Try, Try Again, And When I Find That "Right" Person Again That Makes Me Wanna Say, "You Complete Me" I Run For The Hills As Fast As I Can Again and Again and (*Sigh* *GasP*) Oh Well, I guess It Is What It Is, BUT.. What Is It???

5 Comments, 61 Views, 11 Votes ,3.17 Score
samsex008 30 M
4  Articles
When?   6/5/2014

When is it right to make love to a girl you've been dating for a while?

7 Comments, 67 Views, 7 Votes ,2.02 Score
girl want   6/1/2014

guys girls need a power full man and full rowdy too sex ..... ust fuck fuck and fuck

3 Comments, 60 Views, 7 Votes ,1.00 Score
Rockett77raposo 37 M
1  Article
straight men like trannts 2   5/28/2014

hello im vinnie 37 and i like trannys im from fall river ma and im hoping to meet a tranny or a shemale shortly, well i hope this works, contact me if you live closeby thanks V

7 Comments, 130 Views, 25 Votes ,4.24 Score
when building a relationship   5/21/2014

At my age, I find myself more geared towards wanting to settle down. Is it uncommon to be sacred? I don't want to know everything, but does that make it hard to trust someone?

4 Comments, 37 Views, 8 Votes ,2.55 Score
important thinks in a relationship   5/20/2014

What is the most important thing in building a relationship?? trust, love, happiness....?

4 Comments, 38 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
Fucking - Power   5/20/2014

Indian housewives are not aware of the power of Sex i.e.Fucking.Specially those who are still attached with tradition.Irrespective to their husbands choice and demands they never fulfill the sex desires of their husband.After 50+ they say that now there is no place of sex. Now, turn yourself towards religion etc.It is very painful for those who had never extended their sexual relationship with ...

2 Comments, 74 Views, 10 Votes ,2.79 Score
Distance relationship   5/20/2014

Hi all, I am wondering what most of you think about distance relationship.

Well I am young guy and I hear a lot of people saying distance relationships are very difficult.. do you agree?

2 Comments, 35 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
rm_lclayts1979 45 M
1  Article
What do ladies like?   5/18/2014

Hi, What i'm asking and want to know about is that first contact to impress a lady? Ladies and guys alike can comment, but what do you find can break the ice or stand up and make you take notice girls? and guys what have you found successful to get some interest? I'm curious to see how people get on and make it on here )

6 Comments, 44 Views, 7 Votes ,3.30 Score
aziz99933 30 M
4  Articles
Relations between strangers   5/14/2014

Daaúma what my dream is to find a partner strange sex freely both of us go astray running after his dream and my dream to find a partner

1 Comments, 25 Views, 5 Votes ,1.84 Score
makUfeelGreight 33 M
4  Articles
stating the obvious   5/6/2014

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a song is worth a thousand stories.

4 Comments, 37 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
Building an online relationship   4/24/2014

Building an online relationship, seems easy enough, but it sin't. it takes effort, time and care, there's lasting online relationships and short term ones, which ever one you're looking to create should be built on trust and honesty on both sides. Both should always be upfront with what they like and want, what they don't like and want and where do they want this to go. Sounds simple, but it ...

2 Comments, 45 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
AsswWorshipR63 58 M
3  Articles
confusing sex with respect   4/21/2014

Human beings crave intimacy, need to love and be loved. Yet people have much trouble doing so. and a lot of us confused sex with love I know I have many times.. all the time I know I have done it so many times like attraction... I USED to get that confused with love....and pleasure is pretty much the same way in my and for sure got to be a mutual for sure have to do ...

3 Comments, 69 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
sexywhenwet1 56 F
8  Articles
me&my woman   4/17/2014

i found the love of my life here on i have never been more satisfide and in turn i will love her more sooooo for those who dont believe u cant meet the right one u r wrong

3 Comments, 73 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
HouseOfDonDom 54 C
1  Article
Does online dating work for Poly?   4/16/2014

Over the years we both dated on line before we met. She being bisexual and a submissive made us a great match. While we thought the hunt for our match would be fairly easy, we are finding it to be more difficult than we anticipated.As we browse through the profiles of prospective matches we often agree on our findings, yet we read about all the disenchantment of others who have made this quest ...

2 Comments, 48 Views, 9 Votes ,2.36 Score
Love?   4/11/2014

Has anyone had lucky finding love on this site? Cannot seem to shake the people looking for something small

6 Comments, 69 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
rm_rituraj510 28 M
12  Articles
build-sustain-relationships   4/4/2014

Where relationships are concerned, face value is usually without value. Often people will ask a different question than the one they really want answered.

A colleague might ask you whether he should teach a class at a local college; what he really wants to talk about is how to take his life in a different direction.

A partner might ask how you felt about the idea he presented ...

1 Comments, 31 Views, 7 Votes ,5.08 Score
Hard to say fail   3/26/2014

What do you do when you know you moved to fast, but it's been too long and you're in deep? How do you take steps back without letting go?

6 Comments, 71 Views, 9 Votes ,3.43 Score
bedseeker069 35 F
4  Articles
how to build relationship   3/21/2014

Here are some tips for getting your relationships off the ground. Some of these ideas we learned in the first grade but, as adults, we sometimes forget.

1 Build relationships one at a time. Fortunately or unfortunately, there are no short cuts. Sending out a newsletter helps you keep in touch with lots of folks, but it's no substitute for getting to know a real person. 2 Be ...

1 Comments, 12 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
RedbeardedMe3 49 M
4  Articles
I'd rather...   3/17/2014

..lose some face and admit it when I've been stupid than stubbornly assure myself I'm right at the cost of hurting the woman who has trusted me, then go swill beverages that can Swiss cheese my liver at some boisterous, loud place where I'll be welcome long as my monetary resources last.

1 Comments, 40 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
Laydback707 54 C
6  Articles
Couple w/Bi wife both want female playmates.   3/16/2014

Happily married and secure couple would like to find like minded women. Wife is looking around for resources, and would love some advice. There have to be women in our area that we can hit it off with and vice versa. Women with the same wants and needs as we have. Hot crazy sex. Want it, need it. lol Any advice would be appreciated. Wife is painfully shy and anxious to get this going.

2 Comments, 48 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Inheatat46 57 F
4  Articles
Married Men   3/1/2014

Hello and I welcome the Married Men who come to that are truthful Gentlemen that has the permission to step out and seek his pleasures that allows him to stay planted in marriage.

I have had the pleasure of this type. These Men on are some the most passionate, affectionate, erogenous type. They are number one and gifted in the types of pleasures in the Women they seek. I love ...

7 Comments, 110 Views, 18 Votes ,4.08 Score
1Vitto1 30 C
6  Articles
Things u need   3/1/2014

U need a lot of energy, dedication and the will to change urself for ur partner. U must be in tune mentally and physically and responsibility needs to be split.

3 Comments, 41 Views, 8 Votes ,2.09 Score
oraljim201 75 M
4  Articles
relationships   2/18/2014

There are a lot of fun exciting things to do on this site but I think building a relationship is quiet difficult.I would think most people are to busy having fun on this site they really don;t want to build a relationship.It's like being a in a candy store lots of choices want to try them all but not one favorite.I wonder what the percentage of relationships to actually members have a ...

1 Comments, 51 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
Onlyeatblackpie 52 M
7  Articles
Good friends   2/5/2014

Over the years I have met and become friends with a few people on here. It isn't all about sex you know.

6 Comments, 60 Views, 9 Votes ,3.43 Score
Building a Relationship with a Bi-Couple   2/2/2014

I've been very fortunate to have met and become fantastic friends with 8-9 of the greatest couples on earth.

It all started when I responded to my first ad from a bi-couple in search of a bi-male in my age group.

I responded, sent them the photos they required then me met for drinks the following Friday night.

Charles stood about 6'2" was well built and had been a star ...

4 Comments, 197 Views, 11 Votes ,4.85 Score
badweatherrr 54 M
8  Articles
Finding The Perfect Person For You   1/27/2014

Originally posted at my blog: Finding The Perfect Person For You

Do What You Love

I told my friend that.

He was freaking out at 27 because he was a math teacher in the making and he didn't have a girlfriend. So I told him, forget about finding a person, just do what you love!

He said, somewhat frantically, "I don't know what I love." ...

0 Comments, 38 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
annie444u 52 C
135  Articles
How to Build Your Relationship With A New Husband And Keep Your Old Swinging Partners   1/23/2014

When Danny and I got married I withheld one thing from him: the fact that I was a swinger and I liked to swing with m/f couples.

About three months after our marriage and during a Saturday afternoon romp in the hay we began playing out fantasies.

I told my husband mine: To swing solo with a male/female couple that nothing in the world turned me on more than licking another ...

5 Comments, 224 Views, 18 Votes ,4.49 Score
NaturesCandy12 53 C
3  Articles
One for the females   1/21/2014

what do all you females want from us guys. would love to hear your thoughts

6 Comments, 103 Views, 14 Votes ,3.30 Score
NaturesCandy12 53 C
3  Articles
How to get the girl back   1/21/2014

how do I I get the girl back when I have been asked to do so much that she has asked of me and when I tell her what i have done she wont talk. What do i do?

3 Comments, 58 Views, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
NaturesCandy12 53 C
3  Articles
Why is it your partner wants a 3 some wth another guy and me   1/21/2014

Well what can i say I girl wanted to fuck this another guy see only just meet, and well she want me there with her at the same time. I allowed her this as i could see it would make her happy, after we started she feel for this guy and the next day she wanted to leave and be with him. Trouble is he didnt want her and he told her so many times to piss off. she still left me and yet says we still ...

2 Comments, 42 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
I need help   1/12/2014

I have found some girl here, but i dont have enough points. If u can, pls vote this article (as good or better), so i can get some points, and start chat with her, for start

2 Comments, 35 Views, 10 Votes ,2.99 Score
hotbloodxxx 36 M
10  Articles
trust outright   1/8/2014

when we can hide behind online profiles we can tailor to portray us any way we see fit, how are we to base a real life relationship with something that isnt real?

0 Comments, 31 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
What to do   1/1/2014

What to do

0 Comments, 12 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
dr_kane6981 38 M
4  Articles
what do you ladies want?   12/25/2013

so ladies what do you want to see and a profile how could a man pick you up on here. just to have some fun. and please dont lie by saying being polite and telling the truth

2 Comments, 60 Views, 8 Votes ,1.86 Score
nastypoppie33 43 M
3  Articles

I've been around the block a few times and had my share of women but what do women really want sexually? Is it just a good pussy eating, licking and sucking with a side of great fucking? Or is it a freak/nympho that is willing to please and pleasure a women by any means necessary. Or is it being kissed, licked sucked and played with to completion... Or Is it ass licking, finger sucking, nipple ...

4 Comments, 71 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
CasanOva_life_69 36 M
1  Article
Honesty, Trust, Communication?   10/22/2013

It needs a few things, honest, trust, communication. Which one do you think is the most important if you have to chose 1?

3 Comments, 14 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
15  Articles
Where the Love go?   10/20/2013

Now of days, its hard to build a relationship, especially a long lasting one. There's a lot of Respect, Honesty, Trust and Love that goes into a relationship.

"You can gain my Respect with your Honesty and Trust that my Love will never fade"

How can we move on when you keep lying to me? Where were you? Who was you with? Why are you doing this?

If you ...

3 Comments, 48 Views, 13 Votes ,3.31 Score
15  Articles
Where the Love go?   10/20/2013

Now of days, its hard to build a relationship, especially a long lasting one. There's a lot of Respect, Honesty, Trust and Love that goes into a relationship.

"You can gain my Respect with your Honesty and Trust that my Love will never fade"

How can we move on when you keep lying to me? Where were you? Who was you with? Why are you doing this?

If you ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
not quite shure   10/8/2013

how does one ever open up after bieng smashed very curious to learn the answer or the way to go about it some say just do it but i cant just jump ive become affraid of it getting to serious

3 Comments, 20 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
hey   9/25/2013

has anyone started any fwb relationship recently?

4 Comments, 57 Views, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
Sexual Intimacy above international boundaries   9/20/2013

Hi ! there all members here! I Feel proud to introduce one my International female friend I met here!

Well to protect her Identity and respecting her privacy I her here by give her a nick name – Sexy White Mischief[/COLOR]

On our mutual understanding herewith I m dedicating this Article / blog to her boldness and sexy ...

6 Comments, 75 Views, 9 Votes ,3.00 Score
Open   9/20/2013

How did you introduce the idea of an open relationship to a partner?

3 Comments, 63 Views, 7 Votes ,2.79 Score
hotfunnow902 24 M
10  Articles
1   9/4/2013

material for adding points always something to try. got no choice

0 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes
rm_mbc91711 59 C
1  Article
Are people afraid to talk to each other   8/19/2013

Why is flirting so popular, if you are interested enough to flirt, why not say hi and introduce yourselves.

7 Comments, 51 Views, 12 Votes ,4.21 Score
Building a polymory home   8/4/2013

If I ever had to do it over again in college I for sure would have rented a home near school and invited as many women to live there as possible, with select buddies. I have a live in "slut" female partner who wants polymory as much as I do and would welcome 3 or 4 women to our scene and one male minimum. There have been SO MANY interested, but they disappear, in person does not match pics ...

0 Comments, 48 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
luck on here?   7/28/2013

would like to think that people are forming real relationships on here as opposed to just one one night stands that they'd rather forget about. Any experiences to share?

1 Comments, 24 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
hawg4fun13 44 M
15  Articles
love   7/10/2013


0 Comments, 15 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
hawg4fun13 44 M
15  Articles
Safe Sex   7/9/2013

Play Safe!!!!

0 Comments, 15 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
Irishlovetoy 37 M
10  Articles
Things should be even   7/3/2013

Here is what I don't understand. Most of the time when you are in a relationship. Things are smooth. For the most part. But as soon as you take that next step, you see a whole new side of that person that you didn't know. Seems like it should be a 50/50 thing. I am guessing that I am probably just getting involved with the wrong kind of woman, and they are taking advantage of me. How mean is ...

3 Comments, 33 Views, 9 Votes ,2.14 Score
Let's Start With Cyber Sex   6/27/2013

I’d met a woman named Kat on-line on one of the dating sites and things were progressing nicely. She was intelligent, upbeat and sounded like a lot of fun but she lived two states away so meeting was not an immediate option but we were getting to know each other fairly well. We talked about everything. Politics, , hobbies and, of course, our relationship status. We’d both been divorced and ...

4 Comments, 79 Views, 11 Votes ,2.61 Score
Relationship and cheating   6/9/2013

So I have a friend in a relationship and is using this site. He says that as long as his cheating does not affect his relationship, then it is okay. What I want to know is, do women on here mind if the man is in a relationship or not?

2 Comments, 30 Views, 9 Votes ,2.57 Score
Yeah she was a gold-digger!   6/9/2013

I was dating a girl that had plastic surgery in nine different areas on her body. She also told me that she had plastic surgery on her clitoris to make it look fully erect all the time. I did't even know what was real on her anymore. I had thoughts that she just wanted me because of my career. Maybe because she kept asking what was my income incessantly. Needless to say, we are no longer ...

1 Comments, 23 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
BangNGoneOrig 51 M
1  Article
From nothing to something   5/26/2013

How does a guy build a relationship with a women he has just met and make it bloom. First of all when you see that gorgeous woman in line and there is eye contact and a little smile, there is acceptance and an opening to break the ice and say anything. I mean in the context of "good morning" to "you look lovely today". Same with the gals, guys rarely do not just walk away when a lady says, ...

1 Comments, 70 Views, 12 Votes ,2.62 Score
rm_RussellSavoy 56 M
10  Articles
What important factor are you looking for?   5/16/2013

should sex be one of the main factors in building a relationship?

2 Comments, 32 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
1patientstallion 46 M
10  Articles
Strong Foundation   4/26/2013

A strong foundation in having a stable and healthy relationship is by means of developing an ever lasting deeper connection which cannot easily be broken down. One of the things is picking out what both partners like and what works for them. In addition, communication also plays a vital role at all levels. Meaning, be it in bed, house choirs and anything else that has to do with aspects of ...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 9 Votes ,3.00 Score
1patientstallion 46 M
10  Articles
No ground Rules   4/23/2013

I guess building a relationship all depends on who is involved in any given relationship, they are certainly no ground rules.

You might find some relationships take longer to be built than others. For instance, I know someone that got married within a week of meeting his partner. Some take forever before they realize that they unto to get married after dating for years.

0 Comments, 27 Views, 9 Votes ,3.00 Score
xxxIheart69xxx 27 M
1  Article
Love at first site?   3/29/2013

they say that people can fall in love at first sight. personally i believe that love is acquired overtime when 2 people have a deep understanding of each other, but i am still very much open to believing that love can be happen at first site. anyone else got any opinions?

1 Comments, 39 Views, 12 Votes ,2.80 Score
niloy0009 26 M
12  Articles
neeed to have a girl for physical relationshp....anyone?   3/28/2013

hello...i am niloy..from dhaka..ami physical relationship er jonno meye khujtesi...if you are interested to have enjoyment with me then knock me...amr number ...shunno ek shat ek choy dui pach dui ek ut pach...or amk msg pathao ekhane...just reply...ami wait kortesi.

0 Comments, 16 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
niloy0009 26 M
12  Articles
need girl.....shunno ek shat ek choy dui pach dui ek ut pach...ei numbr   3/27/2013

for bangladeshi girl....i want to have a physical relationship with an honest woman who wants to meet me...plz...if any girl interested to have sex or any typee physical relationship plz contact with should be from bangladesh..i need really..plz contact...shunno ek shat ek choy dui pach dui ek ut pach...ei number e msg pathayo...jodi keu chao..ami fake na...ami dhakay thaki.ei bepare ...

0 Comments, 16 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
annie444u 52 C
135  Articles
Our - Danny's and My - Relationship with Kelly Was Able to Flourish Because There Was No Jealously   3/8/2013

Kelly is a beautiful, beautiful, French girl with a slender, toned sexy body that most women would kill to have.

She's generous, giving and most of all one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. Although in her early 40's she looks like a young Courtney Cox.

And, at least with men, she fucks like a rabbit....a very, very experienced rabbit.

The boys love her because ...

1 Comments, 260 Views, 15 Votes ,3.90 Score
juicylips1973 47 C
1  Article
How to make your marriage last   2/21/2013

I have been married 20 years now. I believe that the reason our marriage has lasted so long is because we always air out all our problems. Big or little if he made me mad or upset about something I let him know we never keep anything bottled up inside. Communication is very important in all relationships my advise to everyone talk about everything. If you think about something that they ...

3 Comments, 51 Views, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
Music_Lover69 26 M
10  Articles
anyone falled in love   2/12/2013

this site mainly is streamed towards sex and flings etc. Has anyone actually fallen in love or relationship from this site.... that would be awesome to know..

6 Comments, 85 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
rm_sexyraj81290 24 M
0  Articles
george well   2/11/2013

1984 George Orwell 1949 Chapter 1 It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him. The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. ...

0 Comments, 166 Views, 0 Votes
Be patient guys   2/8/2013

You got to build it up slowly with trust. I know guys can sometimes just want to get in the girls pants asap but with girls its different you got to make them know you really care. Many of them have been hurt and also many of them are afraid of being hurt.

2 Comments, 34 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
building a relationship   2/8/2013

relationships can be built on this site they just take time lol

2 Comments, 31 Views, 5 Votes ,3.14 Score
Slow or Fast?   2/5/2013

On do you find yourself wanting to work on building the relationship or just jumping in to it?

1 Comments, 31 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
annie444u 52 C
135  Articles
It took Six Months to Get Katie's Panties Off   2/1/2013

A relationship, like Rome, aren't built in a day.

It takes several meetings, several dates, many times months or even years to win someone or that every special someone over.

I know. I tried. And I've been successful in most of my efforts.

Katie, my next door neighbor, was probably the hardest nut to crack. She liked me, she called me all the time, she brought me ...

2 Comments, 252 Views, 15 Votes ,5.12 Score
Needing Solid Advice   1/20/2013

Can someone out there please give me your solid, no bullshit kind of advice for a real situation. I've been dating this lady for almost a year now. She is the type of woman that is not ready for a solid relationship as of yet. As she puts it, "I want my cake and eat it to." Which I totally understand. She does however, claim to have feelings for me and to care strongly for me, but she is not ...

0 Comments, 31 Views, 1 Votes
sexy9210914740 28 M
3  Articles
Relationship   1/15/2013

What actually people looking here .... is it sexual relationship, love, fun r crime( i have seen some of post where people seeking partners for sexual crimes)

1 Comments, 29 Views, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
Daciantraveler 59 M
0  Articles
Buy the gift for that special person in your life   1/11/2013

Hello members ! I would like to make a suggestion to those traveling couples, or if you are at the start of a new relationship seeking a great surprise gift I have the best tours and river cruse with dinner and wine to enjoy for every body. I own a tourism business and fishing guide service operating from Portland Oregon area & Alaska. I am sure many enjoy the outdoors and have dreamed of ...

0 Comments, 18 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
txathlete1970 62 M
3  Articles
Boyfriend / Girlfriend   1/11/2013

I was fortunate to meet a pretty married woman on a few years ago. She was Chinese and had such a wonderful sense of humor and a true love for sex. When I met her, I just knew that it would be fun between us. Well, I enjoyed our girlfriend / boyfriend relationship over a year and a half. All things must end and our lives took unexpected turns and so it ended. I would very much enjoy finding ...

1 Comments, 38 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
bigchuckmskitty 52 C
2  Articles
Hard Work   1/10/2013

A new relationship is hard work. There was a two day period right around Christmas where MsKitty and I were not sure we were going to make it. I take that back. We both questioned if we had done the right thing.

Us being together has caused others who we care for a fair amount of angst. While we did not want to see these people suffer, we both needed to move on from where we were to ...

0 Comments, 24 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
vishwapat 32 M
10  Articles
Can You Change Your Lover   12/23/2012

A lot of people find themselves wondering if they can change their lover. If you are a person that wants to try to change your lover you will need to figure out what you need to change and if it is something that can actually be changed. You can change a person’s sexual techniques but you cannot and should not ever try to change the way a person is personality wise.

Changing ...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 5 Votes ,3.47 Score
whats next   12/17/2012

after talking do most people just meet and have sex or have dinner and drinks first?

1 Comments, 24 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
rm_tazmantenn 74 M
2172  Articles
CAR KEYS   12/10/2012

Several days ago as I left a meeting at a hotel; I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing. Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot..

My husband has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition. My ...

0 Comments, 69 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
rm_marine24mike 26 M
3  Articles
Talking   11/30/2012

The best way to build a strong relationship is communication and trust. But I believe everything stems from talking because that helps with all problems.

1 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
5  Articles
can it happen here or is it a crock???   11/24/2012

Building a relationship on I am not gonna say it is a total crock of shit because I have built a bunch of great relationships throughout my time on here. People I have known since before my marriage and are still froends with and will be long after.being on this site is all in what you make it really. Not tryin to make things too complicated makes the ride much smoother. No i dont get to ...

4 Comments, 75 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
dcrel123 42 M
10  Articles
How to strat from scratch   11/24/2012

what is the starting point of any relationship? how to take the same forward.

0 Comments, 25 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
prod1013 35 M
11  Articles
Foundations are key!!   11/22/2012

The foundation of a relationship is the most important after trust...

Spending time together and building great memories is a great way to establish a great foundation.

0 Comments, 15 Views, 6 Votes ,1.94 Score
9998788666 32 M
9  Articles
good relationship   11/21/2012

i am single , , i went cpl.... with sex .good relationship

2 Comments, 34 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
want to build a relation   11/6/2012

i am a fun sex very i want to build a relationship in this site.

0 Comments, 26 Views, 6 Votes ,2.23 Score
malibusky1 33 M
0  Articles
Building a Relationship   10/28/2012

Building positive workplace relationships is vital for career success. Relationships can positively or negatively affect your satisfaction with the job, your ability to advance and gain recognition for your achievements. When you build positive relationships, you feel more comfortable with your interactions and less intimidated by others. You feel a closer bond to the people you spend the ...

0 Comments, 24 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
bigmoney22578 30 M
11  Articles
relation   10/27/2012

Building a realtion is very easy but hard at the same time because you cant fall in love with everybody because everybody dont love each other equally..

0 Comments, 23 Views, 8 Votes ,2.32 Score
piratechef916 46 M
2  Articles
It takes two and a strong constitution   10/25/2012

I have always had problems being in a relationship as I alternate between being very caring and being selfish., It's just who I am I can care about others for months at a time and then one day I've had enough and I'm the only one I care about. Being as I am this way i find it surprising that I have been in my current relationship for 6 years and am getting married soon. It's a lot of work but I ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
being together   10/25/2012

we are finding it hard when a young girl arrives at the door knowing hes goin to fuck her like he fucked me years ago . yea i love it to but how do we stay together when hes looking others .

1 Comments, 83 Views, 8 Votes ,2.78 Score
LioldyfrPasedena 87 F
13  Articles
This is how   10/19/2012

Give them man a good blow job.

2 Comments, 17 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
rm_maybehottie6 27 M
10  Articles
building up   9/23/2012

building up is nver easy just stay as it is

0 Comments, 24 Views, 5 Votes ,1.19 Score
spoodrew 36 M
1  Article
SAFE SEX   9/18/2012

hi im a loving and caring person..i want to find some friends and new mates that is willing to have fun with me..lols..i love listening some music, watching movies, playing psp games, dress with fashion and have sex with the man that is willing to love me...i hate old position in sex. i want to explore new style in bed..i also love DOGS and of course there STYLE, ,lol.. so if your interested ...

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
cowgirl_697 38 F
1  Article
Love or Sex only.   9/13/2012

After one month seeing or meeting each other...what do you feel? or lust only.

1 Comments, 14 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
yeszen2 23 M
11  Articles
Dating a TS   9/11/2012

From the point of view of the TS/TV/CD etc. You are women at heart correct? Is it a natural desire to be treated in the same manner or is there a different way of thinking from the previous experience as the other sex?

2 Comments, 49 Views, 10 Votes ,2.59 Score
akasyah3 39 M
1  Article
Be Honest   9/3/2012

1.Understand dishonesty 2. Confess 3. Think honestly 4. Practice being honest on the simple things 5. intelligence training 6. Finding a balance between full disclosure and privacy 7. Remember that to be honest is not easy

1 Comments, 30 Views, 10 Votes ,2.59 Score
Iamthewarlock201 43 M
9  Articles
How long??   9/1/2012

If you meet or see someone on here that you like, how long will you pursue them until you get a date?

1 Comments, 82 Views, 15 Votes ,3.28 Score
ckw94 18 M
1  Article
Exrta Option   8/25/2012

I recently contacted a member after reading on her profile that she was into erotic chat. She was quick to inform me that she was only interested in a relationship. For such a good looking girl you can imagine my disappointment. The reason her profile said erotic chat was because that is the only option other that actual sex. I propose the addition of another option for relationships so that ...

2 Comments, 73 Views, 16 Votes ,2.69 Score
rm_maybehottie8 27 M
10  Articles
building it up   8/22/2012

well to be firm is to be careful with what you do

1 Comments, 25 Views, 8 Votes ,2.32 Score
rm_Mr_Hartman 27 M
10  Articles
Secrets or no?   8/22/2012

If your girlfriend asks you how much sex you had before getting together, and the amont is more than what you wish to tell her, is it okay to DOWNPLAY it? As in, is it okay to lie about the number?

5 Comments, 66 Views, 12 Votes ,2.62 Score
rm_Mr_Hartman 27 M
10  Articles
Ex   8/22/2012

What do you do if your girlfriends ex won't leave her alone, and she asks you NOT to call the cops on his ass? I mean, the guy used to be close with your girl, but now he's an ass who pops up from time to time. He's almost like a stalker, but your girlfriend claims she can handle it on her own. What do you do? Listen to her or call the cops on the ex?

3 Comments, 47 Views, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
c6love 32 M
26  Articles
relationship   8/19/2012

relationships are made for two ppl that are perfect fits for each other. even if sex is great with two ppl but nothing else is shared in common is it worth keeping around?

1 Comments, 34 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
impress32 19 C
2  Articles
Trust   8/14/2012

How important is trust on a scale from one to ten because some people dont really find it to be an important value. They say its all about sex. Please give me your thoughts and opinions

10 Comments, 116 Views, 29 Votes ,3.74 Score
Rekindling an Old Flame—or Not   8/14/2012

In the film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, " two strangers meet on a beach. Drawn to each other, they spend the evening together and by the end of the night Clementine declares: "I'm going to marry you Joel, I know it." The two are former lovers who had their memories erased after a painful breakup. Free from the baggage of their old relationship, the former couple begins dating again, ...

0 Comments, 25 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
rm_NE12Blowme 41 M
2  Articles
women,honesty,trust,and discretion   7/23/2012

so this profile is evidence of how hard it has been to hook up with women on here. For the record I have met three women on here and they all were Disaster Dating Days (DDD) So I got to thinking, what would I happen if I were to meet a woman on here? Then she would know all my deepest darkest desires. (DDD) It seems like it would take a very special woman but at least I would start out with ...

3 Comments, 96 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
hi   7/4/2012

i need a woman for fun i live in greece

2 Comments, 18 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
c6love 32 M
26  Articles
waiting?   7/3/2012

if you want a relationship with someone that isnt all physical, then what is customary wait time before you jump in bed with this person. I know everyone is different and i would like to see other peoples ideas

3 Comments, 49 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
Swinging is a serious business to me   6/27/2012

When accidentally I was introduced to swinging world, I understood that I am one of those man who cant have sex for the sake of sex. My first 3some was with my old friend and his wife so the bounding was there already and the same continued till date. When I met others, my prime concern was always to know them well beforehand and have some line of communication for a longer relationship and ...

2 Comments, 82 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
IBall4funsex 48 M
0  Articles
Relationships Shouldn't Be About Sex. . . REALLY?   6/15/2012

I remember growing up hearing that relationships are not about sex. Although I tried my best, I could never reconcile this with the reality that I lived. The reason I had issues with this notion was due to the fact that most relationships that I had known, had broken up because either someone had sex outside the relationship or someone was not getting enough of it within the relationship. So ...

1 Comments, 66 Views, 8 Votes ,1.62 Score
Luv8Orchid 46 F
1  Article
Exploring Boundries...a Matter of Trust.   6/15/2012

There is a level of trust implied in any exploration of boundries that we endeavor with a partner. There are many who may take these things for granted, but for me, there is no greater gift that I can give to a sexual partner than to show him that I trust him enough to want to really let go, and release my inhibitions. And there is no greater gift that a partner can give to me than to accept and ...

5 Comments, 112 Views, 24 Votes ,5.74 Score
allniteliknfuck 53 M
9  Articles

i personally don't believe that labeling a situation is so important.i just feel if you care for each other, your actions will dictate that.also that you will naturally gravitate into a serious situation with one another.when u love and care, you naturally wanna spend more'll happen trust me.not because i said i'm you're boyfriend, or vice versa.believe me saying that shit don't stop ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
nobody328 26 M
23  Articles
HOW IMPORTANT ?????   5/30/2012


0 Comments, 21 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
its not hard!   5/26/2012

i know it can seem like a slog trying to find a sex partner, never mind a life time. but i have to say that a lot of time its out of your control. sometimes you just got to accept its out of your hand and that fate will find who you want for you?

0 Comments, 19 Views, 4 Votes ,2.08 Score
bikuriousman2 68 M
22  Articles
Dress to impress - and success   5/19/2012

For many years it was not just the un-dressing that was part of our great married sex-life, but my wife would let me dress her. Obviously before we open a can of worms on dress-sense and taste and what women really like to wear - as opposed to what we want... We would strike a compromise and it would usually be sexy to an extent, what she wanted to wear that day and usually very feminine. We ...

0 Comments, 101 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
stretchnfillu 43 M
2  Articles
The key ingredient   5/14/2012

Sex is the spice of in and every relationship. Without great sexual chemistry the sexual tention alone wont allow the relationship 2 work

5 Comments, 54 Views, 6 Votes ,2.23 Score
rob4unoww 41 M
1  Article
How do you do it?   5/12/2012

I've been trying everything I know and still I never find anything that lasts! Whats the secret?

0 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
Damu555555 31 M
11  Articles
crazy   5/7/2012

dont date a crazy girl

2 Comments, 25 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
Damu555555 31 M
11  Articles
gone wrong   5/7/2012

she threw up in my lap

1 Comments, 30 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
Damu555555 31 M
11  Articles
young   5/6/2012

i just need pointx

1 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
lonelycasahotfr 37 M
8  Articles
well, it's the hard part   5/3/2012

The key success of building a solid relationship is listening and stop acting like a the man is the man and the lady has to know her place! otherwise, the relationship gets sloppy imo

1 Comments, 29 Views, 5 Votes
Rock4u91 26 M
10  Articles
what is required the most....   4/25/2012

In building a good relationship with someone requires these things.... * Build. Build a foundation of appreciation and respect. Focus on all the considerate things your partner says and does. Happy couples make a point of noticing even small opportunities to say "thank you" to their partner, rather than focusing on mistakes their partner has made. * Explore. Explore each other's ...

2 Comments, 48 Views, 8 Votes ,3.48 Score
rm_karoonsem2 30 M
10  Articles
building   4/24/2012

what should be the first step!!

0 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
gotta have   4/14/2012

gotta have communication , you cant be afraid to share things with each other like fantasies, Trust and never stop having fun together dont let things become dull

0 Comments, 7 Views, 0 Votes
lickdatpuzzzzzz 53 M
9  Articles relationship??   4/11/2012

would any of you ever consider building a serious relationship with someone u met here? or on any similar site? could or would ya trust em?

1 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes
lickdatpuzzzzzz 53 M
9  Articles
abandon all "SHIPS"   4/11/2012

i think all words that end with ship should be approached with caution. relationships, as well as friendships. in some cases they're one and the same, but too often they just don't work out. i hate to sound so negative about it, but personally i think it' s a waste of time. from what i've experienced, seen, and been told we try to force these life long relationships. knowing the possibilites of ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 0 Votes
why bbc is the best alternative of white girls   4/5/2012

100% of white girls prefer big black cock, because the feeling is amaizing...

2 Comments, 181 Views, 11 Votes ,1.11 Score
the big lie   3/10/2012

Friends before lovers ! No No No. Friends can become lovers, but it is not a prerequisite. More often than not, one person never intended on being just friends. They were looking for sex all along. This is how the sex ruins the friendship. If you were really friends, having sex or not haaving sex will not harm the friendship.

0 Comments, 6 Views, 0 Votes
teflonblonde0 38 M
1  Article
"Give & Take"   3/1/2012

It has been said by men and women about and abroad that love does run deeper more than there better half may feel for the other. Unfortunately "Love" is used so loosely that most will never seek out what true rewards await when you display that affection on a common ground. By confiding in each is own, riding out those love storms, or simply ...

2 Comments, 34 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
nvrgetsenuf 50 F
11  Articles
Do You Cry At The Drop Of A Hat?   3/1/2012

I'm one of those people. I even cry during cartoons. You know what I mean, not at the stupidity like the coyote & bird cartoons where he gets smashed with an anvil & she just says "beep beep." But, those episodes where it relates to something in life, especially something endearing.

Another example would be when my youngest grandchild (two years old now) said "thank you gamma" when I ...

2 Comments, 39 Views, 9 Votes ,3.64 Score
What to do?   2/26/2012

hi, longtime member first time writer so dont let me have it to hard. hope im writing this is the right spot.

Ok, this is the situation im in. I have been with the girl of my dreams for almost 5 years now. Recently in the last few months she got a new friend. Before i ever met him she stayed out all night, from like 10pm at night till 3pm the next day, listening to music. Which is ...

3 Comments, 74 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
catalystdoor 61 M
1  Article
setting up meetings   2/18/2012

having been a standard member on and off here for several years and having actually met several women on here at various locations to start out with, I have gotten a lot of flakes on here that either like to flirt online and then will no show me in public for 1st meeting or will actually go and meet and then then flake out after that. I am writing to see about others experiences if the same or ...

2 Comments, 43 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
rm_olsonw 33 M
1  Article
needy   1/30/2012

I need to find a date for the big V Day

2 Comments, 47 Views, 10 Votes ,1.00 Score
Single girl to date bi couple?   1/29/2012

We have been searching for a single BI girl to date us? Anyone have any solid clues on the best place to search BESIDES here?

4 Comments, 91 Views, 10 Votes ,1.59 Score
rm_angle4all 48 F
13  Articles
How to get more out of what I have   1/28/2012

I really want more out of the relationship I have. I'm asked Daily for my hand in Marriage, but it is so hard for me to say let's do it. If things were like they were before we added to the picture, and how different we think on how to raise them. I would have said I do a long time ago. I do love him, but have such a hard time excepting what I go through on any given day from his . I try not to ...

2 Comments, 69 Views, 13 Votes ,1.80 Score
Trust :)   1/27/2012

Most of u men don't even know what this is, and never will!!! I on the other hand failed miserably!!! Fuck if only women spelt it out for us, it would be a piece of cake!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Comments, 83 Views, 11 Votes ,1.86 Score
rm_wicked8pack 35 M
2  Articles
How to begin an online relationship   1/26/2012

Im sure a lot of people just jump straight to the sex but how much of a dating situation is there when youre basically both after the same thing?

1 Comments, 51 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
rm_dontelwontel 32 C
2  Articles
awesome big dick sex   1/21/2012

im in a new inda sorta relationship ive always had issues taking big dicks well my boo thang has a very long like ten to elevin inches and has the perfet girth and because im so into him his dick easily gets in to me again and again and i really cant seem to get enough sex so this is y t is important for me to find a bad bitch any way im earning my lat poiints here so i can ...

5 Comments, 171 Views, 15 Votes ,2.37 Score
nvrgetsenuf 50 F
11  Articles
Do We Ever Outgrow The Lectures?   1/20/2012

Recently, I wrote an article about "just fishing." An article about the relationship between a parent and a during those instructional, informative years. I dwelt on the positive. Today comes a little negativity. So I will apologize upfront. But, sometimes you just have to vent. And, what easier format than venting to total strangers who won't run & tell my Pops what I said about him?


0 Comments, 60 Views, 9 Votes ,2.78 Score
My first affair   1/15/2012

My wife was out of town so I decided to go out to dinner with an old friend. Her and I used to work together. Though I always thought her attractive I never made a move on her.

I picked her up at her place and we headed to a nice place to eat. The conversation was great and I found out she just got divorced. Thought I wished a bit that I wished I had a chance with her, I was happily ...

5 Comments, 188 Views, 11 Votes ,3.35 Score
kflow112 53 M
6  Articles
What is needed?   1/2/2012

Is it possible to ONLY have a sexual partnership with a woman without being in a committed relationship with that person? If so, what would be the requirements? If not, why not?

6 Comments, 87 Views, 14 Votes ,2.98 Score
Divorce Recovery   12/29/2011

How long should you wait after a divorce before diving back into the dating pool?

2 Comments, 88 Views, 6 Votes ,2.23 Score
Hardone905 48 M
6  Articles
success   12/27/2011

has to be on honesty and a nice set of tits

0 Comments, 14 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
nvrgetsenuf 50 F
11  Articles
Have you ever been "Just Fishing?"   12/16/2011

As I begin this trip down memory lane, let me advise you that I will be quoting two individuals.

When I was a I had an evil step-mother. From the age of 7 I began to learn the responsibilities of a mother. I learned to cook, clean, do the laundry, mending, ironing, as well as caring for her & eventually the that she took in for extra money. And you know she didn't give me any of the ...

4 Comments, 127 Views, 14 Votes ,3.78 Score
rm_ghost21z 37 M
1  Article

What do u is the key to a strong relationship?

3 Comments, 58 Views, 9 Votes ,1.93 Score
Interreligious   10/26/2011

Do you find there are problems when two people serious about religion, but of different religions, date?

1 Comments, 22 Views, 5 Votes ,1.84 Score
im4xtc4u2 76 M
12  Articles
What is a relationship ?   10/19/2011

I honestly dont think most people know what a relationship is. Some consider it a one night stand, others something more meaningful. But, what ever it is, it needs to be right for the individuals participating.

0 Comments, 68 Views, 16 Votes ,3.13 Score
im4xtc4u2 76 M
12  Articles
Respect is the key !!!!!!   10/18/2011

Too often I hear people, male and female, say that they dont get any respect on these sites. So, my question to them is do you give respect to someone else. Yes, we are going to encounter the non-responder, the fuck you bitch didnt want you anyway and that I do not agree with. If you do not wish to chat or meet or share pics or whatever with someone, that is your right to do so. Too often males ...

2 Comments, 45 Views, 12 Votes ,1.92 Score
im4xtc4u2 76 M
12  Articles
Communication   10/18/2011

What builds a relationship on this or any other site ? Do we just say something to another person that we think they want to hear or is it something we truly believe in and live by? To me, we have to be honest and coomunicate what we need, want and expect to that other person.

3 Comments, 57 Views, 8 Votes ,2.55 Score
rm_orryn15 22 M
1  Article
chances   10/15/2011

i hate when a girl cuts you down and wont give you a chance or wont say anything to you it hurts and all s yyou need is a chance to prove yourself and btw i like mixed and blk girls some whites i wanna see wat you girls write thanks and message me

3 Comments, 83 Views, 11 Votes ,1.48 Score
rm_oDjake 36 M
10  Articles
so hard   9/20/2011

I love her, and she loves me. But the situation will not allow it and so we broke up. Anyone else dealt with this before?

0 Comments, 36 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
10 Easy Flirt Tips   9/5/2011

1. Choose Your Targets You don't have to have a crush on someone in order to flirt. Practice flirting with random people you see every day - people who might not even be on your dating radar - on order to hone your skills. That way, you'll have some flirting experience under your belt when you approach the people who really matter.

2. Have an Opening Line Find a reason to talk to the ...

2 Comments, 171 Views, 29 Votes ,5.95 Score
is it viable   9/1/2011

Does it really make sense to date

6 Comments, 150 Views, 25 Votes ,2.80 Score
Rellay   9/1/2011

How soon can it be done ?

0 Comments, 62 Views, 6 Votes ,1.09 Score
Mid to longer term relationship on here?   8/30/2011

Has anyone successfully had one?

1 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
sweetman21x 34 M
7  Articles
Starting out   8/28/2011

The beginning of every relationship is a little odd. Depending where you are emotional with determine where you physically, but how early is to early to have sex in the relationship? Some wait months others Happen before the relationship even starts. What is your public opinion?

1 Comments, 35 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
Ready2cum4y0u 27 M
4  Articles
Looking for realationship.   8/24/2011

I am currently looking for a girl that knows what true love is, and that can give me true love. I dont want a girl to just tell me they love me unless they truly mean it. If I fall in love with you and I tell you that I love you, IF you dont love me back then DONT tell me you love me. Be honest and straight forward with me and be like "I am sorry but I dont think we have known each other long ...

1 Comments, 46 Views, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
Success of Adult Dating?   8/21/2011

Just a general Q for a newbie - how successful in general do you find in getting hookups?

2 Comments, 32 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
zokash22 29 M
11  Articles
try new thing   8/17/2011

try things u havent even eating new food new places to visit and changing up sexual side

0 Comments, 19 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
takemeasiam74 50 M
10  Articles
trust   8/13/2011

hi building a relationship is on both people trusting each other, and been fully honest about there lives.

2 Comments, 63 Views, 11 Votes ,2.42 Score
getting there   8/12/2011

What i need is some self assurance from my partner, show me how

0 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
The one way Bi Street   8/4/2011

It kinda sucks, and not in a good way like I do. Got a problem with "Bi Girls are Bi and Bi guys are closeted gay". A real problem. Wondering what to do to help create discussion to HELP CHANGE THE PERCEPTION.

Just because I am sexual and like it all ways, though I will admit, women are easier on the eyes and nose in general. While guys are ready to get busy, now.

Any ideas?

2 Comments, 80 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
JJMD1991 33 M
12  Articles
Helpping   8/4/2011

To build a strong relationship start as friends. This ensure that you don't move to fast and to see if you two can even stand each other. Then take it up a step.

3 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
iamcee 33 M
1  Article
online/long distance relationship...   7/25/2011

do you think online/long distance relationship will work. well its possible for us to see each other monthly and probably have sex but. its a 3 hours drive to get to her.wat wud u think? shud i hook up to girls near or go for the online one?

5 Comments, 71 Views, 6 Votes ,1.94 Score
nvrgetsenuf 50 F
11  Articles
Conformity?   7/20/2011

I posted an article a couple days ago titled "compromise." Someone said something in passing yesterday that made me step back & do some further thinking. Y'all know me, well. I love the strength & power in the male physique. I am extremely turned on my muscles. I would drool over a man's well defined chest, if it was ladylike. A friend said to me "I've never had much of a chest." Of course, it ...

1 Comments, 61 Views, 10 Votes ,2.59 Score
How to strengthen your relationship and make love last   7/19/2011

What makes a healthy love relationship?

Staying involved with each other. Some relationships get stuck in peaceful coexistence, but without truly relating to each other and working together. While it may seem stable on the surface, lack of involvement and communication increases distance. When you need to talk about something important, the connection and understanding may no longer be ...

1 Comments, 49 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
How to strengthen your relationship and make love last   7/19/2011

What makes a healthy love relationship?

Staying involved with each other. Some relationships get stuck in peaceful coexistence, but without truly relating to each other and working together. While it may seem stable on the surface, lack of involvement and communication increases distance. When you need to talk about something important, the connection and understanding may no longer be ...

0 Comments, 7 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
nvrgetsenuf 50 F
11  Articles
Compromise?   7/18/2011

I think sometimes the art of compromise is over-rated. Tell me something. What brings you to the point where you believe you have to compromise? Is it years of not agreeing & you've just exhausted yourself to the point you feel you need to compromise? In my last marriage, for those who know-the abusive one-I learned to compromise, or what I thought was compromising. But I've come to realize that ...

1 Comments, 33 Views, 6 Votes ,3.93 Score
crowncouple4fun 36 C
2  Articles
Relationships are like full time jobs.   7/12/2011

As I've been getting older, I have come to realize that it appears that society as a whole has changed their views on most life situations. As this statement pertains to relationships, it seems that people have generally forgot that a relationship in a sense is like a full time job. There are a few very key things that people need to be able to do in order to keep a relationship going. First, a ...

7 Comments, 109 Views, 16 Votes ,3.27 Score
xplodeu 59 M
3  Articles
Believe it or not   7/11/2011

You hear people say that men and women are opposing forces with different wants and needs. In some minute facet, this maybe true. However I think we are all and one in the same, simply human.

Apart from the obvious differences we may have, Our innate drives are all the same. That is the need for food, shelter, sex, etc. These core values are exactly the same, the difference is that we ...

4 Comments, 59 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
southernman5051 60 M
6  Articles
What causes you to really click with someone   6/27/2011

I like a woman with a good personality, sense of humor as i love to laugh and cut-up.and maturity and shared interest are important.

0 Comments, 40 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
superhus2 44 M
2  Articles
trust   6/17/2011

building a relationship is based on trust. without trust, you got nothing. just one lie can turn a relationship into a nightmare. trust me, i know this for fact. ex lied a lot, forgave her a lot, that her lying became normal to her, that she was convinced with her lies. its heartbreaking. dont lie

6 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
Relationship Secrets   6/17/2011

Whats the secrets to a SOLID relationship?

0 Comments, 34 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
Trust   6/17/2011

A relationship is based on trust. Without trust, you have no relationship; whether its with a family member or relatives, your girlfriend or your wife. Usually couples forgive one another from just one lie, two lies, or even three. But i learned the real hard way, its better to let that person go after just one lie. Without trust, it will lead your partner to stray, lie, cheat, and steal. ...

0 Comments, 5 Views, 0 Votes
The future of meeting people   6/14/2011

My wife still gives me crap about the fact that we met at a bar. "What kind of example is that for our ?", she says. After seeing a few commercials on TV from Match and EHarmony, I suddenly feel like we took the high road. Thoughts?

0 Comments, 20 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
quest 4 mature   6/11/2011

as a good lookig 25 yr old i mean ho hard can it be to find an older fem? very hard in my exsperience i mean come on???? alll i want to do is be dominated by an older fem an be her sex slave il do what you want! ill lick ur pussy for hours sit on my face wile u watch tv i dont care i just want to please an older fem please help! xx

3 Comments, 52 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
rm_crazibs 45 M
11  Articles
Your insight   5/31/2011

Best and most successful things that you have done "right" in your relationships

2 Comments, 32 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
rm_crazibs 45 M
11  Articles
How long   5/31/2011

What the average time that you believe its beyond infatuation and puppylove nad actually becomes a "relationship"?

0 Comments, 21 Views, 1 Votes
southernman5051 60 M
6  Articles
Swinging and relationships   5/5/2011

Ok like to know some thoughts on the subject of swinging and open relationships and how it affects your relationship.I'm single and like to be in a open relationship with a lady but for you that know how does it affect your relationship with your wife or girlfriend.

2 Comments, 50 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
rm_bazookaboobs 60 F
1  Article
Honesty   4/20/2011

Honesty is the foundation on which to build any relationship. An ability to tolerate the flaws which are inevitable in us all and recognise that all relationships have their "downs"....... without them their can be no "ups". Having the confidence and courage to say how improvements can be made whilst appreciating the contributions made by each other which enhancement the relationship..... yet ...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
lovelyladies11 26 M
10  Articles
does anyone know?   4/14/2011

ive always thought i knew how to make a relationship last but my luck it hasnt happened..wats the main thing for gettin something like that to work?

4 Comments, 66 Views, 8 Votes ,2.09 Score
lovelyladies11 26 M
10  Articles
trust   4/13/2011

the key to build a healthy relationship is trust one another and be therte side by side

1 Comments, 32 Views, 8 Votes ,2.09 Score
lovelyladies11 26 M
10  Articles
its tough   4/13/2011

people dont get it that if your in a relationship and you want something great to become of it then it takes two and most people dont try to work together to make anything work so might as well just stay to just sex.

0 Comments, 12 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
Time to discuss relationship status   4/6/2011

Some partners say no way would I get involved with an attached or married partner. They consider the idea with a closed mind and preconceived ideas. As with all matters of lust and flirtation, sometimes our desires overpower the conscience. I think it's perfectly considerate to not reveal attached or married status until you have at least had a playful bit of banter. I always think you should ...

4 Comments, 61 Views, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
just starting out!   3/18/2011

this is all new and exciting anyone else as excited as me to embark upon finding a new sexual relationship!It always more exciting when its new! Do you agree?

5 Comments, 53 Views, 11 Votes ,2.79 Score
Staying together for a long time   3/13/2011

Building a relationship thkes a lot of time a`nd effort resulting in trust. On trust is there then all kinds of fun can happen ty .

9 Comments, 110 Views, 24 Votes ,3.81 Score

IN LIFES PASSING YOU WILL MEET MANY GIRLS SOME YOU WILL LIKE BUT NOT LOVE, SOME YOU WILL LOVE BUT NOT LIKE, however i found one i love and like im in heaven ty Lois for everything!

4 Comments, 106 Views, 15 Votes ,3.13 Score
silkyfine25 40 F
2  Articles
Nervous   3/8/2011

Well there's this guy, he seems to be the perfect gentelman and we have a great time when we are together. Never to mention the sex is amazing but i'm getting to the point where i'm getting strong feeling for him and i could see myself with him. but i'm not sure if he feels the same way. How should i open this door and tell him how i feel and maybe having the start of something great.

7 Comments, 187 Views, 21 Votes ,4.49 Score
josmith5 61 M
1466  Articles
The Genie   3/7/2011

A female peace activist was exploring some caves by the beach when she stumbled upon a very old antique looking lamp bottle. The woman picked up the bottle and proceeded to rub some of the sand off of it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a genie appeared from the bottle!

The genie just stared at the woman, and vice versa, until the shocked woman excitedly spoke:

"Are you a genie?" she ...

1 Comments, 37 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
josmith5 61 M
1466  Articles
Woman Wanted ....   3/7/2011

A tall, well-built woman with good sense of humor, who can cook frog legs and who appreciates a good fuc- schia garden, classic music and tal- king without getting too serious.

But please only read lines 1, 3 and 5.

0 Comments, 22 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
kevin199083 34 M
2  Articles
relationship tip   3/1/2011

i wanna meet black guys

1 Comments, 52 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
wantyoumeandhim 48 C
1  Article
Do you want it or not?   2/11/2011

I recently had it out with my "girlfriend". She is the one who pushed my sexuality to the edge. I've always been attracted to women. It's not something I ever indulged in, but if a woman took her top off on tv or things were getting hot and heavy in a wasn't the thought of the guy's throbbing cock that got me wet, if you know what I mean. I LOVE dick. started, lol, that's ...

1 Comments, 133 Views, 14 Votes ,2.50 Score
prezidentswagga 26 M
1  Article
trust   2/3/2011

When building a relationship i've learned to put trust in front an let it guide you through..Without trust u will alway have problems with your partner an yourself even when they are trying their best to get everything from that relationship......If u want u can do like me an trust but dont let them know how much u trust bcs it can also be used as a weakness against u...Trust but not to much an ...

1 Comments, 41 Views, 11 Votes ,4.48 Score
The Art of Touch   1/26/2011

A man and a woman are provided an assortment of paints, a blank canvas, and they each have a brush. However, they have no direction as to what to paint, or what colors to use. The only expectation is that the work will be free-flowing, effortless, and completely spontaneous. The man begins by staring blankly at the empty canvas..Creating in his mind what he wants to see appear before him. He ...

1 Comments, 44 Views, 12 Votes ,3.51 Score
key factor   1/22/2011

the best thing that can help build a relationship is honesty

1 Comments, 86 Views, 13 Votes ,4.32 Score
19chocolateBar 29 M
4  Articles
Foundation for the Long Run   1/8/2011

In order for anyone to have a long lasting relationship, there must be a solid foundation between the two for them to fall back on. For deeper clarification on what that means, a couple who have only known each other for a few days before actually going together has a low chance of succeeding. On the other hand, a couple who started officially being together after some time of getting to know ...

1 Comments, 61 Views, 9 Votes ,3.43 Score
rm_lcmox_37 52 M
1  Article
women   1/7/2011

some times a lady can be difficult when she lives 200 miles away we like each other but that is afar as it goes

4 Comments, 60 Views, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
Rorshausk 28 M
13  Articles
is it bad?   1/7/2011

to put all your effort into stealing a girl away from her fiance? no? or am i just a dickhead?

im really not sure. i think if we are right for each other, then this is best.

4 Comments, 58 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
MVP0149696120 38 M
1  Article
new here   12/25/2010

so i'm new here and i want to get to know as many people as possible. wats the fastest way to get to know lots of chicks in the shortest time.

4 Comments, 68 Views, 10 Votes ,1.99 Score
ahappycpl 54 C
24  Articles
finding the right woman   12/24/2010

Don't give up on finding the right woman she's out there or the right man

3 Comments, 93 Views, 12 Votes ,2.62 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
A million !   12/18/2010

Building a relationship isn't a big thing, it's a million little things.


6 Comments, 75 Views, 16 Votes ,4.45 Score
adi_cool1991 33 M
13  Articles
adi_cool   12/15/2010

married women have my cock on her mouth?

2 Comments, 32 Views, 1 Votes
adi_cool1991 33 M
13  Articles
adi_cool   12/15/2010

married women are satisyed with sex?

0 Comments, 17 Views, 3 Votes ,0.49 Score
adi_cool1991 33 M
13  Articles
adi_cool   12/15/2010

any girl like love or sex?

0 Comments, 6 Views, 1 Votes
alexHOTMANkl 39 M
7  Articles
Connect with the one   12/14/2010

You know how things can get so busy sometimes, that not only do we forget to connect with ourselves, but also forget to connect with the people we love most? People like our spouses, our , our parents, our friends. I mean, we may see them, but we don’t necessarily take time to connect with them. We often tell ourselves that we can make it up to them once our busy schedule slows down. Funny ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
chocoliciousgirl 45 F
1  Article
The ideal relationship   12/12/2010

Why is it so hard to find that special person that takes your breath away and is in it for the right reasons.....

We should have more substance than just you I do enjoy sex...there is just more in ife than that.... the ideal guy or girl for most of us I hope we all agreee...well unless we already have our spouses and just here to fuck around!!!!!!!!!!! ...

11 Comments, 176 Views, 25 Votes ,4.68 Score
Step into the Kitchen   12/4/2010

Here, we will discuss the key ingredients, steps and precaution to take in order to build the prefect RELATIONSHIP.

WARNING: All ingredients and steps require 50/50 participation. And, before starting always clean hands, the kitchen and all utensils. This is a very important because contaminates can spoil the best efforts. Never assume something is clean. Take the time and use ...

0 Comments, 30 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
how to find like minded couples   12/2/2010

We are still clueless bout that. Finding a couple here is tough. this is our view our means me and my wife. we talk to so many couples here but not find a single like minded one. why is it so difficult to find couples here?...

2 Comments, 41 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score