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monday funday   7/10/2018

Who has the joke to get us started on this wonderful Monday? Lets hear them people!!!

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
bbcinorlando 39 M
6  Articles
Spelling   7/8/2018

Two Italian men get on a bus. <br><br> They sit down and engage in an animated conversation. The lady sitting behind them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of the men say the following: <br><br> <br><br> "Emma come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once-a-more. Two asses, they come together ...

1 Comments, 36 Views, 4 Votes ,4.02 Score
Test   7/6/2018

This is a test

0 Comments, 4 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Lil Johnny first grade   7/4/2018

The first grade teacher walks into class. She sees Johnny sitting there and holding his kitty cat. She says Johnny why do you have your kitty cat at school? <br><br> He says " I heard my daddy tell my momma he was gonna eat that pussy when I goes to school"

0 Comments, 38 Views, 8 Votes ,3.94 Score
If only   7/3/2018

A Male Fairy Tale <br><br> Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, <br><br> "Will you marry me?" <br><br> The Princess immediately said, "No!" <br><br> And the Prince lived happily ever after, <br><br> and <br><br> rode motorcycles <br><br> and <br><br> dated thin, ...

0 Comments, 28 Views, 6 Votes ,1.66 Score
Text message   7/3/2018

An elderly couple learned to send text messages on their mobile phones. <br><br> The wife, a retired college English instructor with emphasis on the Classics, was an unapologetic romantic; her husband, a retired salty Navy chief petty officer of thirty ’ service, was a no-nonsense guy <br><br> One afternoon the wife went to the local Starbuck’s to meet a friend for ...

0 Comments, 53 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
Tuesday humor   7/3/2018

waldo wore stripes so he wouldn't be spotted!!! <br><br> <br><br> ok thats all I got so far

0 Comments, 2 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
Superman4695 35 M
11  Articles
Spiderman joke   7/3/2018

Made this up myself: <br><br> What do you get when you cross Spider-man with Aunt may? The Amazing A(u)nt-man.

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
Little Johnny   7/2/2018

Little Johnny strolls into school on Tuesday. <br><br> The teacher stops him in the hall. <br><br> “Johnny, why weren’t you in school yesterday?” <br><br> “Sorry, Miss, but my dad got burned” <br><br> “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it wasn’t badly?” <br><br> “Well, they don’t fuck around at the crematorium, ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 6 Votes ,1.94 Score
Golf lessons   7/2/2018

A husband and wife love to golf together, but neither of them are playing like they want to, so they decide to take private lessons. <br><br> The husband has his lesson first. After the pro sees his swing, he says, “No no, no, you’re gripping the club way too hard!” <br><br> “Well, what should I do?” asks the man. <br><br> “Hold the club gently, ” ...

0 Comments, 39 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
Monday joke day   7/2/2018

whats the diff between beer nuts and deer nuts?? <br><br> <br><br> beer nuts are $1.99 and deer nuts are under a buck!! <br><br> <br><br> top the one...hahaha

0 Comments, 3 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
wonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- c   6/26/2018

wonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- cant waitwonderful idea -- ...

0 Comments, 12 Views, 5 Votes ,0.86 Score
at work   6/24/2018

I'm sure my coworker is having an affair with my wife... <br><br> He's been very miserable lately.

0 Comments, 16 Views, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
A man walked into a bar with his arm in a cast   6/24/2018

"What happened to you?" asked the bartender. "I got in a fight with Kelly." "Kelly? He's only a small guy - he must have had something in his hand." "He did - a shovel." "Didn't you have anything in your hand?" "I did - Mrs. Kelly's tit. And a beautiful thing it was too, but not much use in a fight !"

0 Comments, 24 Views, 8 Votes ,3.94 Score
Blonde   6/24/2018

A blond is in a car crash and she says, "I think I have a concussion." The paramedic asks, "How many fingers do I have up?" The blond shrieks, "Oh my God! I am paralyzed from the waist down, too!"

0 Comments, 22 Views, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
Ggarvey76 46 M
1  Article
KFC   6/24/2018

What does a box of chicken and a woman have in common? Once you are done with the breasts and the things all you have left is a greasy Box to the bone in..

0 Comments, 8 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
So a Walks into a Bar   6/22/2018

A walks into a bar Th Bartender looks up and says Hey Buddy Why the Long Face...

1 Comments, 25 Views, 7 Votes ,1.77 Score
So a Walks into a Bar   6/22/2018

A walks into a bar, The Bartender looks up and says Hey Buddy Why the Long Face...

0 Comments, 17 Views, 5 Votes ,1.51 Score
Superman4695 35 M
11  Articles
What is the difference between a slut...   6/22/2018

and a bitch? The slut will have sex with you. <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> Disclaimer: Never called a woman either likely never will. Just a joke.

1 Comments, 35 Views, 13 Votes ,3.14 Score
StormBorgn 39 M
1  Article
What did peter say   6/20/2018

What is the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus <br><br> <br><br> It only takes one nail to hang a picture

0 Comments, 14 Views, 11 Votes ,1.11 Score
Late Night Visitors   6/17/2018

A man is sitting at home alone when he hears a knock at the front door. He opens it to find two sheriff's deputies standing there. He asks if there is a problem. One of the deputies asks if he is married. The man replies, "Yes, I am." The deputy then asks if he could see a picture of the man's wife. <br><br> The guy says, "Sure, I guess, " and gets a photo ...

0 Comments, 105 Views, 23 Votes ,3.01 Score
Aunt Mildred   6/17/2018

Aging Aunt Mildred was a 93-year-old woman who was particularly despondent over the recent death of her husband. She decided that she would just kill herself and join him in death. Thinking that it would be best to get it over with quickly, she took out his old Army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart, since it was badly broken in the first place. Not wanting to miss the ...

0 Comments, 80 Views, 16 Votes ,3.57 Score
The Divorce   6/16/2018

CURTAIN RODS On the first day, she sadly packed her belongings into boxes, crates and suitcases. <br><br> On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things. <br><br> On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining-room table, by candlelight; she put on some soft background music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, ...

0 Comments, 57 Views, 14 Votes ,3.46 Score
Badtrev 44 M
9  Articles
Coma   6/16/2018

One day a woman mysteriously falls into a deep coma, leaving the doctors puzzled and her husband desperate. They try every conventional treatment in the book to no avail. One day the husband is in the hospital and in his frustration he yet again approaches the doctor and says “Are you sure that we’ve tried everything? Isn’t there some less conventional or experimental treatments that ...

0 Comments, 66 Views, 12 Votes ,3.51 Score
41shysly619 47 M
1  Article
Oops   6/13/2018

An elderly couple was sitting in church when the man whispers to his wife, "hey I just let a silent fart, what should I do?" His wife replies"turn your hearing aid up."

1 Comments, 13 Views, 5 Votes ,3.14 Score
love2please520 48 M
1  Article
Two Guys in a Chicago Bar   6/11/2018

Two guys are in a bar in a Chicago high-rise. One guy looks at the other and says "You know, they call Chicago the Windy City because if you jump out of one of these office high-rise balconies, the wind will actually push you back in". <br><br> The second guy says: "What? Get outta hear with that!" <br><br> The first guy says: "No, it's ...

0 Comments, 60 Views, 14 Votes ,2.50 Score
bradtomms614yay 49 M
6  Articles
funny   6/11/2018

Who has the best Monday joke? lets hear them!!!

1 Comments, 16 Views, 11 Votes ,1.48 Score
bradtomms614yum 49 M
2  Articles
joke tim   6/9/2018

ok who has a good one? time to laugh!!!!

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
A Farm Couple   6/8/2018

Once there was an elderly couple that lived on a farm. One day the farmer came to his wife and grabbed her boobs. <br><br> He said, "If we could get milk out of these things, we could get rid of the cows." <br><br> The next day he approached her, grabbed her butt, and said, "If we could get eggs out of this thing, we could get rid of the chickens." ...

3 Comments, 105 Views, 20 Votes ,3.51 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
A True Blonde   6/8/2018

A blond goes into a world-wide message center to send a message to her mother. When the clerk tells him it will be $300, she exclaims, ''I can't afford that, but I would do ANYTHING to get a message to my mom!'' <br><br> To that the man asks, ''Anything?'' <br><br> She says ''Anything'' <br><br> With that, the ...

2 Comments, 101 Views, 19 Votes ,4.18 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Blonde on an Airplane   6/8/2018

A plane is on its way to Houston when Amanda, in economy class, gets up and moves to the first class section and sits down. <br><br> The flight attendant watches her do this and asks to see her ticket. <br><br> She then tells Amanda that she paid for economy class and that she will have to sit in the back. <br><br> Amanda replies, “I’m blond, I’m ...

0 Comments, 54 Views, 12 Votes ,3.15 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Stolen Credit Card   6/8/2018

Question: Have you ever had a credit card stolen? <br><br> Answer: Yes, my wife’s credit card was stolen. <br><br> Question: Did you report it missing? <br><br> Answer: No, the guy who stole it spends less than my wife, so I’m better off.

1 Comments, 24 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
MyFaceYourTwat 62 M
6  Articles
what'd ya' get   6/8/2018

So what do you get when you mix an Onion & Donkey with each other? <br><br> Wait For It-Wait For It-WAyyyyyyyyyT- Drum Roll Please. <br><br> A piece of ASS that brings tears to your eye's. <br><br> Thank You Thank You, I'm here all week.

0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes
Hippo and a Zippo   6/7/2018

What's the difference between a Hippo and a Zippo? <br><br> / <br><br> / <br><br> / <br><br> / <br><br> / <br><br> / <br><br> / <br><br> / <br><br> / The Zippo is a little lighter...

5 Comments, 25 Views, 9 Votes ,1.72 Score
Anyone feel this way about Push-up Bras?   6/6/2018

How is a push-up bra like a bag of chips? As soon as you open it, you realize it’s half empty.

0 Comments, 6 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
Tires And Condoms   6/6/2018

What’s the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? One’s a Goodyear. The other’s a great year.

0 Comments, 4 Views, 0 Votes
youngPleasure M
7  Articles
Sperm Navigation   6/5/2018

What did one sperm say to the other sperm? <br><br> Hey Bill did you bring the GPS...I think that prick dropped us off at the esophagus like our friends a few nights ago. We've got a loooong way to go. Oh Jim, how I hate the shit we have to go through.

0 Comments, 17 Views, 9 Votes ,3.21 Score
What kind of bees produce milk?   6/2/2018


1 Comments, 12 Views, 8 Votes ,1.62 Score
Superman4695 35 M
11  Articles
Superman joke   6/1/2018

Superman is flying and sees Wonderwoman naked on the roof of the Hall of Justice. He exclaims "Great Scott!" He thinks I'm Superman I can be in and out before she knows it. WHOOSH BAM BAM BAM BAM. Wonderwoman says" What was that? The Invisible man says" I don't know but my ass really hurts.

1 Comments, 29 Views, 8 Votes ,3.48 Score
Two Garbage Bags   5/27/2018

A little old lady is walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags rips, and every once in a while a $20 bill falls out onto the sidewalk. <br><br> Noticing this, a policeman stops her, and says, "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of your bag." <br><br> "Oh, really? Darn, " says the little old ...

2 Comments, 82 Views, 18 Votes ,2.85 Score
Once a Marine, Always a Marine   5/27/2018

On their 50th anniversary, a wife found the negligee she wore on her wedding night and put it on. <br><br> She went to her husband, a retired Marine, and asked, "Honey, do you remember this?" <br><br> He looked up from his newspaper and said; "Yes dear, I do. You wore that same negligee the night we were married" <br><br> She said, ...

1 Comments, 76 Views, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Money Back   5/25/2018

A thief stuck a pistol in a man's ribs and said, "Give me your money." <br><br> The gentleman, shocked by the sudden attack, said "You cannot do this, I'm a United States Congressman!" <br><br> The thief said, "In that case, give me my money!"

1 Comments, 35 Views, 14 Votes ,3.46 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Just Confirmed   5/25/2018

It's just been confirmed Monica Lewinski voted for Trump. She said the last Clinton in office left a bad taste in her mouth....

1 Comments, 25 Views, 12 Votes ,3.86 Score
So This Guy Walks into a Bar with an Octopus under his arm...   5/21/2018

So this guy walks into a bar with an Octopus under his arm. He tosses the Octopus onto the bar and says "I bet anyone a drink that my Octopus can play any musical instrument that you give him." The piano player says "I'll take that bet" The guy puts the Octopus on the piano and he starts playing and it is better than Ray Charles !!! Another guy says "Can he play my ...

3 Comments, 92 Views, 19 Votes ,3.78 Score
bradtomms614sexi 49 M
4  Articles
funny   5/20/2018

We Ann leed a good laugh. who can make it happen?

0 Comments, 9 Views, 4 Votes ,1.69 Score
The Old Soldier   5/17/2018

A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down. A lady cashier walked up to him and said, 'your barracks door is open'. Not a phrase that men normally use, he went on his way looking a bit puzzled. When he was about d shopping, a man came up and said, 'your fly is open.' he zipped up and finished his shopping. <br><br> At the checkout, he intentionally got in the ...

1 Comments, 75 Views, 19 Votes ,3.39 Score
bradtomms614sexe 49 M
4  Articles
funny?   5/16/2018

Spring excites me so much I sometimes wet my plants!!!

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
Cheesy Joke   5/13/2018

How do you make a tissue paper dance? Put a boogy in it.

2 Comments, 16 Views, 10 Votes ,2.39 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
A Close Shave   5/12/2018

A man enters a barber shop for a shave. While the barber is foaming him up, he mentions the problems he has getting a close shave around the cheeks. ''I have just the thing, '' says the barber taking a small wooden ball from a nearby drawer. ''Just place this between your cheek and gum.'' <br><br> The places the ball in his mouth and the barber ...

1 Comments, 88 Views, 20 Votes ,4.27 Score
Grewpetty 57 M
9  Articles
Thermometer   5/10/2018

Do you know the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer? <br><br> The taste.

1 Comments, 17 Views, 9 Votes ,1.93 Score
Grewpetty 57 M
9  Articles
Thermometer   5/10/2018

Do you know the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer? <br><br> The taste.

0 Comments, 9 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Jackedup4u 43 M
3  Articles
Cash rules everything   5/9/2018

I fell in love with a cam girl, the only problem is that she does not know. I keep sending her points and gifts but nothing. Oh well she just might be out for the cash!!!

1 Comments, 22 Views, 8 Votes ,1.62 Score
PKDK1969 55 C
3  Articles
Vatican   5/8/2018

A young man was on holidays in Rome and decided he would go do a tour of the Vatican, grabbed his camera so he could capture the event. On arriving he decided to take some photos of the outside of the vatican, to get the whole shot he moved right back near some bushes. He'd taken a few shots when he heard some rustling noises in the bushes, thinking it might be a wild animal he was ready to ...

1 Comments, 76 Views, 12 Votes ,2.27 Score
An Ostrich Story   5/8/2018

A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him. The waitress asks them for their orders. The man says, "A hamburger, fries and a coke, " and turns to the ostrich, "What's yours?" "I'll have the same, " says the ostrich. A short time later the waitress returns with the order. "That will Be $.40 please" The man reaches into his ...

2 Comments, 70 Views, 14 Votes ,2.82 Score
bradtomms614sexe 49 M
4  Articles
funny   5/7/2018

Why did the chicken cross the road? because your dick was stuck in the chicken!

1 Comments, 6 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
bradtomms614sexe 49 M
4  Articles
funny?   5/7/2018

I tried to tell a friend of mine a joke and he said it was stupid!! I think he is stupid

0 Comments, 9 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
RandyinRI 49 M
1  Article
Bad jokes   5/4/2018

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he's been gettin' choked all day!

1 Comments, 12 Views, 8 Votes ,2.32 Score
Bigtitlover86x 32 M
8  Articles
It's for the points   5/4/2018

It's always just for the points, yo.

0 Comments, 7 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
An Irish Tale   5/3/2018

An Irish priest named Father O'Malley was transferred to Texas. <br><br> <br><br> Father O'Malley rose from his bed one morning. It was a fine spring day in his new west Texas mission parish. He walked to the window of his bedroom to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside. He then noticed there was a jackass lying dead in the middle of his front lawn. He ...

1 Comments, 83 Views, 11 Votes ,2.61 Score
A War Story   5/2/2018

An elderly Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy, went to the local church for confession. When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional, the man said: <br><br> "Father. During World War II, a beautiful Jewish woman from our neighborhood knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide her from the Nazis. So I hid her in my attic." ...

0 Comments, 62 Views, 10 Votes ,3.78 Score
funny joke   5/1/2018

chinese man rings boss “me no work I sick” boss says “when im sick I f*ck my wife try that” 2 hours later chinese man rings back “me better, you got nice house

0 Comments, 17 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
THE Talk   4/26/2018

A father asked his 10-year old if he knew about the birds and the bees. <br><br> “I don’t want to know, ” the said, bursting into tears. “Promise me you won’t tell me.” <br><br> Confused the father asked what was wrong. <br><br> The boy sobbed. “When I was six, I got the “there’s no Easter Bunny speech. At seven, I got the “there’s ...

1 Comments, 56 Views, 9 Votes ,2.78 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
hand some   4/25/2018

When three people have sex, it's called a threesome. When two people have sex, it's called a twosome. Now I understand why they call you handsome.

2 Comments, 40 Views, 18 Votes ,5.03 Score
avrgszdcck 81 M
4  Articles
For a woman, why is sex with a man like a blizzard?   4/23/2018

For a woman, why is sex with a man like a blizzard? She never knows how deep it's going to get, nor how long it is going to last!

2 Comments, 13 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
avrgszdcck 81 M
4  Articles
Difference between a good girl and a nice girl.   4/23/2018

Difference between a good girl and a nice girl: A nice girl goes home and then goes to bed. A good girl goes to bed and then goes home!

1 Comments, 7 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
avrgszdcck 81 M
4  Articles
Difference between a good girl and a nice girl.   4/23/2018

Difference between a good girl and a nice girl: A nice girl knows it's hard to be good. A good girl knows it's got to be hard to be good!

0 Comments, 6 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
avrgszdcck 81 M
4  Articles
Difference between a good girl and a nice girl.   4/23/2018

Difference between a good girl and a nice girl: A nice girl knows it's hard to be good. A good girl knows it's got to be hard to be good!

0 Comments, 4 Views, 4 Votes ,0.92 Score
bradtomms614sexy 49 M
5  Articles
funny or not?   4/23/2018

My wife asked for chap stick but I accidentally handed her superglue, she still isn't talking to me.

1 Comments, 7 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
bradtomms614sexy 49 M
5  Articles
funny or not?   4/23/2018

My wife asked for chap stick but I accidentally handed her superglue, she still isn't talking to me.

0 Comments, 5 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
huge penis!!   4/22/2018

The man with a 25 inch penis. A man who had a 25 inch long penis went to his doctor to complain that he was having a problem with this rather massive instrument and has had more than one complaint. "Doctor, " he asked, in total frustration, "is there anything you can do for me?" The doctor replies, "Medically , there is nothing I can do. But, I do know this witch who may ...

4 Comments, 100 Views, 15 Votes ,4.82 Score
0ralProvider 41 M
5  Articles
think about this for second   4/22/2018

A garden is just a zoo for plants ....hmmmm <br><br> Show me your boobs!

1 Comments, 11 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
silverwolf_n_ut 60 M
4  Articles
midgit   4/22/2018

what do you call a mexican midgit a paragraph too short too be a essay

1 Comments, 17 Views, 8 Votes ,3.94 Score
free service   4/21/2018

once Mr. Paul wanted to buy health insurance, at the age of 70, he rang up health i9nsurance co., to send their agent to his home. After, having discussed all the illness, critical illness, accident cover, he started with the leg pulling. Paul: do you cover the Penis, as well, in the health policy. Agent: Yes Sir, we do. Paul: will you replace the penis, in the event of damage or failure. ...

1 Comments, 59 Views, 12 Votes ,4.74 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
pokers   4/20/2018

Q: Why are pubic hairs curly? <br><br> A: So you don't poke your eye out.

4 Comments, 20 Views, 8 Votes ,2.78 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
pokers   4/20/2018

Q: Why are pubic hairs curly? <br><br> A: So you don't poke your eye out.

1 Comments, 9 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
pokers   4/20/2018

Q: Why are pubic hairs curly? <br><br> A: So you don't poke your eye out.

0 Comments, 4 Views, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
boobies   4/20/2018

Q. What did saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? <br><br> <br><br> A. "If we don't get some support here people are going to think were nuts." <br><br> <br><br>

2 Comments, 20 Views, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
bradtomms614sexy 49 M
5  Articles
funny?   4/19/2018

who has funny jokes? need some laughter.

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
bradtomms614sexy 49 M
5  Articles
funny???   4/19/2018

what the difference between an arborist and a gynecologist? <br><br> <br><br> looks at trees the other bushes!!!

0 Comments, 5 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
TaxGuy1943 71 M
3  Articles
Never Choke in a Restaurant in the South!   4/18/2018

Never Choke in a Restaurant in the South! <br><br> Two hillbillies walked into a restaurant. While having a bite to eat, they talked about their moonshine operation. <br><br> Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table who is eating a sandwich, began to cough. <br><br> After a minute or so, it became apparent that she was in real distress. <br><br> One of ...

2 Comments, 59 Views, 6 Votes ,3.65 Score
A Bar Bet   4/17/2018

An Aussie drover walks into a bar with his pet crocodile by his side. <br><br> He puts the crocodile up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. 'I'll make you a deal. I'll open this crocodile's mouth and place my manhood inside. Then the croc will close his mouth for minute. 'Then he'll open his mouth and I'll remove my unit unathed. In return for ...

0 Comments, 48 Views, 5 Votes ,3.47 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles

Why are you in this particular line of work?' A sociology researcher asked the massage-parlor girl. <br><br> 'I'm trying to pay back this loan shark named Paul something or other, she said... So I'm literally rubbing peters to pay Paul.'

0 Comments, 27 Views, 14 Votes ,3.62 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Cat and a Rooster   4/15/2018

There was a cat and a rooster wondering by a lake. Both were famished, looking for any food they could find, but to no avail. Later on, the rooster finds himself focusing upon a worm, inching its way nearby. The rooster then proceeds to chase and then pounce on the worm, eating it quickly. Resting after his meal, he rubs his belly in pure satisfaction. <br><br> The cat looks at the ...

0 Comments, 54 Views, 12 Votes ,3.51 Score
Heathen_G 64 M
11  Articles
When you think you're alone...   4/14/2018

...but your pets are watching. <br><br>

1 Comments, 26 Views, 10 Votes
Irish Pubs   4/14/2018

"As good as this bar is, " said the Scotsman, "I still prefer the pubs back home. In Glasgow, there's a wee place called McTavish's.... The landlord goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy four drinks, he'll buy the fifth drink." <br><br> "Well, Angus, " said the Englishman, "At my local in London, the Red Lion, the barman will ...

0 Comments, 54 Views, 10 Votes ,4.18 Score
A Blonde Cowboy   4/14/2018

A Sheriff in a small town in Wyoming walks out in the street and sees a blond haired cowboy coming toward him with nothing on but his cowboy hat, his gun and his boots. He arrests him for indecent exposure. <br><br> As he is locking him up, he asks, “Why in the world are you walking around like this?” <br><br> The cowboy says: “Well it's like this Sheriff, I was ...

1 Comments, 54 Views, 10 Votes ,4.18 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
sales   4/14/2018

A woman goes into a adult toy shop to buy a dildo. She sees one behind the counter and tells the salesman, "I want that one!" <br><br> He replies, "It's not for sale." <br><br> The woman says, "Please I want that one, " again he says it's not for sale. <br><br> The woman says, "I'll give you a hundred dollars for ...

0 Comments, 56 Views, 11 Votes ,4.48 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
smart   4/13/2018

Teacher, "Tell me the difference between a Callgirl, Girlfriend and Wife?" <br><br> The whole class was silent.. till little Johnny put his hand up and answered: <br><br> "Prepaid, Postpaid and Unlimited."

4 Comments, 39 Views, 15 Votes ,4.66 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
rubber penis   4/13/2018

at the airport, Customs officer finds a rubber penis in a lady's handbag and asks, " Are you married?" lady: Yes <br><br> Officer: "Then why this?" <br><br> Lady: "You've landline at home ?" <br><br> Officer: Yes <br><br> Ladyquot;Then why do you carry a mobile?" <br><br> ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 9 Votes ,4.07 Score
Heathen_G 64 M
11  Articles
She wanted gentlemen damit....hahaha   4/12/2018

A 60 something year old woman was aggravated and bored due the serious lack of attention from men. So she get's online, finds the famous hookup site [for sex] and proceeds to fill out her profile... <br><br> "Mmmm", she wonders, "What should I use for picture"? < <br><br> She stands up, runs to her bedroom , finding her digital camera, carefully ...

1 Comments, 75 Views, 20 Votes
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
salesman   4/12/2018

The salesman is using sex to sell me a CD er, giving me pressure about my love life. 'Mr. Mercurio, it's a CD er carousel model. You load all of your CDs into this baby -- you're with your woman, you're gonna make love -- you press ", " you can go all night. ' And I'm like, 'You know, Mr. Salesman, I'm not really a CD man. You got something that s ...

0 Comments, 37 Views, 11 Votes ,2.61 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
sale   4/12/2018

Q: Did you hear about the Bill Clinton sale at clothing stores on President's Day? <br><br> A: All pants half off.

1 Comments, 12 Views, 5 Votes ,4.45 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
good ole days!!   4/12/2018

An old retired sailor puts on his old uniform and goes down to the docks once more for old time's sake. He hires a and takes her up to the room. He's going at it as best as he can for a guy his age and asks, "How am I doing?" <br><br> The says, "Well, sailor, you're doing about knots." <br><br> "How's that?" he asks. ...

1 Comments, 47 Views, 4 Votes ,4.02 Score
...... and then the fight started...   4/12/2018

A guy is watching TV when his wife walks in and asks what's on the TV? The guy says "Dust!" ..... and then the fight started. <br><br> A wife was hinting about what she wanted for her upcoming anniversary. She Said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 - 180 in about 3 seconds." So, I bought her a new a new bathroom ale. ...and then the fight started. ...

1 Comments, 32 Views, 8 Votes ,3.48 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
sanity   4/11/2018

A mad man saw his fellow mad friend crying by a river side. He sat down beside him and asked: ​​“Why are u crying?"​​ The other replied: ​​“I put a cube of in this river, but when I tasted, I felt nothing. It's not sweet!"​​ The mad man blew up with laughter and said: ​​​​"You! You are really very mad! Did you stir it?​​​​" ...

1 Comments, 26 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
Clodiusthefirst 77 M
23  Articles
AT THE HOSPITAL   4/10/2018

How to you find the head nurse?............................................................................................................................................................................................Look for the one with dirty knees....

1 Comments, 16 Views, 9 Votes ,3.00 Score
Lighght9 25 M
3  Articles
Random post don’t read   4/4/2018

Rabble babble hctvdhdd. Tvthg fr h h g e h f g g h he g hhh g

1 Comments, 17 Views, 11 Votes ,1.30 Score
The Lion Tamer   4/4/2018

A ringmaster runs an ad for a lion tamer and two people show up. One is a retired golfer in his late sixties and the other is a gorgeous blonde in her mid-twenties. <br><br> The ringmaster tells them, "I'm not going to sugar coat it. This is one ferocious lion. He ate my last tamer so you two had better be good or you're history. Here's your equipment -- chair, a ...

0 Comments, 61 Views, 16 Votes ,3.57 Score
re433343 31 M
5  Articles
Joke #2   4/2/2018

Job interviewer: “And where would you see yourself in five years’ time Mr. Jeffries?" <br><br> Me: "Personally I believe my biggest weakness is in listening."

0 Comments, 32 Views, 11 Votes ,1.11 Score
re433343 31 M
5  Articles
Joke   4/2/2018

Q. Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer? <br><br> A. Because he just couldn't see himself doing it.

1 Comments, 20 Views, 13 Votes ,1.30 Score
guess the jokes!!!   3/31/2018

whats worse than finding a worm in ur apple? amp; Finding a snake!!! <br><br> who was the roundest knight at the banquet? Sir "CUM"frence !!! <br><br> working for a drogon is cool! unless... u get Fired!!! what did round tess say to larger tickles? <br><br> we are a giant tesstickles... (testicals)

1 Comments, 24 Views, 15 Votes ,1.45 Score
Heaven   3/21/2018

God visited a woman and told her she must give up smoking, drinking and unmarried sex if she wants to get into Heaven. <br><br> The woman said she would try her best. God visited the woman a week later to see how she was getting on. <br><br> "Not bad" said the woman, "I've given up smoking and drinking but then I bent over to get some stuff out of the ...

5 Comments, 118 Views, 27 Votes ,5.03 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Tell if she's a Virgin   3/19/2018

A fellow talking to his friend says, "How can I tell if my girl is a virgin?" <br><br> Friend tells him, "You have to wait till your wedding night, you show it to her and ask what it is. If she calls it a penis, she's a virgin. If she says it's a cock, she's been around." <br><br> So the guy gets married, and in the hotel room he flips it ...

7 Comments, 152 Views, 32 Votes ,5.68 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Turkey Tattoo   3/19/2018

A woman walks into a tattoo parlor, and asks for a turkey on her right inner thigh and a Christmas Tree on her left inner thigh. <br><br> The tattoo guy looks at her and says, "If you don't mind me asking, why do you want those tattoos in those spots?" <br><br> The woman looks at him and replies, "My husband is always complaining he has nothing to eat ...

5 Comments, 71 Views, 19 Votes ,4.18 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Biker Sex   3/19/2018

Tired of the boring "straights" she'd been laying, a gal decided she'd find out if bikers were really the heavy "cocksmen" that she heard they were. <br><br> So she picked up a gigantic biker and went with him up to his pad. Stripped and ready, anxiously awaiting some real action, she was astonished to see that his fully erect dick was only two inches long. ...

0 Comments, 82 Views, 21 Votes ,3.50 Score
The Hit Man   3/19/2018

Two old friends were just about to tee off at the first hole of their local golf course when a guy carrying a golf bag called out to them, "Do you mind if I join you? My partner didn't turn up." "Sure, " they said, "You're welcome." So they started playing and enjoyed the game and the company of the newcomer. Part way around the course, one of the friends ...

0 Comments, 84 Views, 20 Votes ,4.78 Score
Thundercock3300 33 M
2  Articles
Another work of art   3/18/2018

[Fart] The worlds can be one together Cosmos without hatred Stars like diamonds in your eyes The ground can be space (space, space, space, space) With feet marching towards a peaceful sky All the Moonmen want things their way But we make sure they see the sun Goodbye, Moonmen We say goodbye, Moonmen Goodbye, Moonmen Goodbye, Moonmen Oh, goodbye <br><br> [Fart] Cosmos without hatred ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 4 Votes ,1.30 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
breast   3/18/2018

how much calcium is there in woman's breasts? <br><br> answer: its enough to help a man's boneless thing stand up!!!

1 Comments, 13 Views, 9 Votes ,3.00 Score
Amedvd 50 C
2  Articles
rooster   3/17/2018

why don't roosters wear underwear? Because there peckers are on there face!!

0 Comments, 17 Views, 14 Votes ,1.38 Score
Amedvd 50 C
2  Articles
rooster   3/17/2018

why don't roosters wear underwear? Because there peckers are on there face!!

0 Comments, 10 Views, 10 Votes ,2.39 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
condoms   3/15/2018

Q. Why are condoms transparent? <br><br> A: So that sperms can at least enjoy the ene even if their entry is Restricted!

0 Comments, 22 Views, 14 Votes ,2.66 Score
subxboytoy 31 M
6  Articles
derka derka   3/15/2018

baka la ah derka derka heh

0 Comments, 8 Views, 5 Votes ,1.19 Score
subxboytoy 31 M
6  Articles
pokes for tokes   3/14/2018

pointless... as i need points rabble babble scramble dabble

0 Comments, 12 Views, 6 Votes ,0.23 Score
Thisguy61364 47 M
5  Articles
Jokes   3/12/2018

How do you stop a rhinoceros from charging? Take away its credit card!!

1 Comments, 19 Views, 16 Votes ,1.80 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
orgasm   3/11/2018

I said to my girlfriend the other night will you tell me when you orgasm? She relied that depends. On what? I said If there's a phone nearby she replied.

0 Comments, 28 Views, 12 Votes ,2.27 Score
Funny joke   3/11/2018

A man walks into his house with a duck under his arm. He walks up to his wife with it and says, "This is the pig I've been fucking'." His wife says, "That's a duck." He quickly replies, "I wasn't talking to you."

2 Comments, 30 Views, 18 Votes ,2.58 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Frenchman, Italian and Irishman   3/11/2018

Sitting around a table in the pub the Italian says. You know what, when I make love to my wife and she climaxes she raises her body one foot off the bed. The Frenchman says, thats nothing when I make love to my girlfriend and she orgasms her body rises three feet off the bed. Scratching his head the Irishman says thats nothing, when I finish making love to my wife I wipe my dick on the curtains ...

1 Comments, 55 Views, 16 Votes ,3.42 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
A man and his new piece   3/10/2018

A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend. After having great sex she spent the next hour just rubbing his testicles ... Something she just loved to do. As he was enjoying it, he turned and asked her, "Why do you love doing that?" "Because, " she replied ... "I really miss mine."

0 Comments, 37 Views, 13 Votes ,3.14 Score
Thisguy61364 47 M
5  Articles
Couple swap   3/7/2018

John and Ted went away for the weekend with their wives. After a night of partying, John and Ted diuss swapping wives for the night. John really liked the idea because his wife was on her period. They agree to it and decide they will tell each other it the next morning how it went by tapping their spoon on their cup for each time they have sex <br><br> At breakfast the next day, John ...

1 Comments, 78 Views, 13 Votes ,2.14 Score
ilovewhitejizz 34 M
4  Articles
Never steal a man's beer   3/7/2018

There I was is sitting at the bar staring at my drink when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig. <br><br> "Well, whatcha gonna do about it?" he says, menacingly, as I burst into tears. <br><br> "Come on, man, " the biker says, "I didn't think you'd CRY. I cant stand to see a man ...

0 Comments, 71 Views, 14 Votes ,4.42 Score
Whtdude4u 35 M
3  Articles
Dad joke   3/6/2018

What did the dad buffalo say to his when dropping him off at school....? Bison

0 Comments, 34 Views, 19 Votes ,3.78 Score
Whtdude4u 35 M
3  Articles
Lol   3/2/2018

Why don't you give Elsa balloons? <br><br> She will "let em go"

1 Comments, 25 Views, 12 Votes ,2.80 Score
Bloomfield50 32 M
1  Article
Learn to Laugh   2/26/2018

People honestly need to have a sense of humor to get through life. This is me just ranting but i find humor in anything (sometimes dark humor) but honestly laughing is one of the healthiest things for you. telling a good joke is a little trickey though. a good joke can setup the mood and conversation for the rest of the night or relationship.

0 Comments, 24 Views, 10 Votes ,2.59 Score
passion junk mail, spam, and scams   2/26/2018

I love this website as a fun place, but talk about jokes: How about all of the lying messages, fakeprofiles, and scams that we all receive here. They need their own name. I am sure that most of you get more of it than I do, and I get a lot. Vulgarity comes to my mind immediately, but there has got to be a better name for this. Does anyone have a catchy name they want to share? No one has ...

2 Comments, 55 Views, 10 Votes ,3.19 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
69   2/24/2018

Guy fancies a 69 with his mrs but she is on her period. After much nagging she fianlly conceeds and they get down to business. Half way through they hear the doorbell. He rolles off her and she says I can't go look at the state of me, Ive blood all over my legs, well I cant go either he says I have blood all over my mouth. Dont worry she says if they ask just say you've been eating a jam ...

0 Comments, 83 Views, 15 Votes ,3.74 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Looking for Love   2/17/2018

A woman posts an ad in the news paper that looks like this... Looking for man with these qualifications: - won't beat me up - won't run away from - is great in bed. She got lots of phone calls replying to her ad but met someone perfect at her door one day. The man she met said, "Hi, I'm Bob. I have no arms so I won't beat you up and no legs so I won't run away." So ...

4 Comments, 109 Views, 27 Votes ,4.82 Score
redduracell 53 M
8  Articles
Olympic Spirit   2/16/2018

Happy sporting husband brings Olympic medals home, and proudly says to wife , "I'm getting a gold again tonight ". She says "Go for the silver and come second for a change "

1 Comments, 41 Views, 23 Votes ,5.23 Score
TravelingMan524 72 M
17  Articles
fmf threesomes   2/16/2018

Have you read the new book "FMF Threesomes Sharon Dick

1 Comments, 36 Views, 17 Votes ,4.54 Score
Felicity_dayer 23 F
1  Article
Is necessary to be an extrovert person in a first date?   2/15/2018

Many people think that to be extrovert o fanny is a good way for impress your crush, I think it´s just about your personality. Not its necessary make joks or yes? <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> What do you think about this importan aspect?...

0 Comments, 23 Views, 13 Votes ,2.30 Score
Dumb Blond Men   2/12/2018

A blonde man is in the bathroom and his wife shouts: "Did you find the shampoo?" He answers, "Yes, but I'm not sure what to's for dry hair, and I've already wet mine." ----------------------- A blonde man sees a letter lying on his doormat. It says on the envelope "DO NOT BEND." He spends the next 2 hours trying to figure out how to pick it up. ...

2 Comments, 57 Views, 16 Votes ,4.45 Score
The Bug   2/11/2018

A man and a woman were driving down the road arguing about his infidelity, when suddenly the woman reached over and cut the man's penis off and tossed it out the window. <br><br> Driving behind the couple was a man and his 8-year-old . The girl was chatting away to her father when all of a sudden the penis splattered into their car windshield, stuck for a moment, then disappeared ...

3 Comments, 93 Views, 19 Votes ,5.23 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Dogs at the Vets   2/11/2018

Two dogs at the vets. 1st says to the other dog 'What you here for?' 2nd says 'I keep rubbing myself up my owners leg so he's having my balls cut off'. 'Ooch' says the first dog. 2nd says 'What you here for then?'. 1st says 'Look at my owner she's beautiful, perfect beasts, a tight arse, abosolutely fabulous. Well she was bending over cleaning the oven ...

0 Comments, 81 Views, 15 Votes ,3.90 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Dogs at the Vets   2/11/2018

Two dogs at the vets. 1st says to the other dog 'What you here for?' 2nd says 'I keep rubbing myself up my owners leg so he's having my balls cut off'. 'Ooch' says the first dog. 2nd says 'What you here for then?'. 1st says 'Look at my owner she's beautiful, perfect beasts, a tight arse, abosolutely fabulous. Well she was bending over cleaning the oven ...

1 Comments, 49 Views, 10 Votes ,3.98 Score
young_toymaker 25 M
3  Articles
cancer and trumpets   2/10/2018

one diseases asks to another "im a capricorn, what r u?" <br><br> ..."cancer" says the other <br><br> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br><br> some girls starts blowing air into a guys di*k during a bj <br><br> "what r u doing!" he yells <br><br> ...

0 Comments, 29 Views, 10 Votes
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Talking Pussy   2/10/2018

Do You Know How To Make a Pussy Talk ????? <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> Put a Tongue In It !!!!!

1 Comments, 24 Views, 12 Votes ,4.04 Score
ilovewhitejizz 34 M
4  Articles
sex kitten vs. a bear   2/9/2018

Long time ago. I was having a relationship with someone I shouldn't, so we were sneaking around. We were staying at a friend's place in Colorado, very cool, rustic, fireplaces, make-sure-the doors-are-locked because-there-are-bears kind of place. We were sleeping in separate bedrooms, but in the middle of the night I decide, very unusually for me, to be naughty. So I pschye myself into ...

0 Comments, 68 Views, 11 Votes ,1.30 Score
ilovewhitejizz 34 M
4  Articles
happy birthday sex   2/9/2018

So it was my 18th birthday. It was about 12:30am at my house, and my girlfriend of the time and I were laying on the couch watching a movie. My family had gone to bed earlier, and my girlfriend turns her head and says to me "I'm going to give you your birthday present now". We start going at it on the couch, and everything's going well. We're in the spooning position, and ...

0 Comments, 61 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
ilovewhitejizz 34 M
4  Articles
i need a eye patch   2/9/2018

I was doing missionary with my ex while in high school. We were in the gym and I was so turned on I pulled out and blasted in my own eye. I turned around because my girlfriend had this terrified look of embarrassment on her face only to stare into the angry face of her gym teacher while the spooge dripped down my eye onto my lip. Yeah that was a great day....

1 Comments, 33 Views, 8 Votes ,2.78 Score
Birds and Bees   2/9/2018

A father asked his 10-year old if he knew about the birds and the bees. <br><br> “I don’t want to know, ” the said, bursting into tears. “Promise me you won’t tell me.” <br><br> Confused the father asked what was wrong. <br><br> The boy sobbed. “When I was six, I got the “there’s no Easter Bunny speech. At seven, I got the “there’s ...

1 Comments, 51 Views, 10 Votes ,5.38 Score
Deron139 26 M
7  Articles
Pussy fart   2/7/2018

What is a man's first thought while he's having sex with who ever they're doing it with and hear her pussy fart. Do you stay serious and keep going on. Laugh and joke a little about it. Cause when I first heard it the girl was embarrassed and I teased her about it

0 Comments, 20 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
blow job   2/6/2018

Bloke walks into a bar and asks for 39 gin and tonics. The barman asks 'What you celebrating?' Bloke says ' My First Blow Job' 'Congratulations' says the barman 'Have one on the house'. 'No thanks' says the bloke. 'If 39 Gin and Tonics don't get rid of the taste nothing will'.

0 Comments, 31 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
Spartanknight91 29 M
2  Articles
Apples   2/5/2018

A bus driver and a doctor were in love with the same women <br><br> The bus driver had to leave for week and before he left he gave is love 7 apples

0 Comments, 44 Views, 8 Votes ,3.25 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Three Virginal Daughters   2/5/2018

Woman has 3 virgin daughters which all got married on the same day in a triple wedding. After the wedding receptions the mother asks the girls if they could let her know how they are doing on there honeymoons as they have never had sex before and she wants to know they are okay. The girls agree and off they go on their seperate honeymoons. After about three days the mother receives a postcard ...

0 Comments, 92 Views, 11 Votes ,4.66 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Irish Priest at Confessional   2/2/2018

Father O'Reilly always gave Confession and Father O'Malley would take the service. This went on for years until one Sunday Father O'Reilly fell ill and could not do the normal Sunday Confessional. Father O'Malley being a total novice at confessional asked Father O'Reilly what he should say. 'Don't Worry' said Father O' Reilly I wll write down all the sins and ...

1 Comments, 65 Views, 11 Votes ,4.66 Score
Bath Night   1/31/2018

A couple living in a small Minnesota town take on an 18-year-old girl as a lodger. She asked if she could have a bath but the woman of the house told her they didn't have a bathroom as such but she could use a tin bath in front of the fire. <br><br> "Monday's the best night, when my husband goes out to bowl, " the woman said. <br><br> So the young girl ...

1 Comments, 79 Views, 13 Votes ,5.66 Score
Oysters   1/30/2018

What noise annoys an oyster?? <br><br> A noisey noise annoys an oyster!

0 Comments, 9 Views, 4 Votes ,1.30 Score
ricksac1958 65 M
6  Articles
50 Shades Darker   1/30/2018

I tell my girlfriend that I'd like to see 50 Shades Darker. So she punched me in the eye and gave me a cataract.

0 Comments, 14 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Red Indian Boy   1/29/2018

One morning a little red indian boy asks his dad 'Where Do I get my name from Dad?' His Father replies 'Well , look at Little River over there. When he was born his father stepped out of his teepee and the first thing he saw was a little river running passed his teepee, so he named his Little River'. 'Silver Cloud over their was named so because when he was born his father ...

0 Comments, 55 Views, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Girlfiends parents   1/29/2018

A young lad sees an ad in the paper for bike. He goes and has a look. Its about 10 old but is in perfect condition. The boy asks the seller how do you keep the crome so clean. The seller says 'Always put vasoline on it before it rains'. The boy buys the bike and is as pleased as punch. That night he goes over to see his new girlfriend and meets her parents for the first time. His ...

0 Comments, 95 Views, 17 Votes ,5.95 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Drunk Oral   1/29/2018

Coming home from the pub drunk a guy fancies giving his wife oral sex before going to sleep, so he slowly and quietly walks in to the bedroom. slips under the duvet from the bottom of the bed and starts to lick the pussy. After a while she starts moaning and wriggling like never before, eventually she climaxes and he thinks to himself 'God I was good tonight' Wanting to brush his teeth ...

1 Comments, 81 Views, 10 Votes ,4.38 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
At the Cinema   1/29/2018

I was at the cinema the other night with my girlfriend when she nudged me and said the man next to here was having a wank. I told her to ignore him and watch the film. But she said 'I can't he's using my hand!!'

0 Comments, 40 Views, 6 Votes ,4.50 Score
BWE55 55 M
21  Articles
Naughty Girls   1/29/2018

A group of girls were killed in a bus accident and find themselves outside the pearly gates with St Peter. St Peter says 'Lisa do you know what a penis is'? 'Yes' says lisa 'I touch one once on its head'. 'ok' says Peter 'put the finger you touched it with in the font of holy water and you may enter'. Lisa obliged and went through the gates. Next was Sally. ...

0 Comments, 52 Views, 6 Votes ,3.93 Score
spankyjodi 66 C
6  Articles
Condoms   1/26/2018

The other day while shopping for flavored condoms I came across some condoms with ribs. What a rip off! When I gave the blow job, those ribs tasted NOTHING like BBQ ribs! Crazy!

0 Comments, 20 Views, 10 Votes ,1.79 Score
JoldmanL 71 M
9  Articles
Do You Golf?   1/26/2018

A Minister, a Bishop and a Rabbi were playing golf, when one of the caddys asked a question that got them thinking and how to respond. "How do you decide what to give and what to keep.... ? <br><br> They answered this way it is the 10 / 10 / 100 percent rule... This caused a big debate on how to apply it.... The Bishop said I draw a circle inside a circle and stand outside this ...

1 Comments, 59 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
softsweets777 32 F
3  Articles
I have a joke   1/25/2018

What do you call a joke you wear around your neck? <br><br> A pundant!

2 Comments, 22 Views, 12 Votes ,1.21 Score
The Barber   1/24/2018

A guy sticks his head into a barbershop and asked: "How long before I can get a haircut?" <br><br> The barber looked around the shop full of customers and said: "About 2 hours." <br><br> The guy left. <br><br> A few days later the same guy stuck his head in the door and asked: "How long before I can get a haircut?" ...

1 Comments, 48 Views, 10 Votes ,4.58 Score
Email   1/23/2018

Got an e-mail today from a "bored housewife 33, looking for some action!" I've sent her my ironing, that'll keep her busy.

0 Comments, 13 Views, 9 Votes ,2.78 Score
.   1/23/2018

Got an e-mail today from a "bored housewife 33, looking for some action!" I've sent her my ironing, that'll keep her busy.

0 Comments, 5 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
SparePrickBH 61 M
7  Articles
I farted in a lift once   1/23/2018

It was wrong on so many levels

0 Comments, 17 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
520bigdickrick69 41 M
5  Articles
Mormon Cowboy   1/22/2018

One day, a cowboy and his wife, from Texas, recently relocated to Utah. This cowboy finds his local watering hole, has a seat and orders three beers. After several visits, and ordering three beers, he gets to know some of the regulars. One day, the bartender asks, "Why do you always order three beer?" The cowboy responds, "You see, I have a brother in the Army stationed in Iraq ...

0 Comments, 67 Views, 8 Votes ,4.64 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
A Barbie from Santa   1/20/2018

A little girl is in line to see Santa. When it's her turn, she climbs up on Santa's lap. Santa asks, 'What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas'? <br><br> The little girl replies, 'I want a Barbie and G.I. Joe'. <br><br> Santa looks at the little girl for a moment and says, 'I thought Barbie comes with Ken'. <br><br> ...

0 Comments, 60 Views, 11 Votes ,3.54 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Athlete of the Year   1/20/2018

Not really a joke.. but it really is.. <br><br> Did you hear about this athlete? <br><br> He was so fast he won first and third place in a jack off contest!!! <br><br> Lol. [ had to be a young man ]...

0 Comments, 25 Views, 10 Votes ,3.19 Score
SparePrickBH 61 M
7  Articles

.... said their recruitment banner. <br><br> So you can imagine my utter shock and indignation of being forcibly frogmarched (at gunpoint no less!) from the cockpit of one of their Euro-fighter Typhoons before I could work out how to start the engine....

0 Comments, 36 Views, 6 Votes ,1.37 Score
SparePrickBH 61 M
7  Articles
Failing to stop for the police   1/11/2018

Driving home a man sees a police car behind him put on his blue lights and he floors it, hoping to get away. His car is fast but after a few miles realises he just isn't going to shake his pursuer and finally yields. <br><br> The police officer wearily walks over to the stopped vehicle and tells the driver. "I've had a long day, there's a mere 5 minutes before my ...

1 Comments, 89 Views, 17 Votes ,6.10 Score
wetwildsd69 50 M
6  Articles
Pretty funny   1/9/2018

A man approached a very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and said, "I've lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?" <br><br> The woman looked puzzled. "Why do you want to talk to me?" she asked. <br><br> "Because every time I talk to a woman with beautiful tits like yours, my wife appears out of ...

4 Comments, 60 Views, 15 Votes ,4.36 Score
wetwildsd69 50 M
6  Articles
A funny one   1/9/2018

Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E and F are the letters used to define bra sizes? If you have wondered why, but couldn't figure out what the letters stood for... It is about time you became informed: <br><br> A ... Almost Boobs B ... Barely there. C ... Can't Complain! D ... Damn! DD... Double damn! E ... Enormous! F ... Fake

2 Comments, 26 Views, 11 Votes ,3.17 Score
wetwildsd69 50 M
6  Articles
Humor for the day   1/9/2018

This morning I was beaten up by a big breasted woman in an elevator. <br><br> I was staring at her boobs when she said, "Would you please press 1, please?" <br><br> So I did. <br><br> I don't remember much after that.

0 Comments, 25 Views, 11 Votes ,5.04 Score
wetwildsd69 50 M
6  Articles
Boob time   1/9/2018

I was telling a girl I met in a bar last night about my uncanny ability to guess the day a woman was born on just by feeling her boobs. <br><br> "Really?" she said. "Go on then... Try." <br><br> After about 30 seconds of fondling she began to lose patience. <br><br> "Come on, " she demanded, "What day was I born on?" ...

1 Comments, 50 Views, 9 Votes ,4.49 Score
SparePrickBH 61 M
7  Articles
Size matters   1/5/2018

As I dropped my trousers and slid my boxers down she exclaimed "Ere, ain't you got a small organ" <br><br> I looked up at her, spread-eagled and without breaking my stride replied "I didn't realise I was expected to play in a Cathedral" <br><br> -------- <br><br> She asked "and who do you think you're going to please with ...

2 Comments, 88 Views, 13 Votes ,3.14 Score
How Adam Got Eve   1/4/2018

Adam was hanging around the Garden of Eden feeling very lly. <br><br> So, God asked him, “What's wrong with you?” <br><br> Adam said he didn't have any to talk to. <br><br> God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. <br><br> He said, “This pretty lady will gather food for you, she will cook for ...

3 Comments, 66 Views, 13 Votes ,4.49 Score
funny   1/3/2018

what did the postitude say to the rooster any cock will do lol

5 Comments, 30 Views, 16 Votes ,0.04 Score
SFFunguy658 53 M
3  Articles
Why doesn’t Santa Claus have ?   1/3/2018

He only comes once a year.

1 Comments, 17 Views, 11 Votes ,2.05 Score
Doctor Who   1/1/2018

There was a soldier in Nam that was famous for his socializing. After about a year, he noticed a problem with his friend and went in for a checkup. They had never seen anything quite like the problem he had, but treated him with the usual meds for social diseases. After the usual amount of time, they noticed that the problem had not g away, but had gotten worse. They decided to send him to a ...

0 Comments, 69 Views, 11 Votes ,3.17 Score
Looney Tunes   12/30/2017

Q: What do you call a rabbit with a crooked dick? <br><br> A: Fucks Funny

0 Comments, 12 Views, 9 Votes ,1.07 Score
DrNera 53 M
1  Article
Frank and Wally   12/29/2017

Two hobos, Frank and Wally were walking through the rail yard one morning when Frank said "Yesterday was a lucky day for me. I found a $20 bill laying on the ground by the tracks." Then Wally said "That is lucky but not near as lucky as I was last week. I was walking down the tracks and saw a woman tied to the tracks. So of course, I untied her and then we proceeded to make love ...

4 Comments, 93 Views, 20 Votes ,3.64 Score
Sex at 79   12/28/2017

I just took a leaflet out of my mailbox, informing me that I can have sex at 79. I'm so happy, because I live at number 71. So it's not too far to walk home afterwards. And it's even on the same side of the street. I don't even have to cross the road!

0 Comments, 31 Views, 13 Votes ,2.98 Score
Senior Dating   12/27/2017

Dorothy and Edna, two "senior" widows, are talking: <br><br> Dorothy: "That nice George Johnson asked me out for a date. I know you went out with him last week, and I wanted to talk with you about him before I give him my answer." <br><br> Edna: "Well, I'll tell you. He shows up at my apartment punctually at 7 pm, dressed like such a gentleman ...

1 Comments, 75 Views, 13 Votes ,2.98 Score
why did the chicken cross the playground...   12/27/2017

to get to the other slide....lololol

1 Comments, 18 Views, 10 Votes ,1.39 Score
mike   12/27/2017

Little mike was sitting on a park bench munching away from a big box of chocolates. <br><br> <br><br> An older man, sitting on the bench across the way, says "Y'know, , if you keep eating those chocolates that way you're going to get fat, and acne, and bad teeth". <br><br> <br><br> Little mike says "Y'know, sir, my ...

2 Comments, 58 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Stop Masturbating   12/25/2017

A man is at the optometrist getting his eyes checked. "You need to stop masturbating so much, " the optometrist says. "Why?" asks the man. "Is it going to make me go blind?" The optometrist looks around and says "no, but it's making the other patients very uncomfortable."

1 Comments, 45 Views, 20 Votes ,5.55 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Little Sally   12/25/2017

Little Sally came home from school with a proud smile on her face. She told her mom, "Frankie Brown showed me his willy today." Before mom could raise a concern sally said, "It reminded me of a peanut..." With a secret smile mom asked, "Was it really small?" Sally replied, "No... really salty!

2 Comments, 49 Views, 19 Votes ,6.03 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
pregnancy success   12/25/2017

Success is like pregnancy. Everybody congratulates you but nobody knows how many times you got fucked to achieve it!!

1 Comments, 29 Views, 13 Votes ,5.16 Score
niceguystanding 52 M
16  Articles
Ice Cream Challenge   12/24/2017

There was this new ice cream parlor in my neighborhood, and they put up this sign, "We have ANY flavor of ice cream!" Well, I couldn't walk by that store too many times before taking up a challenge like that. <br><br> So I go in and ask, "You got any pussy flavored ice cream?" And the guy smiles and hands over a sample scoop of pussy-flavored ice cream. ...

0 Comments, 68 Views, 12 Votes ,4.74 Score
magic dildo   12/19/2017

One day a sexually unsatisfied wife went into a porn store. She told that man behind the counter that her husband just couldn't get her to orgasm and wans't very pleasing at all. The man suggested toys, dildos, and viberators. Apparently she had already tried all those things and they still didn't work. The man went to the back of the store and came back holding an old wooden box. ...

1 Comments, 90 Views, 17 Votes ,4.40 Score
Payback   12/18/2017

One evening a husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife, “Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in ‘Slim Fast’. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!” <br><br> His wife was not amused, and decided that she simple could not let such a comment go unrewarded. <br><br> The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his ...

0 Comments, 79 Views, 14 Votes ,3.62 Score
Clodiusthefirst 77 M
23  Articles
SNOW!!   12/15/2017

What do you a snowman in the Sahara ...

1 Comments, 52 Views, 8 Votes ,2.78 Score
spankyjodi 66 C
6  Articles
Medieval Times   12/13/2017

In days of old When knight were bold And rubbers weren't invented. They stuck a sock Around their cock And babies were prevented.!

4 Comments, 46 Views, 14 Votes ,2.66 Score
Hard_Liquor05 37 M
6  Articles
Old lady in a pawn shop   12/11/2017

So there's this old lady visiting a pawn shop looking for antiques. As she is walking around there's a parrot at the front desk that keeps mouthing off at her, calling her a cunt and an old bitch, etc. After 4 or 5 times walking by and being offended, she asks the clerk how much for the parrot. Shocked, the clerk warns her that the previous owner had taught the bird pretty much only ...

1 Comments, 84 Views, 12 Votes ,3.68 Score
Hard_Liquor05 37 M
6  Articles
Old lady in a pawn shop   12/11/2017

So there's this old lady visiting a pawn shop looking for antiques. As she is walking around there's a parrot at the front desk that keeps mouthing off at her, calling her a cunt and an old bitch, etc. After 4 or 5 times walking by and being offended, she asks the clerk how much for the parrot. Shocked, the clerk warns her that the previous owner had taught the bird pretty much only ...

0 Comments, 13 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
Hard_Liquor05 37 M
6  Articles
Old lady in a pawn shop   12/11/2017

So there's this old lady visiting a pawn shop looking for antiques. As she is walking around there's a parrot at the front desk that keeps mouthing off at her, calling her a cunt and an old bitch, etc. After 4 or 5 times walking by and being offended, she asks the clerk how much for the parrot. Shocked, the clerk warns her that the previous owner had taught the bird pretty much only ...

0 Comments, 14 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
Hard_Liquor05 37 M
6  Articles
Mickey/Minnie divorce   12/10/2017

Mickey and Minnie are sitting in divorce court. The judge is flipping through the paperwork and says: "Mickey, I don't usually ask questions like this but you guys are such a high profile couple, I have to know; it says here that you're divorcing Minnie because she's weird. Can you explain?" Mickey looks up at the judge and says: I didn't say she was weird, I said ...

0 Comments, 60 Views, 12 Votes ,4.92 Score
Hard_Liquor05 37 M
6  Articles
What's the difference....   12/10/2017

Q:What's the difference between three cocks and a joke? A:Your mom can't take a joke!

0 Comments, 5 Views, 5 Votes ,1.19 Score
Hard_Liquor05 37 M
6  Articles
What's the difference....   12/10/2017

Q:What's the difference between three cocks and a joke? A:Your mom can't take a joke!

1 Comments, 11 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
Good Jokes or bad   12/10/2017

What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball? A guy will actually search for a golf ball <br><br> What does the sign on an out-of-business brothel say? Beat it. We’re closed. <br><br> Why was the guitar teacher arrested? For fingering a minor. <br><br> Why does ...

1 Comments, 23 Views, 4 Votes ,4.02 Score
Good Jokes or bad   12/10/2017

What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball? A guy will actually search for a golf ball <br><br> What does the sign on an out-of-business brothel say? Beat it. We’re closed. <br><br> Why was the guitar teacher arrested? For fingering a minor. <br><br> Why does ...

1 Comments, 9 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
Please Be Considerate   12/8/2017

Can I just ask every for a big favor? Those of you who are planning to place Christmas lights in their yards, can you please avoid anything that is red or blue and flashing? Every time I drive, I think it's the police and get panic attacks. I have to take my foot off the accelerator, toss my wine, fasten my seat belt, throw my ph on the floor, and push the gun under the seat. It's a big ...

0 Comments, 34 Views, 8 Votes ,3.48 Score
The Board Meeting   12/7/2017

All the members of the company's Board of Directors were ed into the Chairman's office, after another, until only Ted, the junior member, was left sitting outside.Finally it was his turn to be summd. Ted entered the office to find the Chairman and the other Directors seated at the far end of the boardroom table.Ted was instructed to stand at the other end of the table, which he did. ...

1 Comments, 81 Views, 12 Votes ,4.04 Score
spankyjodi 66 C
6  Articles
pen   12/1/2017

As a nurse working in a busy hospital I am always losing my pens. I got into the habit of sticking pens behind my ear so I didn't lose them as quickly. day I reached up for my pen and lo and behold I had a rectal thermometer behind my ear! I nearly had a nervous breakdown when I stated, "Some asshole has my pen!"

2 Comments, 39 Views, 11 Votes ,3.54 Score
Postive Attitude   11/30/2017

A Navy fighter pilot during an aerial skirmish over North Vietnam got tagged by a surface to air missile. The panel lights up with a myriad of warning signals and s for an immediate ejection. The pilot fighting for coniousness manages to arm the ejection system and exits the aircraft. Upon regaining coniousness he finds himself in a hospital’s ICU with tubes stuck in most of his body orifices, ...

3 Comments, 109 Views, 20 Votes ,4.53 Score
Senior Logic   11/30/2017

I went to the liquor store this afternoon on my bicycle and bought a bottle of Irish whisky. I put it in the bicycle basket. As I was about to leave, I thought to myself that if I fell off the bicycle, the bottle would break. So I drank the bottle before I cycled home. It turned out to be a very good decision because I fell off my bicycle times on the way home!

0 Comments, 34 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
shyIam007 26 M
5  Articles
pay attention   11/30/2017

Patient: Doctor! You've got to help me! Nobody ever listens to me. No one ever pays any attention to what I have to say. Doctor: Next please!

0 Comments, 22 Views, 9 Votes ,2.36 Score
shyIam007 26 M
5  Articles
broken finger   11/30/2017

A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts." The doctor asks, "What do you mean?" The man says, "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts. If I touch my knee - OUCH! When I touch my forehead, it really, really hurts." The doctor says, "I know what's wrong with you - you've broken your finger!"

0 Comments, 22 Views, 10 Votes ,2.79 Score
funny   11/29/2017

what did the hen say to the postidude my cock bigger lol

0 Comments, 8 Views, 4 Votes ,1.30 Score
The Number Two Pencil   11/28/2017

Carol was not the best student in Catholic School. Usually she slept through class. One day her teacher, a Nun, called on her while she was sleeping in class. 'Tell me Carol, who created the universe?' When Carol didn't stir, but little Johnny who was her friend sitting behind her, took his pencil and jabbed her in the rear. 'God Almighty!' shouted Carol. The Nun said, ...

0 Comments, 61 Views, 13 Votes ,5.49 Score
funny   11/27/2017

knock knock who there dr who how did u guess lol

0 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
lund4chut2000 33 M
6  Articles
adult jokes   11/24/2017

Adults jokes create a gud humur and if you are telling these dirty jokes to a girl some times they feel very shy or sometime very bold what they think internaly or they also want to listen these type of jokes ?

1 Comments, 18 Views, 8 Votes ,2.55 Score
funny   11/20/2017

what did the banana say to the vibatior why are you shaking shrs going to eat me

1 Comments, 15 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
ricksac1958 65 M
6  Articles
Political Correctness For Men   11/20/2017

Due to the climate of political correctness now pervading America , Kentuckians, Tennesseans and West Virginians will no longer be referred to as 'HILLBILLIES.' <br><br> You must now refer to them as APPALACHIAN-AMERICANS. <br><br> HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT MEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT: <br><br> 1. He does not have a 'BEER GUT' - He has developed a ...

1 Comments, 48 Views, 13 Votes ,3.81 Score
ricksac1958 65 M
6  Articles
Political Correctness with women   11/20/2017


0 Comments, 33 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
ricksac1958 65 M
6  Articles
Old Couple   11/20/2017

A couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a check-up, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair 'Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?' he asks. 'Will you get me a bowl of ...

2 Comments, 87 Views, 10 Votes ,3.19 Score
Two Women   11/19/2017

1st woman: Hi! Wanda. <br><br> 2nd woman: Hi! Teri. How'd you die? <br><br> 1st woman: I froze to death.. <br><br> 2nd woman: How horrible! <br><br> 1st woman: It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you? <br><br> 2nd woman: I died of a ...

2 Comments, 74 Views, 8 Votes ,4.41 Score
Frustrated Wife   11/19/2017

The husband was a bit embarrassed and told the doctor he had trouble getting an erection with his wife and she was getting frustrated. The doc checked the man's blood pressure and other vitals, then after a thorough examination said he wanted to check with the wife. <br><br> He took her to another cubicle and asked her to disrobe. Then he told her to turn all the way around ...

3 Comments, 102 Views, 12 Votes ,3.15 Score
BoldBlackCourage 37 M
1  Article
The other day...   11/15/2017

...My girlfriends dad asked me what I did. Apparently, "your " wasn't the right answer.

1 Comments, 20 Views, 9 Votes ,4.28 Score
BoldBlackCourage 37 M
1  Article
Shower thoughts...   11/15/2017

Life is sexually transmitted.

0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes
franki2806 54 M
5  Articles
the potato   11/14/2017

2 women where picking potatos from a field as one lady picked up a realy big potato and said 2 the other look this looks like my hubbies balls and the other lady says is it that big and the other lady says noooooo its that dirty

1 Comments, 29 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
franki2806 54 M
5  Articles
the onion   11/14/2017

there was a lady that no one would lick her pussy, the thing was it smelled like onion she asked alot of her friends 2 lick her but as they went down to lick her the all turn away , it smelled a lot like onion, so they found a guy that had no smell so the send him over 2 her place, the next day they ask him if he lick her and he said noooooo and they asked whyyyy he said he was cryinggggg 2 ...

0 Comments, 37 Views, 6 Votes ,1.37 Score
life   11/12/2017

having a good time and getting to meet someone just breaking a smile can change everything from joking to letting your partner of someone you meet get comforble with you. woman like it when a men smile they feel comfort and fun. when you first meet someone always smile and always find something to talk it could be anything dont be a boring person because that will make her feel that your just ...

3 Comments, 27 Views, 6 Votes
franki2806 54 M
5  Articles
the pig   11/10/2017

what do u call a pig that knows karate? a pork chop

0 Comments, 7 Views, 4 Votes ,2.08 Score
franki2806 54 M
5  Articles
the menu   11/8/2017

a man had a house and he made it in a house he opens up 4 work, a man comes in the the place and he reads the menu, blow job on all 4s 50$ bj standing up 100$ bj on the floor 200$ ok he says he reads on from the ass on all 4s 50$ from the ass standing up 100$ from the ass on the floor 200$ as he reads the menu he calls the guy that has the house over and tells him i see in the menu u have bj ...

3 Comments, 77 Views, 11 Votes ,1.86 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
banana vs vibrator!!   11/8/2017

Q: What did the banana say to the vibrator? A: "What are you shaking about, it's me she's going to eat.

2 Comments, 17 Views, 12 Votes ,5.10 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
penis!!   11/8/2017

At a government affair, the wives of four world leaders are chatting about how people refer to a penis in their countries. The wife of Tony Blair says in England people call it a gentleman, because it stands up when women are entering. The wife of Boris Yeltsin says in Russia you call it a patriot, because you never know if it will hit you on the front or on the back side. The wife of Chirac says ...

0 Comments, 67 Views, 7 Votes ,4.31 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
black testicles!!   11/8/2017

A Male patient just recovered successfully from a sex threatening health attack. He was wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and laying on hospital bed. An young nurse came to cleanse his body with sponge. The patient mumbled, “Are my testicles black?” Nurse replied, “I don’t know Sir, I am just setting you clean” The patient repeated again, “Are my testicles black?” Nurse ...

1 Comments, 66 Views, 11 Votes ,4.48 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
memory test?   11/8/2017

how good is your memory? <br><br> <br><br> i remember going to the party with my dad and went home with my mom!!! <br><br> explanation: daddy went to a party , happym; and then met mummy happyf;

1 Comments, 29 Views, 7 Votes ,3.30 Score
Skinny-Dipping   11/7/2017

An elderly man in Florida owned a large farm with a nice pond in the back. It was properly shaped for swimming, and he even fixed it up with picnic tables, horseshoe runs, and some orange, and lime trees. <br><br> One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some ...

1 Comments, 79 Views, 12 Votes ,5.80 Score
franki2806 54 M
5  Articles
donky   11/5/2017

an old couple was siting in a bench and the old man asks his wife, how long does a donky live? and she looks at him and says why my love u do not fill good

1 Comments, 25 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
franki2806 54 M
5  Articles
only 5 bucks   11/5/2017

a man goes 2 a bourthelo and ask the lady working there if he can have something with 5 bucks she looks at him thinks about it and tells him he can lick her pussy.he gives her the 5 bucks and they go to the room she sites on the bed opens her legs and tells him she ready, he puts his mouth on her pussy and he starts licking after a few mins of licking he starts 2 spit and with rubbing his mouth ...

0 Comments, 64 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
Sex Education   11/5/2017

A ten year old boy came racing in the house. “Mom, where do babies come from?” <br><br> Mom realizes this is an opportunity to talk to him about sex. She leads him into the bedroom and has him sit on a chair. She undresses and lies on the bed. She spreads her legs and tells him to come closer and get a good luck. She then spreads her lips and points to her baby channel. ...

1 Comments, 82 Views, 6 Votes ,3.08 Score
Badtrev 44 M
9  Articles
Random joke   10/31/2017

*Ill admit, this is a knock off joke I’d heard So a guy has just boarded a plane taking off to Los Angeles fo a little vacation by himself and as other people are taking their seats he notices a beautiful woman walking down the aisle in his direction. He thinks to himself “man, what are the chances she’d sit near me?” And low and behold she stops and sits right next to him. The flight ...

1 Comments, 87 Views, 11 Votes ,3.92 Score
firefighterldh 41 M
9  Articles
where what where who   10/28/2017

right in the pussy

0 Comments, 6 Views, 1 Votes
firefighterldh 41 M
9  Articles
where what where who   10/28/2017

right in the pussy

1 Comments, 12 Views, 3 Votes
The Affair   10/26/2017

A woman is having an affair during the day while her husband is at work. Her 9 year old comes home unexpectedly, sees them and hides in the bedroom closet to watch. The woman’s husband also comes home. She puts her lover in the closet, not realizing that the little boy is in there already. <br><br> The little boy says, “Its dark in here.” <br><br> The man says, ...

1 Comments, 96 Views, 9 Votes ,4.92 Score
Sunday Service   10/26/2017

During the service, the pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for prayers, which had been answered. <br><br> A lady stood up and came forward. <br><br> She said, ‘I have a reason to thank the Lord. Two months ago, my husband Jim, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the ...

0 Comments, 73 Views, 8 Votes ,5.33 Score
best joke of all time   10/24/2017

its that time again... sex jokes, normal jokes, crazy jokes lets hear them <br><br> whats the best joke ever LIKE EVER

1 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
Peonman2 61 M
7  Articles
Titties   10/19/2017

BB))B)You Know You're Getting Fat when Your woman spends all Night Sucking your Titis.

1 Comments, 14 Views, 6 Votes ,1.94 Score
Peonman2 61 M
7  Articles
Titties   10/19/2017

BB))B)You Know You're Getting Fat when Your woman spends all Night Sucking your Titis.

0 Comments, 2 Views, 0 Votes
catspajamashave 30 F
2  Articles
Three Men | Three Wishes   10/18/2017

Three men are walking along the beach one day when one of them suddenly stumbles, looking back they realise he had tripped on a dusty old lamp half buried in the sand. They all agree that, since they live in a joke not a pantomime, nothing would happen if they rubbed it... But also decide they'd feel sillier walking away from three wishes than they would for pointlessly rubbing the lamp! ...

4 Comments, 85 Views, 16 Votes ,3.13 Score the bathroom...   10/16/2017

wife brushes her teeth while husband takes a shower behind the bath tub curtain...she suddenly hears some strange noises and asks her husbandquot; are you jerking off there???" Husbands responds: HE belongs to me and I can wash him as fast as I want...!!!!"

3 Comments, 64 Views, 11 Votes ,5.41 Score
redduracell 53 M
8  Articles
Phone rings   10/10/2017

-Alcoholic Anonymous there? -Yes brother, how can I help? -You are about to save my life brother. How do I make the perfect mojito?

2 Comments, 25 Views, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
redduracell 53 M
8  Articles
Phone rings   10/10/2017

-Alcoholic Anonymous there? -Yes brother, how can I help? -You are about to save my life brother. How do I make the perfect mojito?

1 Comments, 31 Views, 9 Votes ,3.21 Score
FuckieBunny 40 C
1  Article
Would you like to go large with that meal?   10/7/2017

I wasn't sure where I should write this, I think it's quite fun to bring up the size of my cock on our second date but I've recently took a moment to think this out again. It is NOT under average at all, lets just get that out the way because my cock does have a temper. So, my friends from back home would have silly competition on who could jack off the fastest, that one was my worst ...

2 Comments, 55 Views, 7 Votes ,1.77 Score
A priest gets pulled over for a DUI   10/7/2017

A priest gets pulled over for a DUI check. The police officer can smell the wine on the priest, and he even sees an open bottle of red wine sitting next to the drive. When asked If he had been drinking, the priest said "Only water, officer." With that the police officer pointed at the open bottle. After looking at the near empty bottle of wine the priest smiled and said "Oh my ...

3 Comments, 60 Views, 9 Votes ,4.28 Score
Can't Take It   10/4/2017

With all the political correctness these days, it seems that people just can't take a joke for what it is anymore. I mean come on people, don't let a joke over shadow common sense and real decency. thoughts?

1 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

4 Comments, 84 Views, 13 Votes ,3.81 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

1 Comments, 9 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

2 Comments, 19 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

1 Comments, 8 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Woman buys a parrot   9/28/2017

A woman decides to buy a parrot at the local pet store. The store owner explains the parrot was a rescue from the brothel that got closed down in a raid and that the bird may have picked up some bad language there. She takes her chances and brings the bird home. <br><br> When she gets home she hangs the cage in the family room and pulls back the cover. The bird opens his eyes, look ...

1 Comments, 7 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
A Barbie Joke   9/26/2017

A little girl is in line to see Santa. When it's her turn, she climbs up on Santa's lap. Santa asks, 'What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas'? <br><br> The little girl replies, 'I want a Barbie and G.I. Joe'. <br><br> Santa looks at the little girl for a moment and says, 'I thought Barbie comes with Ken'. <br><br> ...

0 Comments, 68 Views, 6 Votes ,4.79 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Another for the Ladies   9/26/2017

Two women were having lunch together, and discussing the merits of cosmetic surgery. The first woman says, "I need to be honest with you, I'm getting a boob job." <br><br> The second woman says "Oh that's nothing, I'm thinking of having my asshole bleached!" <br><br> To which the first replies, "Whoa, I just can't picture your ...

0 Comments, 53 Views, 6 Votes ,4.22 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Which Hair   9/26/2017

A lady is working hard in her office when a co-worker tells her that her hair smells good. Immediately, she goes to her boss and tells him that she has been sexually harassed. <br><br> "How?" asks the boss. <br><br> "He said my hair smells good, " replied the lady. <br><br> "Wouldn't you take that as a compliment?" ...

1 Comments, 70 Views, 10 Votes ,4.58 Score
uenjoymepdx 54 M
1  Article
Paid for sex   9/25/2017

A man comes home after a hard days work, only to find his wife of 20 years packing a suitcase of clothes and personal items. He asks, "What's going on?" His wife replies, "I'm going to Las Vegas. I heard I can get paid $800.00 for sex." The man's eyes get big and he immediately grabs his suitcase and starts packing it with clothes. "What do you think ...

2 Comments, 80 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
salsagirl822 67 F
21  Articles
Ice Cream   9/24/2017

A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parkour. <br><br> Slowly and painfully, he pulled himself up onto a stool. <br><br> The waitress greeted him, asking how can she can help him. <br><br> After catching his breath, he ordered a banana split. <br><br> The waitress asked kindly, 'Crushed nuts?' <br><br> 'No, ...

3 Comments, 63 Views, 12 Votes ,4.39 Score
salsagirl822 67 F
21  Articles
Hot Mamma   9/24/2017

Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. <br><br> A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. <br><br> A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, 'You're really doing great, aren't you?' <br><br> Morris replied, 'Just doing what you said, ...

1 Comments, 80 Views, 9 Votes ,3.64 Score
sam197pulsar 37 M
84  Articles
Pistol   9/24/2017

A man was having premature ejaculation problems so he went to the doctor. The doctor said, "When you feel like you are getting ready to ejaculate, try startling yourself." That same day the man went to the store and bought himself a starter pistol and ran home to his wife. That night the two were having sex and found themselves in the 69 position. The man felt the urge to ejaculate and ...

2 Comments, 57 Views, 8 Votes ,4.87 Score
sam197pulsar 37 M
84  Articles
Sex pills   9/24/2017

A lady goes to the doctor and complains that her husband is losing interest in sex. The doctor gives her a pill, but warns her that it's still experimental. He tells her to slip it into his mashed potatoes at dinner, so that night, she does just that. About a week later, she’s back at the doctor, where she says, "Doc, the pill worked great! I put it in the potatoes like you said! It ...

2 Comments, 47 Views, 7 Votes ,4.06 Score
sam197pulsar 37 M
84  Articles
Blowjob   9/24/2017

Sarah goes to school, and the teacher says, "Today we are going to learn multi-syllable words, class. Does anybody have an example of a multi-syllable word?" Sarah waves her hand, "Me, Miss Rogers, me, me!" Miss Rogers says, "All right, Sarah, what is your multi-syllable word?" Sarah says, "Mas-tur-bate." Miss Rogers smiles and says, "Wow, Sarah, ...

3 Comments, 50 Views, 6 Votes ,3.65 Score
salsagirl822 67 F
21  Articles
Garage Door   9/23/2017

Garage Door <br><br> The boss walked into the office one morning not knowing his zipper was down and his fly area wide open. <br><br> His assistant walked up to him and said, 'This morning when you left your house, did you close your garage door?' <br><br> The boss told her he knew he'd closed the garage door, and walked into his office puzzled by ...

0 Comments, 56 Views, 9 Votes ,4.71 Score
sam197pulsar 37 M
84  Articles
Ice cream   9/22/2017

A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Johnny isn't paying attention, so she asks him, "If there are three ducks sitting on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left?" Johnny says, "None." The teacher asks, "Why?" Johnny says, "Because the shot scared them all off." The teacher says, "No, two, but I like how you're thinking." ...

1 Comments, 41 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
sam197pulsar 37 M
84  Articles
Mountain dew   9/22/2017

Girl: "Can you use 'Mountain Dew' in a sentence?" Guy: "Yes, can I 'mount-ain dew' you?"

1 Comments, 11 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
The Aussie   9/21/2017

An Aussie drover walks into a bar with his pet crocodile by his side. <br><br> He puts the crocodile up on the bar. He turns to the astonished patrons. 'I'll make you a deal. I'll open this crocodile's mouth and place my manhood inside. Then the croc will close his mouth for one minute. 'Then he'll open his mouth and I'll remove my unit unscathed. In ...

1 Comments, 46 Views, 10 Votes ,4.38 Score
simon004 33 M
17  Articles
jokes jokes   9/20/2017

Doctor: "I'm sorry but you suffer from a terminal illness and have only 10 to live." <br><br> Patient: "What do you mean, 10? 10 what? Months? Weeks?!" <br><br> Doctor: "Nine." <br><br> Check out this really funny jokes:

0 Comments, 18 Views, 0 Votes
simon004 33 M
17  Articles
A Vampire’s Nightcap   9/20/2017

What did one thirsty vampire say to the other as they were passing the morgue? A: Let’s stop in for a cool one!

1 Comments, 18 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
FFJay13 49 M
0  Articles
Customer Complaints   9/18/2017

A well dressed gentleman is walking through the airport with 12 . As he is standing at the gate to board, the airline representative asks "Sir, are these all your ?" <br><br> The man say "No. None of these are mine." <br><br> The airline rep asks "Well then why are they with you?" <br><br> The man replies "I work for the ...

1 Comments, 42 Views, 3 Votes ,4.90 Score
jr42468 57 M
24  Articles
ilove to laugh   9/18/2017

well im a jokester and i love to laugh and cut up in front of everyone

0 Comments, 3 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
jr42468 57 M
24  Articles
ilove to laugh   9/18/2017

well im a jokester and i love to laugh and cut up in front of everyone

0 Comments, 3 Views, 2 Votes
jr42468 57 M
24  Articles
ilove to laugh   9/18/2017

well im a jokester and i love to laugh and cut up in front of everyone

0 Comments, 0 Views, 0 Votes
winstonfunguy 56 M
12  Articles
Little has nightmare   9/18/2017

A five year old boy wakes up from a horrible nightmare, runs across the hall into his parents room and gets a full view of they in the act. That is the last thing he needs to see, so he screams and runs out of the room. Mom and Dad have a little chuckle. The mom says "put your robe on and find junior. At least tell him you weren't hurting me." Dad goes looking for the boy all over ...

0 Comments, 54 Views, 5 Votes ,5.10 Score
niceone1523 45 M
1  Article
joke   9/17/2017

guess who I saw today ? everyone I looked at

1 Comments, 5 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
none   9/16/2017


1 Comments, 4 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
The Accident   9/14/2017

A man wakes up in the hospital bandaged from head to foot. The doctor comes in and says, "Ah, I see you've regained consciousness. Now you probably won't remember, but you were in a huge pile-up on the freeway. You're going to be okay, you'll walk again and everything, however, your penis was severed in the accident and we couldn't find it" <br><br> ...

1 Comments, 60 Views, 7 Votes ,3.55 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
Lucky 5   9/9/2017

A 55-year-old man who was born on May 5, has been married 5 years, has 5 , makes $55, 555.55 a year, and who’s lucky number is 5, receives a phone call from a friend. <br><br> The friend informs the man that a named Lucky 5 will be running in the fifth race at the local track that evening. <br><br> Excitedly, the man withdraws $5, 555.00 cash from his bank account, goes ...

2 Comments, 76 Views, 9 Votes ,5.56 Score
whorecurious 63 C
164  Articles
in a play   9/9/2017

Boy: “Dad, I got a role in the school play, I play a man who’s been married for 20 years.” <br><br> Father: “That’s great, . Maybe someday you’ll get a speaking part.”

0 Comments, 24 Views, 7 Votes ,5.59 Score
wickedcat2006 49 F
145  Articles
weddings!!   9/6/2017

why do brides wear white at a wedding? <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> nah, ,, ,, thats not it!!!! <br><br> hmmmm, try again!!! <br><br> because it matches the appliances!!!!!

1 Comments, 24 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
simon004 33 M
17  Articles
The boss   9/5/2017

Definition Of A Boss: "Boss Is A Person Who Thinks That Nine Women Together Can Produce A Baby In One Month"

0 Comments, 11 Views, 8 Votes ,4.64 Score
dafocker44 65 M
5  Articles
A question   9/5/2017

What do a pizza delivery guy and OBGyn have in common? <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> They can both smell the goods but can't eat it!!! <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> I didn't write it, I just posted it!!!

0 Comments, 10 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
The Ring   9/3/2017

A balding, white haired man walked into a jeweler store this past Friday evening with a beautiful much younger gal at his side. He told the jeweler he was looking for a special ring for his girlfriend. The jeweler looked through his stock and brought out a $5, 000 ring. <br><br> The man said, 'No, I'd like to see something more special.' <br><br> At that ...

0 Comments, 62 Views, 8 Votes ,6.26 Score
Senior Citizen Sex   8/27/2017

Roger is 85 and lives in a Senior Citizens Home. <br><br> Every night after dinner he goes to a secluded garden behind the home to sit and ponder his accomplishments and long life. <br><br> One evening, Mildred, age 82, wanders into the garden. They begin to chat and before they know it, several hours have passed. After a short lull in their conversation, Roger turns to ...

2 Comments, 102 Views, 18 Votes ,6.13 Score
dafocker44 65 M
5  Articles
A new vino   8/27/2017

A single glass at night could mean a peaceful, uninterrupted nights sleep. NEW Wine for Seniors I you not... <br><br> [] California vintners in the Napa Valley area, which primarily produce Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Grigio wines, have developed a new hybrid grapethat acts as an anti-diuretic. It is expected to reduce the number of trips older people have to make to the ...

0 Comments, 42 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
Cowboy Sex   8/24/2017

Two cowboys are out on the range talking about their favorite sex positions: One says, "I think I enjoy the rodeo position the best." <br><br> "I don't think I have ever heard of that one", says the other cowboy, "what is it?" <br><br> "Well, it's where you get your girlfriend down on all fours, and you mount her from behind, and ...

0 Comments, 80 Views, 11 Votes ,5.41 Score
Enginary 33 M
39  Articles
fun   8/23/2017

why is she farting alot xD

0 Comments, 12 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
Enginary 33 M
39  Articles
fun   8/23/2017

tell me a joke

0 Comments, 4 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
Enginary 33 M
39  Articles
funny   8/23/2017

need a killing joke

0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
Clamoringwind52u 40 M
1  Article
King Me... I got mah keys!!   8/20/2017

I still don't understand what went wrong across the world after the love died. It was a rough day for everyone I guess. Nobody really saw it coming but everyone was at their seat watching. Day after day and even the day after and the 28 days later it was true ooober reality. I don't know what really took place but must have been some sorts of executive decisions if you will. I don't know but the ...

0 Comments, 28 Views, 1 Votes
interest   8/16/2017

a man went to the Lady at the bank counter and asked, how do you get more interest, when you put in or when you withdraw; prompt was her reply, the longer you keep inside the more of interest you get

3 Comments, 52 Views, 14 Votes ,3.30 Score
bike riding   8/13/2017

do you know what they say about girls who ride a bike?

They pedal their ass all over town

1 Comments, 28 Views, 7 Votes ,2.28 Score
new2youtwo 57 C
0  Articles
going duck hunting   8/13/2017

husband asked his wife to go duck hunting , she always says shell go, but when its time to go she says no, this time he says if you welch you have to give me anal sex or a blowjob, sure enough she dosent want to go , so she starts giving him a blow job when she says , this taste like shit, he says , the fucking didnt want to go either

0 Comments, 25 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
new2youtwo 57 C
0  Articles
going duck hunting   8/13/2017

husband asked his wife to go duck hunting , she always says shell go, but when its time to go she says no, this time he says if you welch you have to give me anal sex or a blowjob, sure enough she dosent want to go , so she starts giving him a blow job when she says , this taste like shit, he says , the fucking didnt want to go either

1 Comments, 13 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
new2youtwo 57 C
0  Articles
going duck hunting   8/13/2017

husband asked his wife to go duck hunting , she always says shell go, but when its time to go she says no, this time he says if you welch you have to give me anal sex or a blowjob, sure enough she dosent want to go , so she starts giving him a blow job when she says , this taste like shit, he says , the fucking didnt want to go either

1 Comments, 13 Views, 5 Votes ,1.84 Score
new2youtwo 57 C
0  Articles
going duck hunting   8/13/2017

husband asked his wife to go duck hunting , she always says shell go, but when its time to go she says no, this time he says if you welch you have to give me anal sex or a blowjob, sure enough she dosent want to go , so she starts giving him a blow job when she says , this taste like shit, he says , the fucking didnt want to go either

0 Comments, 2 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
Oil???   8/10/2017

If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from???? lol

0 Comments, 5 Views, 1 Votes
SEX AND THE ELDERLY.....   8/4/2017

The eighty-three year old lady finished her annual physical examination, the Doctor said, "You are in fine shape for your age, Mrs. Green, but tell me, do you still have intercourse?"

"Just a minute, I'll have to ask my husband, “she said.

She stepped out into the crowded reception room and yelled out loud:

"Bob, do we still have intercourse?" There was a complete ...

4 Comments, 131 Views, 11 Votes ,5.60 Score
ballzdeep1992 27 M
11  Articles
Nantucket   8/4/2017

There once was a man from nantucket his dick was so long he could suck it he smiled with a grin as he wiped off his chin if his ear was a cunt he would fuck it

0 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
rdhair44 65 M
98  Articles
Joseph   8/2/2017

Hear about the representative that called home, worst day to come home to talk.

0 Comments, 31 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
Floydsbbc4u 47 M
4  Articles
bear. and rabbit   7/29/2017

Bear and rabbit are shitting in the woods , , bear ask rabbit.. do you have aproblem with shit sticking to your fur?.. rabbit says no... bear wipes his ads with rabbit

0 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score