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lickdatpuzzzzzz 53 M
9  Articles
does true love exist??   3/28/2012

i honestly have an issue with this, because everything naturally in me since i was young goes against it. true one on one love that is. even in elementary school i was giving out multiple valentine cards...i just feel as though people have taken things from a selfish point of view. just wanting, as they do with money, and everything else in the't u think if we were meant to be ...

1 Comments, 14 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rm_ecw123680 34 M
14  Articles
im so sad   3/25/2012

im single and i been single 4 12yers will some women be my gf

1 Comments, 32 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
LTRwhornyman 60 F
3  Articles
It is wonderful if you can find it with a like minded person   3/20/2012

I am on this site to find a LTR which means I'm looking for that love connection to go with the hot sex. If not a love connection it would be great to find a loving, warm caring partner to share things with including strong sexual passion.

It is very possible to be loving without actually being in love as it is possible to be caring without being in love and I think we all hope to find ...

1 Comments, 22 Views, 5 Votes ,3.14 Score
LasVegasAngel 81 F
0  Articles
The Birds and Bees....updated   1/28/2012

SAYS: Daddy, how was I born? <br> DAD SAYS: Ah, well, my , one day you will need to find out anyway! Mom and Dad got together in a chat room on MSN. Dad set up a date via e-mail with your mom and we met at a cybercafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and then your mother downloaded from dad's memory stick. As soon as dad was ready for an upload, it was discovered that ...

4 Comments, 96 Views, 27 Votes ,6.92 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
How to treat a woman & man !   1/24/2012


Wine her. Dine her. Call her. Hold her. Surprise her. Compliment her. Smile at her. Listen to her. Laugh with her. Cry with her. Romance her. Encourage her. Believe in her. Pray with her. Pray for her. Cuddle with her. Shop with her. Give her jewelry. Buy her flowers. Hold her hand. Write love letters to her. Go to the ends of the earth and back ...

11 Comments, 102 Views, 7 Votes ,3.55 Score
ARomanticHero 30 M
11  Articles
Sex vs. Love   1/23/2012

Does sex without love feel the same as sex with love?

4 Comments, 82 Views, 10 Votes ,3.39 Score
Hardone905 48 M
6  Articles
pussy   12/27/2011

u just got a love it

4 Comments, 68 Views, 9 Votes ,2.14 Score
Building the Bond in your Relationshi   12/25/2011

A bond (relationship wise) is when two people have a connection. Being attracted to each other and sharing common values and interests brought the two of you together as a couple, but the bond has not been set completely. Besides the fact that you have love and care between you, you also need to see whether or not the two of you are friends. Is it possible to be friends? Absolutely! As a matter ...

1 Comments, 56 Views, 7 Votes ,4.31 Score
kflow112 53 M
6  Articles
Meaning?   12/25/2011

What does it mean to you to allow another person to fully love you?

1 Comments, 30 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
secondinning9 57 M
5  Articles
How to seduce someone using your eyes   12/19/2011

How to seduce someone using your eyes If you're terrified by the idea of chatting up a complete stranger, the bad news is that we're not going to help you. The good news is that it doesn't matter, because the chat-up is a rotten seduction strategy anyway. The smart way to bewitch an attractive stranger is to shut your mouth, open your eyes – and use them to say more than any words can. ...

6 Comments, 91 Views, 12 Votes ,5.63 Score
solematesinners2 54 C
4  Articles
Finally!!!!   11/20/2011

After being in some REALLY shitty relationships, it took me a long time to trust! Not just men, but myself. I kept putting myself out there, but I just seemed to keep getting hurt. Well I'm here to let people who are skeptic about love know that it does exsist!! When you least expect it, it just smacks square in the face. I've been with Steve for 3 and a half years now, and it just keeps better & ...

2 Comments, 59 Views, 9 Votes ,3.21 Score
Do you believe?   11/18/2011

Do you believe in true love or even love in general?

If so why and if not why not

1 Comments, 26 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
A loving heart !   10/9/2011

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.


3 Comments, 88 Views, 7 Votes ,3.55 Score
rm_maninohio44 46 M
7  Articles
do you think swinging helps or hurts it   9/27/2011

Love how many of you on here think that swinging has helped or hurt with your love life and how many of you think that swinging has help save your relationship or cost you a relationship and would you do it again

1 Comments, 61 Views, 4 Votes ,4.02 Score
fuck for cream   9/20/2011

lthough all editions of Windows Server 2008 include Network Load Balancing, only the Enterprise Edition and the Datacenter Edition include failover clustering capabilities to achieve higher levels of availability. A cluster allows you to establish high availability for general services or for specific applications. The Failover Cluster Management tool included with Windows Server 2008 enables you ...

0 Comments, 60 Views, 6 Votes ,1.37 Score
Love   9/2/2011

Pleny to wrtie.. await details

1 Comments, 42 Views, 7 Votes ,0.75 Score
ILmakeyousquirt 40 M
2  Articles
Love doesn't Come in a minute   8/31/2011

"I only know that when I'm in it" according to Sir Paul. Generally speaking, loving the person you're with will take sex to higher levels. But love, like all other things born out of the natural world, is impermanant. Nevertheless, it is also not finite, it's renewable. You are as capable of giving it as you are of receiving it and the latter tends to follow the former as we are reciprocal by ...

0 Comments, 21 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
深入女性敏感地帶:G點(男人必看)   8/27/2011

G 點的全名是 Grafenburg spot,由一位德國婦產科醫師於1950年首先提出。支持G 點存在論的研究指出,其所在位置是在於陰道的前壁,也就是距離陰道入口約3~4公分之處。   而且,嚴格說來它並不是一個「點」,而是一塊由許多靜脈聚集、呈多重皺摺集中的區域。


0 Comments, 53 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
steffawnforfun 36 M
4  Articles
love   8/23/2011

is there a such thing as love and r people looking in the righrt places to find it. well for those who find it have fun with it cuz love hurts

1 Comments, 28 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
love?   8/19/2011

what is love? just a pleasure of body relationship or the attachment of heart to heart with feelings? yes love is related to both the things. u cannot get true love without physical pleasure and vise versa.

0 Comments, 37 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
Mutual love   8/18/2011

is a 2 way love between a couple as rare as i think it is? almost seems non existant too me. my old high school girl friend has just recently told me she still loves me more than ever, but yet she is dating other guys.

1 Comments, 30 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
zokash22 29 M
11  Articles
havent loved yet   8/17/2011

its hard trusting somebody your with and let alone i have been hurt alot so its hard for me to open up and love

1 Comments, 31 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
love   8/16/2011

21. I love you, because you let me in your life and your heart.

22. I am in love with you, because you give me a presents without a reason.

23. I love your honesty.

24. One of the reasons I love you is your perfect body.

25. I love you, because of your charm and charisma.

26. I love your strong hands.

27. Another one of the reasons I love you, ...

1 Comments, 22 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
southernman5051 60 M
6  Articles
Nudity and your Lover   6/24/2011

I was reading what i thought was a interesting blog from another site about Nudity and your Lover, does it Tarnish a relationship when your partner walks around nude all the time, or Dull the intensity of your love making does it take away from the sex. I say no cause i know when i first got married it was fun and entertaining to watch the ex walking around nude.

1 Comments, 40 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
Found love on this site   6/19/2011

It seems like you run into some profiles where people are looking for love, do you think lots of people are on here trying to find the one? I bet it happens more to find someone and have a physical connection which turns into something serious on this site.....

1 Comments, 71 Views, 9 Votes ,3.21 Score
I LOVE U BABE   6/10/2011

Babe, i love the way u are, ur smile and grade is superb.i love to meet u.

1 Comments, 37 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
sxetafysweet 56 F
2  Articles
Longing   5/26/2011

For the last 2 years Ive been taking care of my sister and not going out much

Being with the opposite sex..I miss.

At first I was really missing the sex.. But now I think its the kiss.. I long for.

What do you long for?


6 Comments, 201 Views, 15 Votes ,3.44 Score
justlooking4sexy 26 C
4  Articles
something different   5/3/2011

This is a bit of a fetish thought ive had and my husband is ok with it. I have been thinking constantly about. I have been thinking of finding another woman to join our relationship to possibly be lifetime partners I don't know if i am stupid for feeling that thinking about something like that is natural.And I hope someone out there is at least willing to try out. ...

5 Comments, 111 Views, 18 Votes ,3.26 Score
josmith5 61 M
1466  Articles
Understanding Love   3/7/2011

Two friends are discussing the possibility of love. "I thought I was in love three times, " one friend says.

"How so?" his friend asks.

"Five years ago I deeply cared for a woman who wanted nothing to do with me."

"Was that not love?" his friend asks.

"No, " he replies. "That was obsession. And then two years ago I deeply cared for an attractive woman who ...

2 Comments, 47 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
josmith5 61 M
1466  Articles
If You Love Something,Set it Free.....   3/7/2011

If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back, it was and always will be yours.

If it never returns, it was never yours to begin with.

If it just sits in your living room and messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money and never behaves as if you actually set it free in the first place -- you either married it or gave birth to it!

1 Comments, 38 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
hotspidy 35 M
6  Articles
Do You Love Yourself?   3/4/2011

So, do you love yourself?

Shouldnt really be a difficult question to answer should it?

For many people this question makes them feel more than a little uncomfortable. In fact, if youve suddenly become short of breath and your palms have gone a little sweaty, then you should definitely continue reading this article!

A mad passionate love affair!

Have you ever ...

1 Comments, 38 Views, 6 Votes ,3.93 Score
tanukua 49 M
2  Articles
is love seperates   1/23/2011

when you ;love some one and hav lot of sex urge, can sex separate lovers?

1 Comments, 42 Views, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
KarmaBella 52 F
5  Articles
A Poem for my Love   1/14/2011

[bg bgcolor=silver]
[font face=Pristina]Rapture

Sweet, sweet love of mine how I would have waited till the end of time to taste your lips, to feel your breath, to peer into your eyes and know their depth.

Feeling your fingers intertwine with mine while hearing you inhale and tenderly sigh, lusting and longing for the rush of your ...

0 Comments, 20 Views, 5 Votes ,5.43 Score
19chocolateBar 29 M
4  Articles
Love: Good or Bad?   1/8/2011

Everyone strives to find that special feeling which draws them closer to their beloved soul mate, Love. Only question is, is Love good or bad? The truth of the matter is, Love can be good or it can be bad, in the sense that it brings about pain. In the beginning of any committed relationship, feelings will start to surface and eventually turn into Love. That one feeling can have you feeling high ...

5 Comments, 48 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
anal sex   1/1/2011

I want to have anal with mature ladies. Is it common to other or I am a maniac?

4 Comments, 51 Views, 6 Votes ,1.94 Score
rm_kenthoy 35 M
1  Article
love   12/30/2010


1 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Love !   12/17/2010

Love is not getting, but giving.

It is goodness and honor and peace and pure living, the best thing in the world and the thing that lives the longest.


2 Comments, 33 Views, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
Bump144 72 M
823  Articles
GOOD OLD BOYS   12/9/2010

Two Tennessee GOOD OLE BOYS are out hunting, and as they are walking along they come upon a huge hole in the ground. They approach it and are amazed by the size of it.

The first hunter says, "Wow, that's some hole; I can't even see the bottom. I wonder how deep it is."

The second hunter says, " I don't know, let's throw something down and listen and see how long it takes to ...

2 Comments, 54 Views, 5 Votes ,3.14 Score
9026520533 43 M
1  Article
PURE LOVE   12/7/2010

love mean u have to love those person, don/t hope that that peron love u or not.

1 Comments, 31 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
hi friends   11/28/2010

love is life

2 Comments, 26 Views, 6 Votes ,1.94 Score
jktg 45 M
3  Articles
Love or .,,,,   11/21/2010

I'm talking üith a woman on this site, she want's to meet in real.It's love or just ... May be she want's just a fucking????

1 Comments, 24 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
carlos_grafen 32 M
10  Articles
Real Love   11/20/2010

How do people know when is the moment that they fell in love

2 Comments, 36 Views, 4 Votes ,4.80 Score
rm_always571 58 M
2  Articles
With whom?   11/4/2010

I found myself in love. She was hot, and so was the sex. The love came first. Longing, waiting, and hoping we could get together.

Finally, we made it into each other's arms. The love grew, then the sex started.

All was amazing. She was amazing, and the sex was amazing. We filled each other. We felt no need for others. She danced with no underwear. She flashed truckers. She ...

1 Comments, 64 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
tydell123 33 M
2  Articles
so last night   10/27/2010

i got crunk as fuck and had butt sex with a marmaduke

4 Comments, 77 Views, 7 Votes ,2.53 Score
kathywithgary 43 C
16  Articles
Ending Love   10/21/2010

Lonely lost and within. I feel my heart is hard with sin. I loved and trusted yet it never busted, but yet in time the hurt still crust it. Why is life so cold and gray? I'm not that bad as they say, for they want me more each day, but for this my mind will pay!! I love you once and then you lust, why can't I find someone to trust?? I need the friend I found within.. So love and hold me and be ...

3 Comments, 81 Views, 9 Votes ,2.78 Score
rm_Arjack44 32 M
2  Articles
Damn it   10/20/2010

This stupid girl ruined my life....I get sick of it he make me suffer bacause make me fall in love with her....its really pathetic at alland its the stupid thing ever happen in my life

1 Comments, 12 Views, 1 Votes
fun4her1981 43 F
2  Articles
Whoever you want me to be   10/5/2010

You look at me like you want to touch me, feel me; be inside me, Running your hands over my naked body, You playfully caress my nipples. Until you decide to turn the lights on, You stare at me, frozen with confusion. I’m not the young girl you remember, The one you dream about, with full breasts, and taught stomach. The one you now remember only in your fantasies. You try to hide it but I ...

5 Comments, 118 Views, 9 Votes ,3.00 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Looking at love !   9/24/2010

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have....

7 Comments, 45 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
djl1957 66 M
9  Articles
About Love   9/7/2010

Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing, And your voice caught within your chest?

It isn't Love, it's Like. You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right?

It isn't Love, it's Lust. Are you proud, and eager to show them off?

It isn't Love, it's Luck. Do you want them because you know they're there?

It isn't Love, it's Loneliness. Are you there ...

1 Comments, 34 Views, 6 Votes ,3.65 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
The perfect man !   9/4/2010

The perfect man is gentle. He is never cruel or mean. He has a beautiful smile and keeps his face so clean.

The perfect man likes and will raise them by your side. He will be a good father as well as a good husband to his wife/girlfriend.

The perfect man loves cooking, cleaning and vacuuming too. He'll do anything in his power to convey his feelings of love to his woman. ...

10 Comments, 96 Views, 12 Votes ,3.15 Score
a69dic 31 M
2  Articles
phone sex   9/4/2010

who trying to have a lil phone sex

0 Comments, 43 Views, 4 Votes ,0.14 Score
Luv_Doggie_style 33 M
1  Article
Nowadays very Daring.... Romance beside me...   8/31/2010

Im in a bus on my way to work at 3 plus... There's a couple wearing school uniform sit beside me.... Guess what they romance beside me kissing with a loud sound... The girl let her bf touching her boobs.... They make me horny... Coz in the bus me and them in a second story bus.. It was double decker bus... I watch them until my cock erected... What im going to do? Hj my self??? If u are there ...

3 Comments, 208 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
nagnag42 49 G
12  Articles
kissing   8/26/2010

A first kiss should always be done while the two of you are alone. This will help to avoid any unnecessary nervousness and embarrassing situations. The best type of kiss is one that uses different variations.. . such as starting with a small kiss, working into a French Kiss, maybe sucking on your partner's upper or lower lip...

And don't just leave kisses to the lips. Kiss their cheeks, ...

3 Comments, 52 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
fish   8/6/2010

Love is love, life is life , but isn't it quiet when the goldfish die.

0 Comments, 52 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant!   7/26/2010

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.

They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,

To aid you physically, emotionally ...

5 Comments, 47 Views, 10 Votes ,3.58 Score
rm_Mz_thick2 47 F
33  Articles
You come first   7/4/2010

why do people alway's say does love exist?Yes it does and if you have had a rocky relatioship or your going through it now that doesnt mean that love doesnt exist.Everything happen's for a reason and to be in a loving relationship you have to love yourself first.My question is why do people look for love in all the wrong place's instead of letting come to them whenever it come's?There is someone ...

2 Comments, 44 Views, 8 Votes ,3.01 Score
JordanNAustin 64 M
9  Articles
Loss of a loved one   6/29/2010

You know I never really understood what the loss of a loved one( , wife, husband..) did to you. Unfortunately, I lost a to cancer and found out how it impacts one. There isn't a day that goes by when you don't thing of them a few times. You have to fight back the hurt feelings and the longing to see them because that just isn't possible. Yeah, there is the occasional moment when you forget that ...

0 Comments, 27 Views, 0 Votes
define love   6/11/2010

define love, it has many meanings.

1 Comments, 63 Views, 0 Votes
__A_J__ 47 F
9  Articles
Exhibiting love   6/10/2010

A coward is incapable of exhibiting love. It is the prerogative of the brave.

4 Comments, 93 Views, 18 Votes ,4.63 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
True friendship & love !   5/21/2010

True friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.

Same goes for true love.

2 Comments, 38 Views, 12 Votes ,2.45 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Heart !   5/17/2010

A persons heart is sometimes not judged by how much it loves, but by how much it is loved by others. ...

1 Comments, 36 Views, 9 Votes ,3.64 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Living !   5/13/2010

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God. ...

3 Comments, 32 Views, 10 Votes ,1.59 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Most of everything !   5/10/2010

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just try to make the most of everything....

1 Comments, 23 Views, 11 Votes ,1.11 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Two people !   5/10/2010

Just because two people argue, that doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they don't argue, that doesn't mean they do love each other. ...

1 Comments, 21 Views, 10 Votes ,0.40 Score
OkanaganMan 36 M
6  Articles
Some Inspiration,,,   5/6/2010

To the world, you may be one person, ,, , but to one person, you may be the world

2 Comments, 17 Views, 3 Votes ,1.47 Score
ThatTongue 57 M
2  Articles

Trying out some erotic story telling. enjoy

This is a story I must tell. A few years ago, I quit a job that I had been on for 11 years. I left for a great promotion at a different company. Two years earlier I did the final interview for a woman who was going to work in my department. Kimberly was 23 years old and gorgeous. She was Latino, perfect body, long black silky hair, with ...

3 Comments, 177 Views, 10 Votes ,4.98 Score
rm_camila51000 64 M
13  Articles
own poetry   4/29/2010

Crying stars, but you isn't beside me, Fears flowing in whispears pani, Just hear the sea breeze past hat moment, The sing-in depth of overflowing.

1 Comments, 10 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Dissatisfied !   4/28/2010

When you are dissatisfied with love and would like to go back to your youth, think of Algebra.

1 Comments, 38 Views, 22 Votes
kathywithgary 43 C
16  Articles
Hurt   4/25/2010

I give up, my feelings need not exist, they hurt to bad to deal with.. By kathy m

5 Comments, 58 Views, 6 Votes ,3.93 Score
need some advice   4/24/2010

I have a friend named Jacquelyn, and I have known her for almost 17 years. I had a crush on her when we was in high school, but I was afraid to ask her to be my girl. She came to walmart last year and the feelings I had for her back then have started to resurface. I love her with all of my heart, and wish she was my girl. However, there is a small problem. She is dating someone that graduated ...

3 Comments, 48 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
In my opinion!   4/23/2010

Love to me is eternal, you cannot fall out of love. You can and most often this happens, you cannot seem to get along with the other person in your life. It could be because the other person isn't interested in what you do, say or how you act. How do you know when the love is losing its fire. The nit-picking, nothing is ever right, you don't dress well, you under dress, you don't cook what I ...

3 Comments, 25 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
vashlacc 39 M
1  Article
JUST DO IT   4/7/2010

My persinal love was so hurt full byt ill fine some new loving on me......

1 Comments, 57 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
rm_MkMeMelt1st 49 F
3  Articles
Dinner For Two   4/5/2010

You made dinner reservations for two at this little quite Italian restaurant out of town. You asked to have the private booth in the back. You had told them that you were surprising me with something and wanted the night to be special and didn't want to be interrupted during the night. You wouldn't tell me where you were taking me that night but I would enjoy it. All you wanted to do was to see ...

3 Comments, 110 Views, 6 Votes ,4.50 Score
aaron4sex 56 M
4  Articles
love in   4/5/2010

we were so distanced by length only in cyber we got close so many months we share thoughts so many months we joke and laugh so many months we shed some tears finally, our feet have to plant its sole on earth so that our soul may move on

4 Comments, 36 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
hotboi27 41 M
6  Articles
why   4/4/2010

why does love hit u at the wrong time?

1 Comments, 12 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
kathywithgary 43 C
16  Articles
The Strongest Word   4/1/2010

Love has to be the strongest word of all, it can make you feel the best you ever felt inside. But yet it can turn around and break your heart in two, and make you hate that person you once adored. So once again you know that you will go out into this world and give that word we call LOVE just another try. Cause love is something that everyone needs inside. By Kathy{=}

2 Comments, 43 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
rm_fernand0o0 27 M
1  Article
how do you forget an ex if she was very hot   3/31/2010

how can you forget someone you like more because she was very hot than lovely?.

1 Comments, 17 Views, 0 Votes
rm_camila51000 64 M
13  Articles
The Future of Love   3/29/2010

Love is a mighty power.It is light.It is the energy of life.It brings us into life and sustains us while we life and breathe.Love is an energy, not a substance.It is essence, not matter.

1 Comments, 17 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
aaron4sex 56 M
4  Articles
hurt and love   3/27/2010

for once i feel love. and it hurts so much. they said if there are no heartaches, then you have never love.

3 Comments, 40 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
love..   3/25/2010

what can i say about love.. *takes deep breath* :l its a great thing.. but im going to sleep now. ill write later

1 Comments, 10 Views, 1 Votes
fatfreak5 54 F
5  Articles
LOVE HURTS   3/22/2010


1 Comments, 44 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
kathywithgary 43 C
16  Articles
Love & Sex   3/18/2010

Love is a lot like great sex, can you tell the diffrence or stay cought up in the lust they both put you're body threw? can you really choose the best one or just get lost in all it's Fun. {=}By Kathy

2 Comments, 58 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
lilchills23 34 M
2  Articles
Nope   3/14/2010

All guys here are not looking for love!!!

2 Comments, 22 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Best friend's !   3/11/2010

A man and his were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.

He remembered dying, and that the walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble... At the top of a ...

2 Comments, 95 Views, 32 Votes
Bubblyboo3 45 M
10  Articles
can anyone really put into words what love is   3/5/2010

I often think about it but cannot put into words what it is.

1 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
stallion4earth 39 M
6  Articles
hesitant   3/2/2010

i cannot use the heavy words i mean there are some sentences which i cannot utter from my tongue like, i love you you are most important person in my life i can not live without you i am falling in love with you.

i don't understand why i am so hesitant but it makes me feel that i am incompetent emotionally. do others have same problem or its just me.

2 Comments, 39 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
how to love   2/18/2010

Love is a strange feeling that can be one of the most amazing in all the world. Sometimes the emotions associated with love are blissful, and there are times when they can really hurt. In the end, love is something most of us, if not all of us, will encounter. While there are many different ways to define love and there are many different ways to love someone (or even yourself), here is a general ...

1 Comments, 28 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
rm_SweetSora 31 F
1  Article
Am I An Ice Queen?   2/16/2010

There have been a few times when I just take a step back to think about what "I really want". And I would just come back to the same conclusion that a relationship just isn't for me right now. Or he has to be perfect! I grew up around a lot of broken hearts thus the inevitable lesson being "love stinks". However I have fallen in love and have had men fall in love with me. Now I'm just at a ...

0 Comments, 59 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
rm_wanttoseemy 62 M
4  Articles
Happy Valentines Day   2/14/2010

I just wanted to wish all the ladies a very happy Valentines Day. I hope you get the gift you were hoping for. Have a great day.

1 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes
vmuncher69su 59 C
1  Article
there are two kinds of love........   2/10/2010

have you ever heard before that there are two kinds of love? well i have before and i believe it is very true..... they are: amature love and true love....

amature love is when you are only happy when your together... true love is wheen your happy all the time!!!

2 Comments, 68 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
Does love & sex mean you must be in a bonded relationship?   1/28/2010

Does love & sex mean you must be in a bonded relationship?

What is the male and female view of this?

Where is the medium behind it all?

3 Comments, 30 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
Does love & sex mean you must be in a bonded relationship?   1/28/2010

Does love & sex mean you must be in a bonded relationship?

What is the male and female view of this?

Where is the medium behind it all?

1 Comments, 12 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
egdiscreetdesire 47 M
6  Articles
how to convince your wife?   1/22/2010

i always wanted to sk this question , why majority of wifes think if her husband ask her for 3 or 4 some MMFF or similar then he doesn't love her or thinking she is a bitch to watch her playing with others !

3 Comments, 46 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
mysteriousman43 36 M
10  Articles
sacrifice   1/20/2010

its very hard to describe this great emotion in short love is all about sacrifice.

2 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
hu   1/20/2010

hlo sexy

1 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
spicy_babe 31 F
1  Article
Love is life   1/9/2010

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

9 Comments, 113 Views, 20 Votes ,5.93 Score
3  Articles
Finding True Love   1/8/2010

New relationships are always fun, exciting and of course NEW. Once the novelty wears off and you get to know each other better is when the true process of building a loving relationship starts. I fell in love with my husband at first site, however over the years we have been through many ups and downs. I joke that our 7 year itch was the first seven years. I know today that how I feel ...

2 Comments, 51 Views, 11 Votes ,3.92 Score
rm_krisshh81 33 M
14  Articles
UK Residents Too Tired For Sex?   1/7/2010

When we think of that old sex-avoidance excuse, “Honey, I am just too tired tonight, ” we usually think of it as a sporadic excuse used here and there when we’re simply not in the mood. Well, for the British that excuse has been found to be commonplace. A recent report that was originally intended to demonstrate how the increasing cases of obesity have affected health actually determined ...

1 Comments, 26 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
rm_krisshh81 33 M
14  Articles
10 Funny Ways Men Are Like Superman   1/6/2010

1. He has this innate desire to see through things

2. He seems to be struggling with somewhat of an identity crisis

3. He seems so human but in many ways is just another alien life form

4. He comes from a planet no woman understands

5. He often wears a disguise to keep people from seeing who he really is

6. In spite of all his logic he ...

1 Comments, 28 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
rm_krisshh81 33 M
14  Articles
Ballet is sexy   1/6/2010

HAVE YOU noticed? Ballet is getting sexy. From the brazenness of Lorena Feijoo in Val Caniparoli's duet No Other to the luscious sensuality of Dance Theatre of Harlem's Caroline Rocher in St. Louis Woman, from the oozing elegance of Peter Martins's Thou Swell at New York City Ballet to the tantalizing surrender of Alessandra Ferri in American Ballet theatre's Manon, the action on the ballet ...

1 Comments, 13 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rm_krisshh81 33 M
14  Articles
DEATH’S WINGS   1/6/2010

Tryst with enemy bakes the earth. I am standing firm on dust of times with rising threat. In vloaks, under the fading moon they had come, plundered my yard of truth and blackened the face of an ancient statue of sun god.

The terror walks on streets sequencing the genome of unborns in womb; soot was settling in the lungs of windows. Tomorrow night word by word memory will be mauled, ...

1 Comments, 8 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
rm_krisshh81 33 M
14  Articles
How to Have a Happy Love Life   1/6/2010

You haven't yet noticed the other person's flaws and it's as if the sun rises and sets with this new love in your life. Unfortunately, this phase doesn't last. The newness eventually wears off as reality sets in. The good news is that with the right mindset and attitude, you can keep the magic in your relationship.

1. Decide that you are going to have happy relationship. Anything that ...

1 Comments, 16 Views, 0 Votes
rm_krisshh81 33 M
14  Articles
How to Have a Happy Love Life   1/6/2010

You haven't yet noticed the other person's flaws and it's as if the sun rises and sets with this new love in your life. Unfortunately, this phase doesn't last. The newness eventually wears off as reality sets in. The good news is that with the right mindset and attitude, you can keep the magic in your relationship.

1. Decide that you are going to have happy relationship. Anything that ...

1 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
18764930560SEX 30 M
10  Articles
LOVE ME OR LOVE ME NOT???   1/5/2010

its hard to find real true love in these hard times is there love out there or its just a fantasy i would love to know?

What do you guys think?

3 Comments, 25 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
Amante_D_noche 58 F
2  Articles
My Lover   12/28/2009

Once again we meet at the local motel.The one we've been meeting since this relation started.He takes me by the hand and leads me to our room. He closes the door behind him and we start kissing.I love the way he bites my lips while I carees his face, then I run my fingers thru his hair.

We decide there is too much clothe in our way..I need to feel his young skin.. We walk together as one ...

9 Comments, 182 Views, 15 Votes ,3.44 Score
rm_lilguy4uall 51 M
5  Articles
Is this love when i can only get an erection w/gf   12/21/2009

i have nbeen my gf off and on for about 8 years now she has cheated on me sure i get mad but i always take her right back we fight a little hten its back to love and when she gets the need to get dicked down she heads ot every time she comes back covered in hickies and wore out. then she accuses me of screwin every body i try to tell her that i can i dont get hard for anyone but her she dont ...

1 Comments, 61 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
nithinlal32 41 M
3  Articles
hiiii   11/30/2009

When I woke up this morning, I was in heaven. It wasn't a physical place but it was real, just the same. It was heaven because before I opened my eyes, I heard a voice whisper, "Good morning". If I ..

1 Comments, 14 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
rm_yari2012 55 M
1  Article
Heaven in the Morning   11/30/2009

When I woke up this morning, I was in heaven. It wasn't a physical place but it was real, just the same. It was heaven because before I opened my eyes, I heard a voice whisper, "Good morning". If I hadn't been so thrilled, I would have been startled. I turned my head to the direction of the whisper and opened my eyes. It was you. You were so beautiful in the morning light. The soft light graced ...

1 Comments, 49 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
How many people have actually met there sig other on here?   10/16/2009

I'm curious how many people met there wife/husband on here. Do you have a special story of the first time you met?

2 Comments, 56 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
BigBlackdick3085 35 M
2  Articles
BBC   10/16/2009

WHO loves BBC in Bossier city?

1 Comments, 71 Views, 1 Votes
getdown1st 68 C
213  Articles
From Grace   10/15/2009

Something to think about.....

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. ...

4 Comments, 67 Views, 8 Votes ,5.33 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Sex & Love !   10/11/2009

Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it. ...

3 Comments, 112 Views, 38 Votes
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
For some !   10/2/2009

Love is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. ...

5 Comments, 93 Views, 35 Votes
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Still in love ?   9/19/2009

Wife: You always carry my photo in your briefcase to the office. Why?

Husband: When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.

Wife: You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you?

Husband: Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, 'What other problem can there be greater than this one?'

2 Comments, 73 Views, 9 Votes ,1.50 Score
rm_wanttoseemy 62 M
4  Articles
Fantasy Or Not   9/13/2009

I am just curious how many ladies were into trying to have there husbands or boyfriends fulfill their fantasies but their partner wouldn't or was hesitant to do so. If they did they were glad they did. You never know what can happen when you fulfill you ladies fantasy.

1 Comments, 41 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
joozee1 61 F
7  Articles
NSA in the beginning...   9/2/2009

How often does a NSA relationship turn in to something more?

3 Comments, 127 Views, 12 Votes ,3.15 Score
dondinero20066 44 C
156  Articles
gog and his owner   9/1/2009

One day a had followed his owner to school. His owner was a 4th grader at a public elementary school. However… when the bell ring… the slid inside the building and made it all the way to the ’s classroom before a teacher noticed and shoo’ed him outside…closing the door behind him. The little sat down… whimpered and stared at the closed doors. Then God ...

3 Comments, 137 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
FatCap13 36 M
1  Article
how do u know wen ur in love   8/22/2009

how do people really know for sure there in love?

3 Comments, 85 Views, 7 Votes ,3.55 Score
Sexual Pleasures and Philosophy   8/20/2009


I found that almost all the literature available on the adult sites deal with the raw sex or its pleasures. Whereas there is so much in sex philosophy that can enlighten our life and will certainly make us better person once we understand the underlying philosophy in it.

Here in this article I am putting some of the related philosophies compiled ...

3 Comments, 34 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
2  Articles
Love Advice   8/9/2009

Love brings euphoria in life. Love can give great satisfaction and enjoyment forever. For that to happen, you have to understand more about what is love, your own expectations and how to get the partner with whom you can live in love. Love can also destroy. Read all about it and more in this section devoted to love and romance. Become a success in love.

1 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
2  Articles
What do they love in you?   8/9/2009

If somebody says that they love you, find out what do they love in you. Do they love your personality, your looks, your power, your money or your emotional makeup? Once you know that they love something that may not change much after years go ahead and reciprocate. For example- your money or power or looks may change, but your personality and your emotional makeup will not change much. Do they ...

1 Comments, 19 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Experiencing love !   8/3/2009

Experiencing love is a wonderful thing to have had when you've gotten older. It enables you to recognize another mistake when you make it again. ...

5 Comments, 67 Views, 13 Votes ,1.63 Score
Is this love? Be Careful With Your Vanity   8/2/2009

You probably haven’t thought about this possibility, but the truth is that you may be wanted by many men or women, without being loved by them.

If you are attractive, intelligent, you have a great personality, money, beauty, etc., you may be desired by many people that belong to the opposite sex, but this doesn’t mean that they love you. This means that they want to posses ...

1 Comments, 29 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
When you first fall in love, it can feel like your entire life is in harmony. You feel totally conne   8/2/2009

You haven't yet noticed the other person's flaws and it's as if the sun rises and sets with this new love in your life. Unfortunately, this phase doesn't last. The newness eventually wears off as reality sets in. The good news is that with the right mindset and attitude, you can keep the magic in your relationship.

1. Decide that you are going to have happy relationship. Anything that ...

2 Comments, 25 Views, 5 Votes ,4.77 Score
bestforeplay 49 M
5  Articles

I am 34 years old divorced , well cultured well educated European gentleman who is from Egyptian roots .

I am currently living in Cairo. I have been living all my adult life as a dominant master .

I am looking for a well cultured discreet submissive woman who want to explore the dark side of her desire.I know many woman scared to try bdsm and they think it is sadistic but ...

1 Comments, 26 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
rm_phatclitnass 26 F
1  Article
Is it really possible?   7/22/2009

I was on this site reading some articles when it hit me, is it possible to not only fall in love but to maintain it in this lifestyle? I love dick, I love to have it in me at all times of the day but if I find someone I truly love should I give up something that makes me happy to make them happy. Or should they try to join me in my lifestyle to make me happy. Whenever I am on the brink of a new ...

12 Comments, 169 Views, 14 Votes ,4.26 Score
love   7/12/2009

Love can be the most amazing experience and the best thing that can happen to a person also love can be the most horrible experience and the most painfull thing that a person will go through.

6 Comments, 34 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
Come To Me   6/18/2009

I know you are out there Searching as I am For the love you know exists Even though you feel lonely You find hope in knowing I feel the same emptiness And yet without seeing you I embrace your tender body You smile and invite more.

Our spirits have often spoken Of the sensuous bond we share Timeless and serene our love I know your every emotion The things you cherish Your thoughts, your ...

1 Comments, 43 Views, 7 Votes ,2.79 Score
shouldeye2008 76 M
3  Articles
Now Showing: What I Want!   6/11/2009

For awhile, I have tried to articulate a message that would resonate with the reader. That is not, however, what I have ended up doing.

Instead, I have written what I am really feeling about all of this, why I am reaching out…the yesterday, the today, perhaps the tomorrow.

The impetus to write something meaningful to me, and hopefully, to you, came as the result of a ...

1 Comments, 46 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Some day !   6/9/2009

Some day day you may ask me what is more important to me? You or my life!

I will say my life, and you will walk out and leave me, not even realizing that you are my life.

4 Comments, 96 Views, 14 Votes ,2.34 Score
Poetbyday 34 M
9  Articles
True love   5/27/2009

Love is subjective, we all know that but what is true love in my opinion it is the love a mother lion feels when she is nurturing her baby lions to maturity. It's the love a father feels when he see his grow up into a strong, proud young man. It is the love a athelete feels when he accomplishes a great physical feat. Thats true love.

1 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
rm_sherykhan4 38 M
9  Articles
The Difference Between Relationship And Friendship   5/27/2009

What is the difference between a close friendship and a close relation? Most of us believe that when friendship becomes stronger, it may turn into relationship. The truth is different. Think about the kind of talk you have with your friends. You are always very open about your failures and shortcomings. You are not shy of talking about your problem and asking friends to help. In a close ...

1 Comments, 34 Views, 4 Votes ,4.41 Score
Finally Over it   5/12/2009

Over the past 2 years I ave written about losing my love. Many of you said time will heal all things while others said I was a fool for hanging on hoping to get her back.

It has been 2 years and one day I woke understanding that I will be OK. Being 52 and never experiencing what this LOVE thing really is was more hurting I think then if I had gone through it at an earlier age. Yet, I now ...

2 Comments, 62 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
question   5/2/2009


do jokes turn on women?

2 Comments, 20 Views, 5 Votes ,1.51 Score
rm_freenready80 44 M
1  Article
Love?   4/30/2009

Is it always fair in a relationship if you love someone with everything and are willing to give it all up for them? And all they can do is say they love you the same but do nothing but drag you through the dirt...

1 Comments, 32 Views, 7 Votes ,1.26 Score
rm_sherykhan4 38 M
9  Articles
What do they love in you?   4/30/2009

If somebody says that they love you, find out what do they love in you. Do they love your personality, your looks, your power, your money or your emotional makeup? Once you know that they love something that may not change much after years go ahead and reciprocate. For example- your money or power or looks may change, but your personality and your emotional makeup will not change much. Do they ...

1 Comments, 36 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
rm_sherykhan4 38 M
9  Articles
Winning Your Love Back   4/30/2009

Do you want to win your love back? Are you sad that your partner has broken up and do you want their love again? My advice is that unless you are very sad do not try that. If you think that life is becoming difficult without your partner then let us see what you can do.

Reflect upon the period preceding the breakup. Did you change towards your partner? Were you less attentive or less ...

2 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
rm_sherykhan4 38 M
9  Articles
5 Gifts You Can Give To Your Girl   4/30/2009

If you are confused about what you should gift to your girl, try gifting any of the following:

1. Perfume 2. Handbag 3. Watch 4. Makeup set 5. Shoes

Good luck!

1 Comments, 35 Views, 5 Votes ,4.12 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Women's love lives !   4/15/2009

Three women were talking about their love lives.

The first said, "My husband is like a Rolls-Royce; smooth and sophisticated."

The second said, "Mine is like a porsche; fast and powerful."

The third said, "Mine is like an old Chevy. It needs a hand start and I have to jump on while it's still going."

How's yours?

5 Comments, 103 Views, 24 Votes ,0.97 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Love?   4/15/2009

One morning while making breakfast, a man walks up to his wife and pinches her on her butt and says, "You know if you firmed this up we could get rid of your girdle."

While this was on the edge of intolerable, she thought herself better and replied with silence.

The next morning the man woke his wife with a pinch on the breast and said, "You know if you firmed these up we ...

6 Comments, 100 Views, 21 Votes ,1.15 Score
hawababy1 54 F
23  Articles
come in to my life   3/31/2009

I don't want to become so independent that I will think I can make it entirely on my own.

I don't want to be so free that I will not want to share my life with someone, or be in such total control that I won't be able to say that I want you and need you and I will always love you.

4 Comments, 92 Views, 7 Votes ,4.82 Score
l0velynic0le31 38 F
11  Articles
hello their   3/10/2009

wanna cam to cam with me

0 Comments, 23 Views, 0 Votes
Misbehavn2 55 C
30  Articles
this lonely man   3/3/2009

as i walk through the vibrations of multiple feelings in life, i have to wonder how it is i got here, i see many, feel many, but never really take the time to understand how it might effect you,

i wonder around like a lost soul reaching only for what i can grab at the moment, and taking it as i go, leaving behind nothing but emptiness,

as i look into your i eyes i have a feeling ...

1 Comments, 18 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
My4biddenLover 43 F
6  Articles
I Love You   2/16/2009

Every time I look at you, you make me want to smile, Let me hug you and hold you in my arms for a while. I think you're so cute and I think you're so sweet, I love the way you act, I think that's pretty neat. Every time I'm around you, you make me burst with joy, I feel like a little with a brand new toy. Whenever I'm not with you I feel all alone, I feel so far away but I thank ...

4 Comments, 131 Views, 9 Votes ,5.35 Score
trucker_dude68 58 M
4  Articles
Have you ever....................   2/12/2009

Have you ever wondered If, how, when and where, You would ever find true love And find someone who cared?

Sometimes it takes a lifetime And sometimes you never do, But special things take a while If they're really true.

It didn't take a lifetime, But pain, hurt and strife And now that I found you I know it was all worth the time.

You love me unconditionally So real and ...

1 Comments, 24 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
trucker_dude68 58 M
4  Articles
Believe In Me   2/12/2009

Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe dreams come true? Do you believe in all this, I know I do! I believe that dreams come true because I have always dreamed of someone like you . I believe in love at first sight because it just felt so right when I saw you that night. Now I believe, so, baby, please never leave , just stay with me and maybe you will finally see that you also ...

1 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
rm_topman545 60 M
55  Articles
you are the one   2/10/2009

What I feel for you, is really true. You got to know, I need you so. When you are gone, I can't go on. Can't you see, that you are the only one for me?

0 Comments, 23 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
dsgdf   2/8/2009


1 Comments, 19 Views, 0 Votes
countrygirlfla 71 F
7  Articles
Real men   2/2/2009

What a real man would do.... ⿢ Grab her neck when you kiss her, it's a real turn on. Not her butt/boobs.

⿢ Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.

⿢ When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go then kiss her

⿢ When she says she's ok dont believe it talk with her

⿢ Never cheat on her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you ...

0 Comments, 69 Views, 1 Votes
Aces_0f_Dice123 34 M
1  Article
do we truely know love...?   1/16/2009

Well anyone can say they love a person but in the end the one who says they love you could just have easily used the word love to just get in your pants or just steal from you. The percentage of people who use the word love and really mean it and the percent people who use love just to use you in the end the out come of these 2 percentage's i really don't know. From experience it hurt deep in the ...

0 Comments, 19 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
what is love?   1/14/2009

do you have an answer, i would like to know what you have to say on the matter?

1 Comments, 23 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
01717222560 36 M
10  Articles
love   1/10/2009


0 Comments, 28 Views, 2 Votes
You can only hurt as deeply as you loved them...   12/30/2008

I have read alot of articles posted on the issue of love. Some people had it, lost it, got hurt by it or now have their defenses up because of it. You can only hurt as deeply as you loved a person. If you truly loved them deeply and a breakup occurred, then yes, you will feel it deeply and vice versa. Everyone reading this has had a relationship that really didnt bother you that much to walk ...

5 Comments, 75 Views, 10 Votes ,5.58 Score
rm_giggels2008 58 C
5  Articles
What is love   12/18/2008

Love is you and me together always and forever,

love is a beautiful sight for eyes

love is a feeling deep down inside that you wount to share

love is one man and one women side by side and heart to heart

love is a warm, love is kind, love is hard to find

1 Comments, 28 Views, 4 Votes ,2.86 Score
mymegacock4u 41 M
1  Article
my love with married women   12/1/2008

hi today i want to share my experience of my love with a married women.

it was the time when i was in united states on a project that i met this lady who was also there on job from india.

we used to share a lot of things as we belonged to the same day i saw her very depressed and off mood.when i asked her why she was like that she told me that she was not happy with ...

7 Comments, 265 Views, 13 Votes ,4.99 Score
skinwalker11 69 M
5  Articles
Dedicated Prayer for my BabySis 12-11-57>>09-17-08   11/27/2008

May today there be peace within you. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing that you are a of God. Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your Soul the freedom to ...

1 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
1EroticKnight 49 M
2  Articles
The perfect kiss   11/27/2008

Kissing one of my favorite subjects my thoughts it’s a total art form often overlooked for its eroticism value, the kiss is the prelude to almost everything a relationship or a intimate encounter has to offer, a lot can be said from a kiss, its so unfortunate that most people do not practice the ritual hence they often believe sticking your tongue down a person throat is a kiss. And ...

2 Comments, 37 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
betweenyourknees 47 M
4  Articles
Love America, Hate Bush   11/25/2008

Saturday, November 27, 2004 <br> Every time the so-called Christian Right has tried to turn this country into a theocracy, those pesky federal courts have stymied things. <br> So now – according to the liberal Americans United for Separation of Church and State – the right-wingers have come up with a new scheme. All they plan to do is to strip the federal ...

1 Comments, 29 Views, 6 Votes ,2.80 Score
puddin084 42 C
4  Articles
lovers lane   11/11/2008

would it b wrong 2 love someone for all the wrong reasons?but the wrong reasons are why u fell in love in the first place.

2 Comments, 43 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
Love ! ?   11/11/2008

Man says to God: "God, why did you make woman so beautiful?"

God says: "So you would love her."

"But God, " the man says, "Why did you make her so dumb?"

God says: "So she would love you."

16 Comments, 133 Views, 30 Votes ,4.42 Score
gregmc1984 40 M
1  Article
A dream never came true   11/10/2008

How is it that you start yout life pure and clean with love as the only thing that matters. the love of a mother, a father, aunt , uncle, pet ect..

How is it that as we age we realise that the true essence of love died right around the time we all started losing baby teeth.

How is it that we continue to age and become more and more jaded and reluctant to love or even worse spend ...

1 Comments, 35 Views, 0 Votes
lagordabuena 46 F
1  Article
Why can he only say I LOVE You when he is drunk?   11/4/2008

I have been seding this guy for 18 months and he has only said the L Word when he is drunk does that mean he doenst ??? Guys i need your help on this one please

5 Comments, 56 Views, 4 Votes ,1.69 Score
LadyLuscious73 36 F
0  Articles
Leash..   10/18/2008

[bg width=100% bgcolor=000000 border=3 bordercolor=C4C4C4 cellpadding=15][font face=Times New Roman color=E8E8E8]

I have this motto I thought up.. I think it applies to a lot of couples who don't understand the meaning of Love without boundaries..

Many people stay together because there are afraid of being alone. They know they don't connect anymore but they also ...

1 Comments, 53 Views, 4 Votes ,4.02 Score
The_Enz 48 M
3  Articles
Being in love   10/9/2008

How long does love last, without sex? Personally, I think it lasts longer...but is less enjoyable.

Things change over time, but that doesn't mean they get worse. So many people fear marriage, fear being single, fear having sex, fear having no sex. It's all just fear of the unknown...

Once you learn to love yourself, though, you can trust yourself to handle whatever life ...

0 Comments, 50 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
skinwalker11 69 M
5  Articles
Crazy as a Loon   10/8/2008

Straight off the farm, smoked my "Camel" cigarette, admired my tattoo, thumbed it to Alberta, BC, met a woman in such a beautiful town. However, that town made me crazy, yes, crazy as a Loon. She was sitting there with a smile that melted "Chernobyl" before it was, over come with grief and emotion, missing my babySis, trying to pass the time and reflecting on childhood memories of my Sis and I ...

1 Comments, 35 Views, 6 Votes ,4.22 Score
skinwalker11 69 M
5  Articles
Ever Wonder why So Many Profiles Lie   9/15/2008

Walking down the mountain trail one day, I wondered Why so many profiles that I have read don't even come close to what some folks write about themselves. One writes that she has a shy to her and is looking for her soul-mate. I turn on her broadcast and shyness was a thing of the past, perhaps in her other life-time. She talks performs better than Ringely Brothers in front of a sold-out event. ...

0 Comments, 34 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
The Lost Love   8/9/2008

This is just a small part of my life. I’m about to tell you one of the many unexplained incidents (what I would call “miracles” that I’ve experienced. I don’t know what it all means now but I’m sure the reasons and intent will be revealed to me in good time. I am only mortal so I will jus travel on this “road” that seems to have opened ...

1 Comments, 53 Views, 0 Votes
hawty01 35 M
5  Articles
love   8/7/2008

Ive fallen in love with this beatiful girl but i dont no if she notices me

0 Comments, 38 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
slowlevel 44 C
0  Articles
What do women want?   7/31/2008

The eternal question, it has many answers and no certainty's. Even If one of us were to ask 50 woman this framed exactly the same, you would certainly receive 50 different answers that have a few commonality s. How can a woman expect a guy to know the answer when their are so many? Maybe it's a trick, designed by ancient woman to forever curse 'man"kind...maybe not. If you think about it, It's a ...

1 Comments, 44 Views, 5 Votes ,3.80 Score
rm_Whattup1010 31 M
10  Articles
Love Poem   7/6/2008

For Fun...

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Even When Dead, I'll Still Love you!

0 Comments, 23 Views, 7 Votes ,1.51 Score
The Last Night: A story about the end of love.   6/18/2008

I wrote this after a relationship I formed on this site ended. It helped me to release some of the grief. This was a brief but intense, powerful, emotional what I would call "sanctioned affair"- as my husband and I were living out his hotwife fantasy and I became emotionally involved with my lover. You can view this story and other entries in my live journal: ...

8 Comments, 169 Views, 16 Votes ,3.86 Score
jackbauermkd 42 M
7  Articles
Love   6/15/2008

Love Love Loveeeeeeeeeee Loveeeeee!!!!! Loveeeeee??? Loveeeeeeeee!!!!!

1 Comments, 36 Views, 8 Votes
looking for a sex partner   6/8/2008


3 Comments, 43 Views, 4 Votes ,0.14 Score
rm_hergece34 40 M
1  Article
LİFE İS GOOD   6/3/2008

ı dont believe to love life isnt have love sex andd relationship ı am living for sex ı search my sex partners

2 Comments, 42 Views, 4 Votes ,0.92 Score
josmith5 61 M
1466  Articles
ive been robbed !!!   6/3/2008

Jim had been out on the town with a dazzling blonde, and he was returning home as the rosy tints of dawn began to color the skies. Marshaling all his inner resources, he managed an air of sobriety and dignity before the suspicious eye and wagging tongue of his wife. Suddenly, as he was undressing, she punctuated her harangue with a sharp, gasping intake of air. "Jimmy, " she asked ...

1 Comments, 22 Views, 2 Votes ,1.73 Score
vikingluso 65 C
823  Articles
Funny sexy games   5/24/2008

Here are some simple games I made up for my wife and I to play in the bedroom (or the living room, in some cases). She loved them and I think they helped turn her into the nympho she has become in the last four or five years…

FINGER ID CHALLENGE I asked my wife to close her eyes. While they were closed I gently slid one of my fingers in her mouth and gave her 30 seconds to ...

7 Comments, 750 Views, 21 Votes ,5.35 Score
around_9 48 M
3  Articles
love   5/24/2008

shod of, would have, could have, ,, ,

3 Comments, 32 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
CherryCoke297 23 F
22  Articles
Lips Like Firecrackers   5/16/2008

You are so amazing When I look into your eyes I feel nothing but cravings

You make me feel so ecstatic Chills rush down my spine My heart beats fast I feel warmth throughout my body

All I hope for is just one kiss Your sweet lips against mine My arms around you Holding you until the end of time

1 Comments, 33 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
CherryCoke297 23 F
22  Articles
New Life Break Away   5/16/2008

ime Clicks as I await The hour ends before my take Sitting, thinking, waiting; my mind escapes

The day grows old as night passes Wolves crying, coyotes howling; anticipating Watching, staring, seeing -- nothing

Silence begins the day as morning comes without notice Tears begin to fall, slowly

The day moves on without hope Wishing to be what is not to be

The sun ...

0 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
Galaxy2999 40 M
1  Article
My experience in LOVE!   5/11/2008

Well Like the story started with kind of leads some of it but this time it is different.. You could say that I was twisted or confused, or just stupid but when LOVE is in the picture it smacks me in a face because I would probably know it was their between my ex-girlfriend and me but for somehow I did not hold on to her like I should.

Now she left and only have my to love. ...

0 Comments, 15 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
josmith5 61 M
1466  Articles

if you found love here....would you reject it because this is a sex site??? would you try to dismiss it? would you accept and be glad over your good fortune?

i have seen many articles of those who say this site is for playing and nothing else.

many who say those here are not to be taken seriously....

what do you think?

6 Comments, 89 Views, 15 Votes ,4.05 Score
goodtimers334 31 M
2  Articles
love vs lust   4/26/2008

is it possible to have love without lust?

2 Comments, 36 Views, 5 Votes ,2.16 Score
taj2008 42 M
6  Articles
love   4/25/2008

love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the aid of seasons

1 Comments, 31 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
crazycajuns19888 43 C
2  Articles
Crazy   4/13/2008

What are we or what do we think we are

5 Comments, 111 Views, 10 Votes ,2.99 Score
Lover_Boy1145 29 M
2  Articles
What do you think love?   4/6/2008

Love can mean so many things to so many people. Love can even be used a term for sex. So I ask this, does love have some wall to stop it's definition? In my words, no it doesn't. Love like all things in the world need time to develop and to flourish. It's a common fact that you can't just know someone on the first day, but you can know you love someone on the first day. It's a wonder how ...

3 Comments, 23 Views, 4 Votes ,4.80 Score
eliassh 36 M
2  Articles
love   4/6/2008

I learned in college that love comes in three flavors. Quarks come in six flavors. (Quarks were added here to keep the interest of my scientific readers.) There is physical love not to be completely confused with the sinful lust you see on television. It might be similar acts with dignity.

1 Comments, 16 Views, 1 Votes
desire_me_baby 50 F
2  Articles
Love? Well....   3/29/2008

Love has many angles to it. Finding it here isn't the place to start. I wonder why anyone would ever touch this subject on a place like this? If anyone is looking for love, this is not the place for it.....

7 Comments, 78 Views, 7 Votes ,1.00 Score
merlschnook73 47 M
3  Articles
What is Love   3/22/2008

This is an age old question and one that will go on unanswered for time to come.

But if we can take a moment and try and find that is means for ourselves then we might be lucky enough to find that it is where we are and can be accepted for who we are

Now i know that this has been said time and time again but it is true. when you can find someone that allows you to be you and ...

1 Comments, 19 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
Openforfun2008 63 C
2  Articles
Single vs Attached   3/18/2008

Why is it that people look for love?

I think that being attached to someone, sharing that commitment, common interests, beliefs and values helps enhance overall welbeing and happiness....

However, single is also equally enjoyable. No need to compromise, come and go as you please, do what you want, when you want, with who you want....

Why is it then, that people strive ...

2 Comments, 81 Views, 6 Votes ,2.51 Score
rm_trae13343 34 M
1  Article
deep then love   3/9/2008

I see you standing there,

All i do is stop and stare,

Your eyes are peaceful,

and your ears are small,

That Smile Makes me fall

Deeper in love with you,

Theres someone else in your life right now,

and I dont know how to deal,

deal with all the pressure,

Pressure thats built up in my heart,

I know its weird, ...

2 Comments, 32 Views, 7 Votes ,4.31 Score
MissFrancypants 72 F
1  Article
Do you think it's possible to find love in your 50's & 60's?   3/3/2008

I get so many responses to my profile, mostly from incompatible men (kink, locations, relationship goals, etc...) that I sometimes wonder if I will ever meet the right man for me who can be a great companion and lover.

Have any babyboomers met up here and actually have a committed relationship now?

2 Comments, 48 Views, 6 Votes ,3.37 Score
gingerflavor 60 F
6  Articles
Love Is...   3/1/2008

By definition, love is a deep seated affection for someone.

I am taking a public speaking class and learning about the different types of speeches, and content.

I can tell you what love is not:

Love is not watching someone closely so that they conform to your wishes.

Love is not throwing a temper tantrum if someone doesn't do what you want them to.


2 Comments, 50 Views, 10 Votes ,5.18 Score
How did you spend your Valentine's Day?   2/28/2008

Share your steamy stories with other members.

1 Comments, 27 Views, 0 Votes
thebad151 41 M
5  Articles
can love and sex be almost the same   2/25/2008

i don't think so because 2 things very different ehat do you think

3 Comments, 34 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
84galwayguy 40 M
4  Articles
Hmmmm   2/20/2008

Can a loving relationship really survive without a healthy sex life...???

1 Comments, 34 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
niceguywesternok 35 M
11  Articles
topic of love   2/17/2008

love is bad

1 Comments, 13 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
RockhardCock344 25 M
3  Articles
Love..   2/15/2008

Love is the biggest blessing..and the biggest curse

1 Comments, 28 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
Shjofa 63 F
3  Articles
The China Clipper   2/13/2008

Dear Reader, while this is more of an adventure story than a love story, please give it a chance. I hope you find it a good read.

The China Clipper bobbed at its moorings at the wharf, its engines were shut off and its normally bright aluminum skin was dulled from the pelting of an incessant rain. The large seaplane had just come from Manila that morning and was awaiting orders at the ...

1 Comments, 110 Views, 9 Votes ,3.64 Score
What is love etc   2/6/2008

(This is what I think at the age of 24 so stop me if am wrong am very open minded person so please share your ideas etc^_^)

What is love, every one has their own definition of love because everyone is brought up different, different ways of learning the same lesion... some would say “love is a joyous, delightful, beautiful, happy feeling you get when you meet that special ...

0 Comments, 27 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
rm_sexysag41 58 F
1  Article
Love is:   1/26/2008

Endless, boundless, it can not be tamed or confined, it is misunderstood because it is simple and there is plenty to go around, in many forms.....people chase it instead of letting it flow....allow it to come to you and you will be over whelmed at how it abounds....It is everywhere...peace

1 Comments, 42 Views, 8 Votes ,2.78 Score
Boy4u2play69 37 M
2  Articles
is it right??   1/14/2008

do you think its right to tell a person that you love them even if you really dont??...but you say it because you dont want to hurt them.

4 Comments, 60 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
Love and mid aged men   1/10/2008

I am a recovering loviee for the first time. I have been recovering now for 9 months and just now starting to feel "normal" what ever that means.

Over the past 2 years I have 5 male friends that have been going through the real feelings of love for the first time. As well, all of us have in some way or another either lost her or blew it.

We have talked many times about how it ...

0 Comments, 66 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
rm_dr333111 30 M
5  Articles
love is sex with some people.   1/3/2008

some people say love means sex or sex make love. i believe that may be sex make love but first i think u canot make sex with someone u donot know or love or at least like... i am waiting for someone share with me my opinions.

1 Comments, 38 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
My4biddenLover 43 F
6  Articles
Before I met you.....   11/18/2007

I was a lonely woman thinking no one cared before I met you, I was a proud woman who never shared, My feelings, My thoughts I kept inside, because I was the proud woman...I never cried, before I met you, I had to pretend that everything was ok thinking that everything was made in the shade, praying to God hoping to make, my problems to go away with a sincere fair shake, before I ...

1 Comments, 81 Views, 5 Votes ,4.45 Score
_JKH_ 69 M
858  Articles
What's love got to do with it?   11/16/2007

As far as is concerned, "Oh whats love got to do with it? What's love but a second hand emotion? What's love got to do with it? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?" ...

25 Comments, 131 Views, 22 Votes ,4.45 Score
My transformation from Obession to continued deep true love   10/14/2007

I have posted a few articles concerning my deepest love that has occopied all my thoughts and the heart break I have been going through to be with her and move to her city. During the past 6 months we have continued to talk 3-4 times a week. As well during this time she has found another "friend" that she keeps time with yet still waits for me (as she implies).

As I have said before, ...

1 Comments, 27 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
JaxBlak1 44 M
8  Articles
Friends and Lovers...   9/11/2007

Feeling an infatuation to a woman who is your friend, do you ask yourself a question "Can two people who don't find each other attractive fall in love?" You can support each other as friends too.

Guys tens to fall in love with women around them at their job, school, or neighborhood. Then usually the question arises: would she accept you as a romantic partner if you were just ...

0 Comments, 38 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
rm_rockman78130 37 M
1  Article
Never been a real fan of love.... and now i know why   9/4/2007

Well this all started about a year ago when i was working at walmart....yes i worked there sadly.well one day i was walking out to go home and i saw this girl that i thought was very atritive so i just waved and said hi and walked out the front door cause she was in line and it looked as if she did not want to be bugged.well about a week later she shows up at my house no kidding. well apparently ...

3 Comments, 67 Views, 1 Votes ,1.10 Score
rm_sergio9869 58 M
10  Articles
SEX OR LOVE?   7/30/2007

iwould like to know the answer.I always change opinion about it.Aniway for me is sex time now.SEX is now for me important more than love.... .I think that to change idea is the right way to grows in any sense...but....i feel

2 Comments, 38 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
Is love for real?   7/19/2007

The question of whether or not love is real, or even for me has been on my mind for a couple of years now. I've been in love before. However, after it was gone, I came to my senses and realized that I became distracted from things that bring me true happiness and that will never fade away. Can love last a lifetime? And I'm not talking about any love. I'm talking about that burning, butterfly ...

2 Comments, 27 Views, 0 Votes
When I think its over it comes back   7/12/2007

I have been daiting a lady now for 2.5 years. It started while overseas and somewhat continues today. We still live about 600 miles apart. I have not seen her now for 6 months and she is playing with another guy. But, we continue to talk 3-5 times a week. Needless to say I am a wreck as I truly love this lady. We talked the other day and I told her that maybe what she is doing is getting things ...

1 Comments, 48 Views, 2 Votes ,0.34 Score
Swankie57 67 M
50  Articles
Wonderful Life   6/30/2007

Woman I 'd love to give you the world And everything you ever dreamed And all that I could afford, and some I couldn't Most of all I'd love to give you my love, and all of my heart Once I even tried, but I knew you'd tear it apart

Thanks for the memories, of what might have been these things I failed to see, like knowing when You passed me by and then disappeared I ...

1 Comments, 42 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
whynotsmile3 49 M
11  Articles
never in love   6/5/2007

love is natural right? ive never loved anyone so you think i need to see someone about this or is itjust the way things have gone for me? any opinions?

4 Comments, 31 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
sing it to me!   6/4/2007

have you ever had a sexy man sing to you? i was serenaded by this really sexy younger man... it was that dru hill song "beauty" as he caressed my face... he sang... and beauty is her name!

9 Comments, 138 Views, 9 Votes ,5.35 Score
how far would you go?   6/3/2007

if you love some one they are your every thing! and some thing bad happened to them and left them messed up for life... would you stay?

9 Comments, 169 Views, 12 Votes ,4.21 Score
long_haired_bi_M 43 M
8  Articles
open relationships   5/29/2007

Have you ever had one and did it work?

I have and can honestly say there were some of the best times i have ever had.

I would love to find this again. Someone to love and care for who loves and cares for me. But still keeping that freedom to experiment with others and each other. I always found it enhanced the sex between us as a couple too.

It had no effect on love ...

0 Comments, 28 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
sxcybigrl2 51 F
3  Articles
Love   5/21/2007

Love has a way of changing your whole life. Easy to fall into and hard as hell to fall out of!!!!!!!!!!

3 Comments, 46 Views, 3 Votes ,4.41 Score
zebra299 64 M
8  Articles
A cute gal   5/15/2007

As I was pulling into my garage a person next door said hi, and I said hi back she was very cute. I told her she look cute but made sure to tell her it was a compliment. I always notice she looks at me when I pull in to the garage. I feel like asking for her number but may cross her security barrier plus for the person she works at this time. I need both sexs opinion please![/COLOR...

1 Comments, 95 Views, 0 Votes
rm_tugg1986 38 M
4  Articles
have fun   4/30/2007

i really coulnd't tell you an answer for that

0 Comments, 17 Views, 4 Votes ,2.47 Score
rm_ranja_a1 42 M
4  Articles
love is blind.   4/28/2007

Love is not a heart of life, it is only the part of life.

0 Comments, 17 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
15  Articles
Definition of Love.   4/27/2007

How do I know when I'm in love? When no sacrifice is too big, no distance is too great. When every time I think of her, I feel happier than the moment before. When I see her in everything I do and everywhere I am. When her love in return wraps me like a warm blanket. Then I know. A crush doesn't come close.

2 Comments, 72 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
Its been a hrd road but worth it   4/23/2007

I posted an article a few months ago about losing my love. In JAnuary she told me that she thought I should move on as our relationship was to hard to continue due to distance. I told her that I did not want to move on and continued to write to her and talk with her. During this time she dated another guy and told me about it over time.

After 4 months of keeping in touch 3-5 times a ...

0 Comments, 36 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
Flirtatious_c89 36 C
10  Articles
Is love really real?   4/9/2007

Somtimes i wounder is love a real thing or somthing people just heard about and they fill somthing in there head that makes them think just because this word exist that its what they must be feeling

3 Comments, 31 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
rm_Dee1962NJ 62 M
3  Articles
i want to know...   4/4/2007

what is the difference between making love and having sex?

3 Comments, 83 Views, 1 Votes ,5.00 Score
mr_2scoops 42 M
3  Articles
LOVE   4/1/2007


4 Comments, 76 Views, 3 Votes ,2.45 Score
How Soon Is Too Soon?   3/26/2007

I have 3 questions that I want to put out there: 1. In a new relationship, how soon would you feel comfortable saying "I Love You" or start expressing such feelings. 2. Would you want to be a person's first relationship, 6 months after separation not yet full divorce? 3. Would you start the relationship if the persons ex-spouse still lived in the same house?

2 Comments, 80 Views, 5 Votes ,1.84 Score
Blah   3/12/2007

It seems that the older I get the less inclined I am to fall in love. Lust becomes ever more prevalent. Do any of you find yourselves in the same position?

3 Comments, 34 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
wills3133 44 M
4  Articles
love forever   2/19/2007

How do you get that one person you truly loved.
I'll tell you a story About 8 years ago when I graduated from High school I got together with a girl who I knew most of my life. We have lived across the street from each other since I was in grade school.. She was best friends with my sister I was best friends with her brother. Her and I always used to fight and our parents said that we were ...

2 Comments, 68 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
wacoharleyman 37 M
12  Articles
Love   2/10/2007

Love .. love is what makes you crazy for love love is makes you hungry for love love is makes you happy love is the essence of life - the source of all being - love is the sugar of life love is the cause of life - the purpose of life and the reason to live love is magic love does magic love creates magic - true divine magic beyond expectations, beyond limits !

0 Comments, 37 Views, 3 Votes ,3.43 Score
Happy valintines day   2/9/2007

All kinds off people are getting ready for the 14th. What kind of plans do all of you have. I need a great game plan for that day, i will take ideas to make my lady have a great day.

1 Comments, 33 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
Should I let my guy be involved?   2/4/2007

I am very bi-curious and would like to explore with a woman. My partner wants to be involved when I do but I am very shy and nervous about the whole thing. Any thoughts?

7 Comments, 152 Views, 7 Votes ,4.57 Score
rm_wanna_licku 48 M
1  Article
Ture Love found on the Web   1/6/2007

Can true love be found on the web? This is the question I pose to anyone out there willing to respond. How do you find it online? I find that the most difficult thing is getting the member of the opposite sex to actually respond to you when you try to get their attention. My biggest question must be how do you get that person to respond to your inquiries? If anyone could help that ...

0 Comments, 30 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
LOVE -- is it there or just illusions   1/5/2007

I think love is just illusions or an internal state of mind and emotions that one like to live with. but I don't think there a real mutual love that lasts forever. with the real strong test this so called 'real love' will fall apart. however, some couples live forever without undergoing this real test so they think they enjoy 'real love'. my advice, if you think you live real love enjoy it ...

1 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes
rm_notinlovee 44 F
2  Articles
could u love more than one   1/1/2007

could u love more than one in same time???

am confusing , ,im les girl, i have gf and am so in love with her, ,but suddenly there is girl showed in my life , ,this girl look like me very, ,i didnt meet one as me be4, ,we r so colse, ,as the same time am love my gf, ,but this crush with this new girl drive me crazy, , people say we only loves one , ,but wat if we can love ...

1 Comments, 32 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
restlessvixon50 41 F
15  Articles
Lie to Me   12/29/2006

When left alone with my thoughts and dreams, during the day and night, you are all I think about. As I go about my working day, thinking about that ring on your finger, a constant reminder of what I can never have. Your true self is also going about it's daily routine during the waking hours of life. A family man with two and an adoring wife who thinks you can do no wrong. My, how well ...

2 Comments, 69 Views, 6 Votes ,4.22 Score
Alexreborn 36 M
3  Articles
what is love to you?   12/28/2006

beside sex what is love to you ppl out there share your point of views

2 Comments, 55 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
bi_ga_stud2007 46 M
20  Articles
love is great   12/21/2006

i think love is so great if u find the right person with.

1 Comments, 22 Views, 2 Votes ,3.12 Score
Sexxxyrene 57 F
1  Article
Wasnt looking for love but found it anyway   12/19/2006

We met when i posted a blog that my husband was out of town for the weekend. I was just looking for sex and i think he was too. We met at a local bar. He is Air Force and single and eleven years younger than I. We had a few beers and headed to my place to play pool. It was total attraction he ended up having me on my pool table and then on my bed. We then went to his house where we ended up ...

4 Comments, 327 Views, 8 Votes ,3.94 Score
knduhtheflirt 48 F
3  Articles
Falling deeper in love   12/17/2006

text Size 3text As time goes by I find myself falling deeper in love with my woman and it seems so natural to do this and we dont do anything different than spend time together and talk. Being away from each other every week and only seeing each other on the weekends right now seems to make our love grow stronger and communication is always great. ...

0 Comments, 35 Views, 5 Votes ,5.10 Score
1and1equalfun 39 M
2  Articles
well   12/15/2006

Do you look for it or just go until you run into it by chance?

1 Comments, 23 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
Can you love two women at once ?   12/14/2006

Is it possible to love two women (or two men) at the same time ? It is certainly possible to have a relationship with two women (or men) at the same time ... but you cannot necessarily love them both ... at least not in the same way. Perhaps one could be a deep long-lasting love and another more physical and sexual love. What do you think ?

2 Comments, 99 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
rm_carcass62 61 M
2  Articles
Gentleman? Or not?   12/2/2006

Some woman claim to be looking for a gentleman on this site. Isn't it a bit impractical to be looking for such a thing on this type of site? I've messaged these so called "Gentleman Seekers" and never get any courtesy responses. Is it possible they claim to be looking for one thing but actually looking for something else? Or, are they on the wrong site to begin with?

1 Comments, 95 Views, 5 Votes ,2.49 Score
loverman_6907 40 M
4  Articles
between 2 women   11/28/2006

I dont know what to do. I am seeing two different women that I cair about alot. they both want to take another step in things between us. One of them is negative alot but a really good woman. When something goes wrong she takes every thing to heart and its always bad. It can be really stressful for me at times. The other woman want to do everything she can to make me happy. I want to be ...

1 Comments, 74 Views, 7 Votes ,3.04 Score
rm_ca_micheal 44 M
6  Articles
how or what is love   11/27/2006

someone tell me? it seems that love is just a word..

0 Comments, 33 Views, 7 Votes ,2.02 Score
rm_loverbob85 38 M
5  Articles
love is blind   11/22/2006

love is blind it will take over ur mind

0 Comments, 34 Views, 1 Votes
rm_evil_pussy 44 F
17  Articles
finding new love and letting one go   11/19/2006

its the most wonderful feeling in the world to find that special someone and fall head over heels in love with them. but to find out that the person you love is still getting over the hurt of losing another they loved, really breaks your heart. if you have the faith and the patience to let them work through all their hurt and pain, then you can both move on from there and ...

0 Comments, 114 Views, 10 Votes ,5.18 Score
rm_frizlatgirl 36 F
1  Article
5 things to do after a rejection   11/15/2006

It can start with just a freindly hello, a conversation and then the sheets...but wat happens afterwards....Wat happens wen the person appreciates your freindship and your "hospitality" but thats all the person wants...after that person has killed you with those pretty eyes and beautiful have fallen head over heals for that person and that person doesnt even ...

2 Comments, 45 Views, 5 Votes ,3.14 Score
rm_happyalex8 39 M
1  Article
Why its so complecated   11/9/2006

why realtionships are so complicated . if we look into them wisely , and deep into it ,

1 Comments, 49 Views, 2 Votes ,4.50 Score
bigboy69foryou 37 M
10  Articles
fallen   11/8/2006

has anyone fallen in love after hooking up on here. im not looking for it but has it happened?

1 Comments, 45 Views, 0 Votes
knduhtheflirt 48 F
3  Articles
you know its love when   11/5/2006

You know its love when you dont have to have sex all the time. I found my woman telling me today that she knew how much she loved me because it wasnt all about sex. She said I love taking care of you spending time with you and doing for you. She told me she wants to take care of me when I am sick and happy and doing greatr. And told me she wants me ...

5 Comments, 93 Views, 9 Votes ,6.20 Score
ronaldprettyman 38 M
3  Articles
by the grace of god   11/5/2006

I'm holding on, and don't stop if i fall While love is a wonderful past time how do you know its real. Everyone thinks their in love till the bells and whistle seist to scretch. And then comes to confrontation the possible mutilation of trust and brushes from fist. So your out of love horny and looking for sex. Go ahead fuck your mind out through your genitle, forget to search for a ...

1 Comments, 16 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
rm_msarsty 66 C
1  Article
Jealousy...   11/5/2006

A thought that produces an emotion must generate its physical equivalent. The physical equivalent is the action, or outlet, for every thought generated emotion. The physical equivalent may be as mild and undetectable as a cell or body system reaction, or as strong as a fight or flight response. If jealous thoughts are produced by your actively thinking mind, in this case your ego ...

0 Comments, 44 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
love   11/5/2006

How can you tell if you find a person that you love and they dont love you

2 Comments, 49 Views, 2 Votes ,2.42 Score
love   11/4/2006

Love is a myth!

1 Comments, 34 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
tastypuz29 41 F
3  Articles
what is it really?   10/23/2006

I am against love for right now, it is not like it use to be, sex seem to be less painful .

2 Comments, 59 Views, 4 Votes ,1.69 Score
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
discreet   10/21/2006

has anyone fallen in love with a discreet partner they had on this?

2 Comments, 83 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
anybody found love   10/21/2006

i was just wondering how many people have found someone on this site they actually love.

4 Comments, 71 Views, 7 Votes ,3.55 Score
rm_icuyumyum 64 M
9  Articles
Love or Sex?   10/16/2006

How many people are here to find love? Or are you here because your horny and want to get laid?

4 Comments, 59 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
rm__seth01 49 M
6  Articles
What is Love??   10/13/2006

No Tell Me.. I have 4 girlfriends. advise me.. please.. and i have 1 wife.. WHAT DO YOU THINK LOVE IS??? My girlfriends have 2 bouyfrinds Please advise me.. ...

0 Comments, 36 Views, 4 Votes ,0.92 Score
rm_tjswan7899 41 M
2  Articles
Why look 4 Love at Sex site?   10/10/2006

This question is 4 the Ladies here"Why look 4 Love at Sex site?" I'm not it should be done but why, i don't understand when it's all about the ass!!! Help plz....

9 Comments, 81 Views, 4 Votes ,2.08 Score
snugglebaby33 41 F
6  Articles
Love more than your hubby   10/10/2006

Can a happily married women that loves her husband love another man too? Or is there another word for it? My good friend, "friends with benefits" friend whom ive known since forever, we spend alot of time together alone and with other people, including my husband, I know that i love hime as a friend, but i also feel lover for him in my heart, is this wrong? or because of this lifestyle ...

2 Comments, 200 Views, 7 Votes ,3.80 Score
shortsweet69693 38 F
3  Articles
LOVE SUCKS   10/5/2006

ever one is so quick to say i love you but no one realy thinks about what it meens

0 Comments, 15 Views, 0 Votes
rm_freak4u8 39 M
12  Articles
When do you know   10/3/2006

When do you know for a fact that you love a person.

1 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes
11inches4u1980 44 M
4  Articles
LOVE HAS NO PRICE?   10/3/2006

Can we find true love on

0 Comments, 32 Views, 1 Votes
rm_ez2eat80 53 C
1  Article
Taking for granted the ones we truly love.   9/25/2006

I received an email from a member about a conversation he had with a woman about finding your true love or sole mate. My reaction to his "conclusion" caused me to spew words and feelings of sadness that suffocates me. It went a little like this.... It is so strange that upon reading the conclusion, or should I say extremely inconlusive conclusion, that you came to as to wheter a true ...

0 Comments, 63 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
bc209670 36 M
11  Articles
Commonly Misunderstood   9/24/2006

Love is a term I find that is commonly misused. Whether it is by fathers or mothers or brothers or sisters. But most oftens it is by significant others. They use it to hold on to either something familiar or to avoid loneliness. This eventually leads to even more pain then they were trying to avoid. For alot of people it is an easy way out sort of like saying your sorry. No longer can ...

1 Comments, 35 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
PrttyJeweldPssy 50 F
2  Articles
Love and Sex (What's the confusion)   9/24/2006

As far back as I can remember and for as long as I have been alive I have heard "Why buy the cow when the milk is free", "Men don't marry those kind of girls", "Sex without marriage is not going to be satisfying". Lord knows I could go on and on with the saying and myths and plain ole bullshit that we females are fed from our earliest memories as if some how these subliminal ...

14 Comments, 758 Views, 30 Votes ,7.26 Score
iwantu2wantme82 32 F
5  Articles
1st Year   9/21/2006

It was my babe and i wedding anniversary last night and OMG, was it fun..I must say that was the best sex i ever had..I love being married, now i just need a sexy female..

3 Comments, 113 Views, 6 Votes ,3.93 Score
lust or love   9/12/2006

knowing that kiss don't lie why do people still mistake lust for love if the only thing that makes you want to deal with that person is sex its lust if that persons sex isn't that good an you still stay around now that might be love tell me wheres the confusion in that

4 Comments, 35 Views, 1 Votes ,3.70 Score
What is the difference between sex and love?   9/11/2006

I really want to know. I think I'm in love, but sex is all I look forward to. Is there supposed to be more? How do you know if you found that special someone? Is it that funny feeling in your gut when you are going to meet them, or is that just bad shrimp?

2 Comments, 71 Views, 4 Votes ,3.63 Score
BradS1000F 44 M
1  Article
Doing it right   8/26/2006

Whys it so hard for some people to find one person and stay with one person. I think its because of our hunter philosophy. Theres nothing more fun than the hunt to get some ass. And theres nothing like another notch on the bedpost.

1 Comments, 31 Views, 3 Votes ,0.98 Score
Found from so far away.   8/23/2006

All this talk of love and no answers. You know I don't think it can be answered, only felt. There are thousands of stories in this wide world about love, and they all have a different take. We can talk about love all day and turn blue in the face trying to explain it, but I don't think it can be talked into a box for understanding. Love is mysterious, maddening, heart ...

4 Comments, 74 Views, 5 Votes ,4.45 Score
ireliamhandsome 34 M
1  Article
would it be different?   8/21/2006

if 50 different women each had a turn at sucking one dick would each women have the same satisfaction from the dick or would it go as each girl has there go?

2 Comments, 36 Views, 3 Votes ,3.92 Score
voyeurs69in2003 73 C
107  Articles
7 wonders of the World   8/20/2006

Students were asked to say what they thought were SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD. The following received most votes: 1. Egyptian Pyramids 2. Taj Mahal 3. Grand Canyon 4. Panama Canal 5. Empire State Building 6. St. Peter's Basilica 7. China's great Wall While gathering the votes, teacher noted that one student has not finished her task yet. So she asked the girl if she was having ...

1 Comments, 87 Views, 8 Votes ,6.03 Score
undercoverGuy62 62 M
1  Article
Is it possible to distinguish between love and sex?   8/8/2006

It's an age-old question isn't it? Why is it that I can have sex with somebody and not feel any particular affection for them? It's still fun and is rewarding in its own way. On the other hand, I love my spouse, but don't feel a great urge to have sex with her. It's still good when we do and she seems to get a lot out of it, but for me, that excitement is just not there. Nevertheless, I ...

4 Comments, 141 Views, 5 Votes ,3.14 Score
I do not think love is for me.   8/6/2006

It seems these day womens do not want lone , they is looking for money. The average lady have had sex with over 50 mens by the time they reach 20 yrs old.

1 Comments, 38 Views, 4 Votes ,0.92 Score
0  Articles


1 Comments, 96 Views, 2 Votes ,3.81 Score
dasweetheartz21 36 F
1  Article
A single rose meaning a lonely beautiful women   7/30/2006

I learned today what a single rose to me means. I got that by when a man sends u a single rose not to mean it but it ends up the same all the time. It means that ur always gonna be beautiful and lonely cause i wont be here for long. And a bunch of roses means ur not going to be lonely for long cause i want to be with u. Does anyone understand what i mean by ...

3 Comments, 193 Views, 7 Votes ,5.33 Score
2lvsecretly 61 F
4  Articles
True Love and Soul Mates   7/27/2006

How many can remember their high school sweetheart? How many have been in several relationships since then looking for their soul mate to find out that they were still looking? This is a true story from my sister I remember my first seriuos relationship in high school and how we both thought that we were so in love with each other and several times over the last 22 years we tried to ...

1 Comments, 93 Views, 5 Votes ,3.47 Score
Love is a good thing   7/25/2006

Love is a good thing everybody must be in love is soo good, if you marriag and there is no love you won't be is soo special thing.

0 Comments, 50 Views, 0 Votes
rm_King31M 53 M
1  Article
Is LOVE a kind business relationship?   7/24/2006

Do you think love without any desire exists? Do you think we love only for Love? If love is without any desire than why it dies after some time? Can`t we say love is also a kind of business relation?

2 Comments, 74 Views, 0 Votes
rm_Grizz06 54 M
1  Article
Looking into the eyes of love   7/22/2006

I am a man. Plain and simple. Not a "guy", or a "player". Yes, I have been to those places of life where being the typical guy took over, but that was brought on by the agonizing loss of my first great love. That makes me human... so they say. I knew better than to have misled anyone just to be "getting some". My mother raised a better man than that. Fortunately I was able to see what I ...

1 Comments, 172 Views, 3 Votes ,2.94 Score
love and lust are very diffrent yet important.   7/20/2006

There seems to be some confusion on the issue of love. What it is? How to get it and keep it.and wether sexual need has any thing or everything to do with it. now i am still trying to figure this one out. But this is just a thought, There is a huge differance between the way women feel about love and men, and what they include in that definition, men are ...

2 Comments, 84 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
TallnBlonded 51 F
2  Articles
Real Love Returns   7/20/2006

An old favorite poem I loved as a ....... <br> <br> If you love something.....set it free..... <br> If it comes back to you......its yours.... <br> If it never was.

6 Comments, 250 Views, 13 Votes ,3.81 Score
When the night falls.....   7/11/2006

When the night falls, that incredible loneliness creeps back in.... Another insomnia....there has to be a relief.......... where do I go to find happiness? Some may say you find happiness from within yourself...but how? I am no different than most people, the longing for that special person, a soul mate, whom I could connect intellectually, emotionally and physically...someone who won't ...

5 Comments, 127 Views, 6 Votes ,5.93 Score
angelredhot469 57 F
1  Article
Mindy's Favorite Room   7/3/2006

Mindy was a pretty little girl with golden locks and bright blue eyes. Her daddy was rich, very rich and if Mindy wanted something all she had to do was to ask for it.

Mindy and her dad took vacations on the French Riviera or in the Caribbean or anywhere Mindy wanted. Mindy’s mom left when she was a baby and her dad was sad and lonely. He never dated. Mindy liked ...

1 Comments, 317 Views, 12 Votes ,4.92 Score
none   6/28/2006

There is no such thing as love.......... for real. I don't think so???

0 Comments, 24 Views, 3 Votes
Confusion   6/22/2006

I am truely at a loss, exactly what are men looking for these days. I have been raised by the old opinion that women should care for the home, haveing learned how unrealistic that is in this day and age im perfictly capable of seeing a woman working and all that. but i think i still feel their are men out there who would not be entirely against a woman caring for them and thier needs. I am ...

0 Comments, 100 Views, 8 Votes ,3.94 Score
5 signs you're in love....   6/21/2006

1-as soon as you get online - whos name do you look for first 2-when you hear your phone ringing - who do you hope it is calling 3-when a love song comes on the radio - whos face comes to your mind 4-whos name makes your heart skip a beat every time you hear it 5-who is it that you always find yourself thinking about - wondering if they are thinking about you

0 Comments, 112 Views, 14 Votes ,3.94 Score
rm_sddscpl 66 C
0  Articles
the light   6/21/2006

It seems a million years ago when I was young it was so easy to love and trust complete as in a ’s life.
Years travel by as the disguise of love and trust revealing the lies.
Thinking over the years gone by, do I dare try one more time?
As time flies by, again willing to try. This time of trust, but no light of love. Till the trust crashes in a ball of ...

0 Comments, 72 Views, 6 Votes ,4.22 Score
rm_ChinaXXX3k 41 F
3  Articles
IM IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER!!!!   6/15/2006


2 Comments, 114 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
9879742468 35 M
1  Article
Love & Sexual interests ?   6/8/2006

I want to know some information from each and everybody.Any girl/women or man can contact me.
1. For man is the love is much imp or sex.If sex then can man live without love.And if love then can man live without sex ?
2. Why we always give imp to sex and not love.Or why we give imp to love but not sex ?
3. I want to know suggestions from you all.What is most imp ...

0 Comments, 32 Views, 0 Votes
StrokingDeeper 58 M
5  Articles
What to do...   6/4/2006

If you love someone but are not getting any at home, is it bad to want to find someone to fullfill that part of your life?

1 Comments, 39 Views, 1 Votes ,2.40 Score
niceandthick1 51 M
1  Article
Are women really looking for love on this site?   5/31/2006

Just curious. It seems like on some of the profiles that a lot of the single women who place ads (the ones that aren't fake anyway) are looking for a husband/serious boyfriend. How many women on here think they can really find a soulmate here?

1 Comments, 146 Views, 5 Votes ,4.45 Score


0 Comments, 71 Views, 7 Votes ,5.08 Score
drewgond 41 M
1  Article
can you find true lone on   5/13/2006


1 Comments, 81 Views, 2 Votes ,1.04 Score
nascarbaby2 55 F
16  Articles
please help me out....   5/12/2006

I am w/ this guy i have been seeing for alittle over a year now. i need your help please in helping me figure out if this guy really loves me or is he using me for his dirty work? This is it ok i do everything as far as the house work, laundry, grocery shopping, take trash out, clean and mow the yard, pay the bills but he gives me the money to go pay them, i cook and it seems like i ...

6 Comments, 261 Views, 14 Votes ,0.10 Score
nascarbaby2 55 F
16  Articles
Would you still love someone even if they didn't want sex?   5/11/2006

I would but it would be really hard for me because i am a sex freak...So how do you feel about this issue?

0 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes
tightass2fuck689 32 T
2  Articles
does this exist?   5/4/2006

does this kind of thing exist? is there any possible cases that there could be true love happens between a ladyboy and a man for real? does it exist?

2 Comments, 288 Views, 16 Votes ,4.01 Score
pcplo 42 M
2  Articles
do you   4/30/2006

do you belive on finding love on a site like this.

3 Comments, 133 Views, 9 Votes ,3.43 Score