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Treating a Women Right 4/3/2008 Be compassionate and understanding. Women like men who are compassionate and understanding and someone who always cares. A woman wants to be able to say in her mind, "Oh what a nice guy." A woman want 0 Comments, 30 Views, 0 Votes | |
Condoms 4/1/2008 The best condoms for anal and vaginal intercourse are lubricated latex condoms. lambskin condoms don’t block HIV and STDs. Polyurethane condoms are good, but may not protect as well as latex 0 Comments, 42 Views, 0 Votes | |
How to Impress a Women 4/1/2008 I personally think that most men feel a very powerful desire to IMPRESS women. If you watch the way a man behaves when he's talking to a woman he's just met or a woman that he's on a first date with, 0 Comments, 34 Views, 0 Votes | |
Sucks to Break Up 4/1/2008 You have to make it clear to yourself that this may not be entirely your fault - or not your fault at all. Really thinking about the reasons it ended can make it clearer to you that it takes two peopl 0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes |