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Articles by mighty_guy23

mighty_guy23 34 M
4  Articles
Rock hard ABS   6/23/2008

Could someone give me some tips on getting a six pack? I find it difficult to strengten my lower abs, any tips?

0 Comments, 81 Views, 0 Votes
mighty_guy23 34 M
4  Articles
Last longer   6/7/2008

Is there any way to enhance the duration of sex before we ejaculate?

0 Comments, 87 Views, 0 Votes
mighty_guy23 34 M
4  Articles
1st date   5/19/2008

Is sex on the 1st date advisable?

0 Comments, 43 Views, 0 Votes
mighty_guy23 34 M
4  Articles
Condoms   5/19/2008

Is condom usage a deterent for some people? Is it a turn-off?

0 Comments, 69 Views, 0 Votes