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Articles by SuzukiEnduroGuy

SuzukiEnduroGuy 41 M
4  Articles
If this love were enough   12/12/2007

If this love were enough

Oh if this love could calm the storm, such an Ocean of glass

If this love could return your lost and wayward soul, A Titanic undertaking for sure

0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes
SuzukiEnduroGuy 41 M
4  Articles
Heaven can wait   9/10/2007

Kissed by soft lips and held by your arms Long soft hair caress my cheek Finally heaven can wait for my soul Right here, right now is the only place I will be My hands trace down your back Curves hand

0 Comments, 25 Views, 0 Votes
SuzukiEnduroGuy 41 M
4  Articles
My not so humble opinion of a friends situation   9/7/2007

Glass Dancer

My glass dancer in my glass armoire so delicate, so lovely She dances like majesty, perfectly trained to dance with such perfection Gently I turn the key in the lock and my hands

0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes
SuzukiEnduroGuy 41 M
4  Articles
Just a taste (One step taken)   9/5/2007

One step taken, one more flower left Like bread crumbs left so I know where we have been Love lost like a soldier shot in the night A strong hold taken, one more victim of our anger

0 Comments, 22 Views, 0 Votes