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fun site 3/3/2014 This site is a very enjoyable site. You get to meet a lot of interesting people. You also get a lot of info on various subjects on what people are looking for in sex, sexually desires and on how to me 0 Comments, 18 Views, 0 Votes | |
info 2/23/2014 I have received a lot of great info on this site.There are a lot of very insightful and thoughtful people her. Being new to the site I was unsure on what was going on. As I looked around and stopped a 0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes | |
relationships 2/18/2014 There are a lot of fun exciting things to do on this site but I think building a relationship is quiet difficult.I would think most people are to busy having fun on this site they really don;t want to 0 Comments, 51 Views, 0 Votes | |
scammers 2/17/2014 How do you tell a scam from an actual profile. Ive run across what I think was a scam. Is there and way to tell.I would appreciate some in sight.I know that the site screens scams, but I'm sure some m 0 Comments, 188 Views, 0 Votes | |
dating site 2/16/2014 I find dating site to be both exciting and amusing.On one hand the exiting part is meeting new people and learning from their sexually experiences.The blogs and post are very helpful in understanding 0 Comments, 9 Views, 0 Votes |