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Articles by bongo2577

bongo2577 46 M
3  Articles
The rules from the male side   6/10/2007

We always hear "the rules" from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules! Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON P

0 Comments, 216 Views, 0 Votes
bongo2577 46 M
3  Articles
Grandma Loves Oranges   6/9/2007

A young teenaged girl was a and, for obvious reasons, kept it a secret from her Grandma. One day, the police raided a brothel and arrested a group of prostitutes, including the young girl.


0 Comments, 84 Views, 0 Votes
bongo2577 46 M
3  Articles
There is always a way   6/9/2007

Karen lost her husband almost four years ago and still hasn't gotten out of her mourning stage. Her is constantly calling her and urging her to get back into the world. Finally, Karen says she'd go o

0 Comments, 97 Views, 0 Votes
bongo2577 46 M
3  Articles
Finish the old stories....   5/1/2007

Little boy goes to his father and asks, "Daddy, how was I born?"

The father answers: "Well, , I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat ro

0 Comments, 113 Views, 0 Votes
bongo2577 46 M
3  Articles
MAKE THE WOMAN HAPPY!!!   5/1/2007

In the world of romance, one single rule applies:


Do something she likes and you get points. Do something she dislikes and points are subtracted. You don't ge

0 Comments, 94 Views, 0 Votes
bongo2577 46 M
3  Articles
golf course   5/1/2007

Question: Do you know the most difficult Golf Course in this world?

Answer: “Woman’s hole” No matter how many strokes or style u play, your balls will never go in!

0 Comments, 50 Views, 0 Votes
bongo2577 46 M
3  Articles
some parents know where are their priorities   5/1/2007

An 18 year-old girl tells her Mum that she has missed her period for two months. Very worried, the mother goes to the Chemist and buys a pregnancy kit. The test result shows that the girl is pregnant.

0 Comments, 193 Views, 0 Votes