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dealing with nothing 9/19/2017 I wish there was a way to know if this is a game or real... To talk and plan things then receive nothing. Can people just say I do not want this or I can not at this time. I could deal with that bet 0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes | |
get started 9/19/2017 what is a good way to do this with out having any jealousies 0 Comments, 21 Views, 0 Votes | |
Help 9/6/2017 When you meet someone on line for a first date, do most do it in public and have a friend show up? what other precautions do people use to make sure it is not a safety issue or a disaster? 0 Comments, 16 Views, 0 Votes | |
risk 9/6/2017 Do women love the thought of a man using protection until she knows he is clean and safe? That he puts her safety first. 0 Comments, 12 Views, 0 Votes | |
friends 9/6/2017 Is it ever possible to break up and remain friends. I know it hurts to be a friend to a pass lover. Has anyone ever been able to manage this? 0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes |