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Relationship 12/17/2019 What are the things that you need to start off a relationship? 0 Comments, 21 Views, 0 Votes | |
Protection 12/4/2019 Quick question, I know this is kind of silly and stupid at the time but do people still use protection when having sex or not ? 0 Comments, 29 Views, 0 Votes | |
Messages 12/2/2019 Has everyone been having problem with the IM messages lately. I know that the IM messages is not the same as it use be back then. Even then, there has been a couple of moments that messages works and 0 Comments, 1 Views, 0 Votes | |
Meeting and Demand 11/19/2019 I was wondering about this question that I have in my mind for a while now. When you meet someone for the first time online and after a couple of messages, you and the person wanted start a slow rela 0 Comments, 73 Views, 0 Votes | |
IM Response 10/28/2019 Have anyone got the feeling that when you send someone a message through IM, you don't get a respond back from them at all? I felt that there's moment that when I sent someone an IM message, I 0 Comments, 4 Views, 0 Votes |