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Craziest online encounter 3/7/2019 Look we have all had them, and sometimes they are funny some.....not so much. <br><br> I have and still love phone sex but there are the times where I get confused by the woman telling me 0 Comments, 3 Views, 0 Votes | |
We all have them 3/4/2019 So what was the one encounter sexually that was your funniest? It could be a masturbation story or sexual encounter that got really fucked up. Would love to know and see how the funny and the freaky 0 Comments, 76 Views, 0 Votes | |
Black and Loves Raceplay 2/27/2019 Now outside this medium I am extremely liberal and have no desires to be anything but a black man but the story of what happen.... So several years ago actually 15 years ago I owned a slave. She was 0 Comments, 230 Views, 0 Votes |