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tell 1/27/2007 any stories tell here guys. 0 Comments, 96 Views, 0 Votes | |
losing weight 1/27/2007 I have designed a programe for people to lose 15kg in 2.5 months in a safe way and only altering eating habits slightly there is only a 1 months period of difficult dieting but if you eat well its 0 Comments, 52 Views, 0 Votes | |
what type are you 11/19/2006 If you feel your ex partner has broken your heart or has treated you bad or just they dont want to be with u and u can handle that, do you aviod them and just say hello or never speak to them again 0 Comments, 15 Views, 0 Votes | |
how long do you wait before u have sex 11/19/2006 When does waiting for sex turn from not rushing to this is not going to happen. 0 Comments, 127 Views, 0 Votes | |
whats the most exciting story 11/19/2006 tell a stort true or not about the most romantic and original act of romance. 0 Comments, 67 Views, 0 Votes | |
ever heard of platonic relationship 11/16/2006 Recently I heard of a woman who was in love with a guy but only wanted a platonic relationship as she was in love mentally with him anyone ever heard of that? 0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes | |
who you know 11/14/2006 Anyone ever dated a woman then found out she was your school teacher and she holds her age well, any other stories. 0 Comments, 31 Views, 0 Votes | |
culture 11/8/2006 Is it normal in Japan for women to think its taboo to have a relationship with a younger man even if the age difference is only 5 years? 0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes | |
if a girl doesnt kiss 11/8/2006 How do you break the ice if u try and kiss a girl on first date and she doesnt respond, anyone with a funny story about this. 0 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes |