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Articles by Yumee6969

Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
workout   6/30/2005

sex is a great way to increase your stamina and burn calories. You burn 100 calories every time you have sex ( based on a 10-15 min session). but if you work out in general, you will perform better

0 Comments, 70 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
Choices   6/30/2005

you should never do something that does not feel right. who cares what others think, it only matters how you feel. you should never let someone control you unless its in a playful way. sex is not e

0 Comments, 25 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
wild love?   6/30/2005

Whats better sex or love. love can be the best because you can feel what the other person feels but hot wild sex can rule because you get lost int eh moment. I guess it really depends on what ty

0 Comments, 74 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
Love or sex   6/30/2005

I once thought that the swinger life was the best in the world. I dreamed about being with lots of girls everynight. The i broke up with my gf of 2 and 1/2 years and started to live my "dream". M

0 Comments, 866 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
You never know   6/30/2005

So this one night, i was at a party in town, and this drunk bitch was all over everyone. After a while and a few beers later, this girl started heading my way. So this girl was not a bad looking gi

0 Comments, 2076 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
NO   6/30/2005

Being a man, when I say no to someone, they listen and dont argue. But it seems that men dont listen when women say no. It is hard to judge a book by its cover, but it is dangerous to open a boo

0 Comments, 70 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
no more give away babies   6/29/2005

Why dont people just wear condoms or take some other form of contraceptive? There are enough people in the world, unwonted ones should not have to suffer through life because someone else was too s

0 Comments, 57 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
Condoms   6/29/2005

Safe sex is essential in the 21st century with all of the std scares yet people still have unprotected sex. I think that people who have std's should have to wear somesort of a tag or some other fo

0 Comments, 49 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
Kisses muah!   6/29/2005

If you kiss a guy on the first date, does that mean your planning to do more with the guy in the future? I have often asked women this but they are hesitant to answer. I dont understand how a girl

0 Comments, 158 Views, 0 Votes
Yumee6969 38 M
8  Articles
What is the best way   6/29/2005

I often find that it is really hard to break up because you dont want to hurt the other person. Should it be done in person or over the phone or some other impersonel way?

0 Comments, 111 Views, 0 Votes