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Articles by GreatMuffDriver

GreatMuffDriver 35 M
7  Articles
Still a virgin!?   8/23/2006

This is probably the hardest (and most potentally embarrising)question I have ever asked. What do you ladies think/feel about a guy still being a virgin at 26? and the main reason why is to save fo

0 Comments, 86 Views, 0 Votes
GreatMuffDriver 35 M
7  Articles
What's your "geek rank"?   8/23/2006

On the 1 to 10 scale, how do you rate yourself on your computer skills? i am 10 out of 10 for gameing and skills

0 Comments, 11 Views, 0 Votes
GreatMuffDriver 35 M
7  Articles
Has anyone ever used ice cubes for sex?   8/1/2006

dont mean running an ice cube around a nipple, "all though fellas that does seem too get the ladies going"! I mean putting ice cubes in a vagina and then getting it on!

The way it

0 Comments, 422 Views, 0 Votes
GreatMuffDriver 35 M
7  Articles
Vibrating Ring   8/1/2006

This unique new product fits comfortably at the base of the penis, emitting erotic vibrations that both partners will enjoy. It's expandable silicone ring helps to maintain a harder erection and wi

0 Comments, 55 Views, 0 Votes
GreatMuffDriver 35 M
7  Articles
Should Porn be shared or viewed alone?   8/1/2006

What do people think about video pornography?
Should films be watched together when in a relationship; or should these be viewed secretly and the other person in the relationship not know

0 Comments, 20 Views, 0 Votes
GreatMuffDriver 35 M
7  Articles
Virginity   8/1/2006

Why is it not okay for a guy to be a Virgin but it is okay for a woman to be one

0 Comments, 36 Views, 0 Votes
GreatMuffDriver 35 M
7  Articles
Do Woman Found Guys or Girls Sexy If They are Virgins   8/1/2006

OK guys i got a topic for the girls me and my mate (who is Virgin) are have abit of a chat and have a few beers and i say too him that woman found guys who have;t had sex before sexy a

0 Comments, 35 Views, 0 Votes