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some tips from personal experiance 1/5/2007 - longer fore play ONLY for exciting partners, for less exciting ones, go in action directly before losing interest - Changing positions is mandatory for more excitement and less boredome, also it 0 Comments, 43 Views, 0 Votes | |
Fitness - mandatory to enjoyable sex 1/5/2007 Fitness and sports are real enabler to ejoyable longer sex experiance. two benefits for sprots and fitness: - it enhances the blood circulation, thus more blood flow to the genitals and stonger ere 0 Comments, 17 Views, 0 Votes | |
It's not always wise 1/5/2007 Unless you have a good reason, it's not wise to say no thanks, maybe the ofer you turned is a really good thing and you don't know what you missed. before you say it think the following: "No than 0 Comments, 17 Views, 0 Votes | |
LOVE -- is it there or just illusions 1/5/2007 I think love is just illusions or an internal state of mind and emotions that one like to live with. but I don't think there a real mutual love that lasts forever. with the real strong test this so 0 Comments, 24 Views, 0 Votes | |
Swinging -- effect on long term relations 1/5/2007 Swinging is a healthy test to your long term relation. If you try it, find it interesting , addict it and can't stop, this means your long term relation is missing something and you are not really 0 Comments, 158 Views, 0 Votes | |
what to do in a first date 1/5/2007 NOTHING... absolutely nothing. based on my experience doing anything that's not you in the first date will back fire to you later. So my successful relations all startd with doing nothing in the fi 0 Comments, 40 Views, 0 Votes | |
it's a real construction - not just building 1/5/2007 Building a relationship is really like a construction process. It needs a really stable and strong base. This is the stage where both partners need to focus more if they decide to have a serious re 0 Comments, 21 Views, 0 Votes | |
Breaking up - wanto to get back 1/5/2007 knowing a new partner is never a real problem. The real one is breaking up. What both partners feel at these momnets is very confusing. Do you really want to break up? if yes, would ou consider get 0 Comments, 43 Views, 0 Votes |