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Articles by zande_r553

zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
discreet   10/21/2006

has anyone fallen in love with a discreet partner they had on this?

0 Comments, 83 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
quick?   10/21/2006

how long has it taken u all to find someone on this site that u did something with.

0 Comments, 23 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
most you have done   10/21/2006

whats the most someone has had sex during one day

0 Comments, 32 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
anybody found love   10/21/2006

i was just wondering how many people have found someone on this site they actually love.

0 Comments, 71 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
how to say no   10/20/2006

if a girl u dont find attractive contacts u how do u say no without being an ass

0 Comments, 92 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
condoms   10/20/2006

to girls, which condoms feel the best to you?

0 Comments, 97 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
public   10/20/2006

how many of u have had sex in public?

0 Comments, 420 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
craziest break up   10/20/2006

whats the best and worst ways to break up with someone

0 Comments, 35 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
sleeping on first date   10/20/2006

how many girls have had sex on the first date, and did u like it?

0 Comments, 139 Views, 0 Votes
zande_r553 37 M
10  Articles
virgins   10/20/2006

to girls, if a guys a virign about 18, do u like that or hate it?

0 Comments, 21 Views, 0 Votes