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rm_joechang22 60 / M
"For you eyes only !!"
Tao-yuan-hsien, Taiwan, Taiwan
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Last Visit: More than 3 months
Member Since: January 8, 2015

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rm_joechang22 60/M
Tao-yuan-hsien, Taiwan , Taiwan
以下拙作, 只與有千年緣份的你 無限網際中, 伊人尋尋與覓覓, 在徬徨孤寂中, 在芳心空許處, 輕輕嘆婉, 獨自神傷, 見錙銖片語而欣喜, 感柔腸情深而歡顏, 為悸動言情而垂淚, 擁真心流露而神往, 輾轉難眠, 午夜徘徊, 若問何人為此困, 乃我深情佳人也! 寒夜寤寐中, 佳人朝朝與暮暮, 在寧靜無語中, 在獨守空閨處, 緩緩挽鬢, 鏡照虛空, 見儷影翩翩而展顏, 感情真意切而笑懷, 為語珠無限而印記, 擁衷情款款而無以, 形影不移, 迴盪難平, 若問何人為此樂, 乃我鍾愛寶貝也! ------------- 情深深,意切切,從來郎情妾意兩遙望, 日日夜夜朝與暮,日起月昇天地久, 思柔柔,念綿綿,自古佳人才子常相伴, 歲歲年年春和秋,花開花落無盡期, 卿心如我我如卿, 恬淡滋味畫心頭, 纏綿悱惻捲愛戀, 翻雲覆雨繞溫柔, 媚眼朦朧玉肌軟, 嬌嗔欲滴垂愛憐, 良夜連理衷相護, 但願黎明不要來. ------------- 1.秋陽麗天清涼風, 和煦柔情纏詩意, 多少愛憐入夢中, 徹夜輾轉恩愛眠. 2.美目傳情挑愛憐, 笑語藏機戰激情, 峰峰飄香水蕩漾, 一柱擎天慰芳心. ------------- 這一夜, 你開了千年宿緣, 只為心喜, 眾裡尋我一絲氣息. 這一月, 你回首前塵往事, 只為心愛, 人海觸摸我的指紋. 這一年, 你難抑胸濤澎拜, 只為圓夢, 傾臉貼著我的溫柔. 這一世, 你仰望上蒼祈求, 只為相遇, 今生緣路與我相遇, 這一瞬, 你傾盡所有愛意, 只為長久, 保佑我倆平安喜樂. 這一天, 你奉獻處女之心, 只為心喜, 眾裡尋我一絲氣息. 這一月, 你開啟封閉心扉, 只為心愛, 人海觸摸我的指紋. 這一年, 你張臂環抱我身, 只為圓夢, 傾臉貼著我的溫柔. 這一世, 你烙印最愛至誠, 只為相思, 夢迴深情款款香吻, 這一瞬, 你赤裸坦誠相擁, 只為長久, 融化我倆恩愛纏綿. 這一日, 你奉獻純潔之身, 只為心喜, 領我探尋深幽秘谷. 這一月, 你狂吻炙熱真情, 只為心愛, 留存不滅敏情印誓. 這一年, 你酥胸貼附肌親, 只為圓夢, 傳遞體溫綻放溫柔. 這一世. 你狂風磨嘶輪轉, 只為相愛, 吸收生命菁華孕育. 這一刻, 你騰空迴旋昇華, 只為永恆, 水乳交融春情蕩漾. ------------- You are the one who date with me before thousand years ago. You are the one who made me done not drink the Lethe water. You are the one who made me have mark under my left bra.. You are the one who made me immerse in the Lethe river alone thousand years. You are the one who made me torment in the Lethe river alone thousand years. You are the one our birthday match 6 hearts above. You are the one who light up my life. You are the one who I want make you happy in my life. You are the one who I want beside you in my life. You are the one who I want carry on you all in my life. You are the one who will make me to immerse in one more times. ------------- ~The most romantic thing~ Sitting back each other relying on the carpet, Talking our desire during listening music, I want you more and more gentle and tenderly, You want me to put you in my mind, I said, want to send you a romantic dream, Thank you I found heaven with, Even a lifetime to complete, I remember your words as long as no forget about, I can think of the most romantic thing, Is getting old with you, Collection bit by bit of laughter along the way, Remain to chat a later sitting in a rocking chair, I can think of the most romantic thing, Is getting old with you, Until we are old and can't going anywhere, Still put you on my hands and mind as a treasure. ------------- 具備AV按摩棒性能的大叔 1.你相信Dick有能上下振動幾百下嗎? 2.你相信有帶套超過1~2小時還自己解決的傢伙嗎? 3.你相信有能讓你三十分鐘高潮射精洩三次嗎? 4.你相信有挺起能撐兩條濕毛巾達一分鐘以上的傢伙嗎? 5.你相信只有17公分長的性愛高手嗎? 6.你相信有粗度適中, 長短合意,能溫柔的在你14公分位置,讓你嬌嫩甜美,歡愉不斷,高潮迭起的傢伙嗎?

My Ideal Person 好笑嗎? 哈! 對不起, 只能給千年緣份唯一最愛的你!

我欲與卿相惜,長生無日月. 天地崩,星斗驟隕,夏雪漫漫,冬電閃,千年老,仍未與卿絕。 長相憶,長相憶,長相憶。 相愛是緣,相惜若綿,相見卻難。 人海茫茫,唯有靈犀共纏綿. 因無奈, 龍鳴鳳難和,故寫詞託,寄雲書,現眼簾。 盼的一人愛, 牽手共偕老。

Have you ever had cybersex?:
No way. I only want skin on skin.

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  • 60 / male
  • Tao-yuan-hsien, Taiwan, Taiwan
Sexual Orientation:
Looking For:  Women
Birthdate: March 22, 1964
Relocate?: Maybe/Yes
Marital Status: Divorced
Height: 172-175 cm
Body Type: Athletic
Smoking: I'm a light/social smoker
Drinking: I'm a light/social drinker
Drugs: I don't use drugs
Education: BA/BS (4 years college)
Race: Asian
Religion: Prefer not to say
Have Children: Yes. We do not live together.
Want Children: Yes
Swinger Type: Prefer not to say
Male Endowment: Average/Thick
Circumcised: No
Speaks: Chinese (Mandarin), English
Hair Color: Red/Auburn
Hair Length: Crewcut
Eye Color: Black
Glasses or Contacts: Glasses
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